Yeah, I think it's leaking much furhter forward near the fire wall, and being caught and traveling along some of the underpanels and just coming out there.
Have you gone under the car and really looked close or have you just popped your head to the ground and saw where the wet spot was? If you want to find out where exactly the leak is, then your gonna need to get the car raised up on some jack stands or a lift, get under there, and start removing the plastic underpanels so you can trace the leak back to it's origin.
But here's my thoughts. If your not going to fix it yourself, then don't waste your time as you'r gonna pay them to find it and fix it anyway. If you are going to fix it, then have a second car ready so after you take all the panels off and find the leak you can jump in the other car and go to the autoparts store to get the part or parts to replace the leaking ones.