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Everything posted by 93LSOwner

  1. JOHNNY WE HAVE A WINNER. :P even though he might have cheated and looked back at the old post :P
  2. HAHAHA.........this one was posted a little before you joined I believe. I took out the logos from the steering wheel. What is the top one? its another Lexus........or is it...............let's see if you can figure out what it is. ;)
  3. I think comparing two cars is just ridiculous. BUT, Which one is the Lexus? Bottom or top *from a pervious topic, about the same pointless issue
  4. Which one is the Ford? ← The top one. That ES looks a gazillion times better.
  5. Not to burst your bubble, but this is the third time this link has been posted. I was the first ;)
  6. I'm 5'9" and weigh 145 pounds. So, I'm kind of small. I hate seeing people and me driving a car with the steering wheel covering my face. I like to sit up and see over the hood. :D So, the seat is pulled all the way up!
  7. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=11775
  8. Blake, OH....I'm not sure if you have mentioned it..........how did the RX fit you? Didn't you test drive one a while ago? After exams.....its time to test the GX and LX bud. B)
  9. Blake, after reading the first post..........it sounded like a bug was about to be added to your car collection. I’m 5'9" and I fit into the LS perfectly, except my lower back kind of hurts after about 25-30 minutes...........
  10. That's what I assumed to SK, I guess we all are suppose to know what the IS is suppose to look like. :whistles:
  11. OH MAN IT SHO DOES. p.s. The URL address of the picture reads: http://www.pontiac.com/g6/images/enlarge_image101.jpg
  12. A nice video: http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Featu...rticleId=105484 Video highlights: (link to video is beneath the picture slideshow) http://www.edmunds.com/news/autoshow/artic...6/page004.html#
  13. I'm guessing you haven't driven it!? :whistles:
  14. What I told him was that the pump is most likely causing the problem before we took the car in. And he specifically stated that the pump is not causing anything and it is good.
  15. I'm going to make a list of things you guys mention and tell him to do them, even if he says it is going to cost a little more. <_< Get it done and fixed at one time. :) Keep the list going.................................. Oh in the mean time, he filled the fluid up for until Monday, and the car is back to normal.........for now.
  16. That sounds good. He is going to recieve the parts on Monday and start working on it then. I did not talk with the guy, my brother mentioned that he is going to rebuild or replace something, maybe you guys know what he meant!? I'll be sure to mention that when he takes the car back, is there anything else I should tell the mechanic to do, like if there is anything else that needs to be changed or replaced so the car will not give me trouble with this issue again. Thanks.
  17. The mechanic said, that there is major fluid lose due to the "rack," not pump. Total cost to fix/replace it around $630. Parts_ $350 Labor_ $280 Total time_ 5-6 hours :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  18. OH I see it, I never noticed that.........I was looking in the options to see if something was disabled. Thanks.
  19. I don't know if it’s just my account or what. But, the PMs I sent out, are not placed in the sent box rather just disappear. This is beginning to be problem; since I cannot refer back to a PM I sent or make sure I have sent one. Thanks.
  20. I don't think that you should consider them as loss because you did use the cars for a long time.............compare that to if you were renting a car. What happened to the search for the 1998-2000 LS400s? Are you still considering that option?
  21. If you can't get to a mechanic then you shouldn't be driving any car. Don't take that too harshly as it wasn't intended to be, but based on your post it sounds like you may have needed a slight reality check. I was in school 6 years ago and I know that there can be alot going on. I took 18 credits my last semester, partied my @ss off, worked 2 jobs, and still found time to get my truck to the mechanic when it needed something done. If your parents are footing the bill now then there's NO excuse not to go to a mechanic to get the PS pump fixed. If the problem is the PS pump and you don't get it fixed soon you'll need to add an alternator to the list of repairs. If you are looking at something for the future of your undergraduate studies than get a used Honda civic. They are cheap to drive, and maintain. Cheap parts are everywhere (and you can slap on a Vtec sticker and add at least 50 HP). I only had used beater cars until I graduated and got a real job. Then I bought a Lexus (and a Benz, and a BMW, etc... - then I had a kid and my priorities completely changed). A Lexus in college would have been some distant dream. As a reference point though - it sounds like you have done alot to keep the LS running. At this point you already know where the car has been and what has been done to it. Do you want to start that over with another car? You could be looking at more repairs on the new car. A Lexus isn't the cherapest car to own, drive, or maintain, but at least you know the history on yours. Chances you won't know the history on a used car to replace the LS. The LS engine/tranny should be good for 300K if you do all of the required maintenance (as you would need to do on ANY car). As Brian mentioned, from your posts is sounds like you're not the DIY type. If that's the case then no car will be cheap to own - especially a luxury car. Most colleges have adequate transportation within the city/town that they are in. I rarely even needed to drive when I was in school so you could consider going carless and saving the $$. ← Oh no we are getting it fixed. I'm just worried that it might be more than just a pump. The noise started 3-4 days ago and now it’s too much. The car was probably driven about less than 25 miles since the noise started. I forgot to check the fluid because I was in a rush, but the car is very cold, the needle is 1/2 way between normal and C. Right now its school's exams week. From what my parents are paying for our school and what they think our priorities should be, they careless about getting it fixed! But, I never said I don't have time and will not do it. ;) I need a car, not to drive around on campus but for going back home, 90 miles. Btw: what was your major? update: On power steering dip stick there are two sides, one has cold(bottom) the other hot(top). The car was hot, but the fluid only reached up to cold. Meaning there isn't enough fluid........................we'll see tommorow as to what the problem is.
  22. When I bought the LS, it was very well maintained by the second owner who bought it in 1997 at 50k. I'm the third (well my parents are) owner. Now, I just don't want my parents to pay more from what they already have and will be paying very soon, with my brother going to a med. school and me continuing my undergraduate. I just want a good reliable car with least amount and cost of repair and maintenance. I will be doing mostly hwy driving. I do not have access to inexpensive parts nor have time to go the mechanic. I had fun driving an over $45k car, at expense of my parents. I think this time I'm just going to take it easy, and try to forget the leather seats, ride, and prestige that the Lexus&Acura bought me. Maybe one day I can buy my parents the cars they bought me, except at MSRP.
  23. Just some general questions: Does a car experience these kind issues at this mileage and above (154k) only? And if it was not a Lexus, most likely a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry would the price of repair and parts cost around the same? These questions are leading me to our next car: preferably low mileage, newer, less maintenance cost. Thank you for all the great posts guys. We are taking the car to a mechanic very soon to diagnosis the problem.
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