I think the key transition word here is "all" and "some". Do ALL luxury car buyers or SOME luxury car buyers care? I would have to say that some would be the truer statement. I think everyone has more or less the same list of considerations when buying a car, but each individual may have it listed in a different order of priority. I also think theres more than one type of "depreciation" to consider. For example, a Toyota 4Runner may cost $25k and will run forever and beyond and still be worth $10k in 5 years, and a Ford may cost $20K and only be worth $7k in 5 years, but if I'm only keeping it for 2 years then who cares? Get the Ford, save $5k, trade it in 2 years. Say they give you $3k less than the Toyota, your still $2k ahead. This is just a short simple example, and one I just chose to show how and why there would be good cause to go against what you might think to be a direct logic in buying, cause when it comes to cars, we buy based on desire and emotion, and not on logic and need. Atleast I'm able to admit that for myself.