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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. I have considered and will consider the ML350 as a replacement for my RX. The only problem is that they are a dime a dozen around me. 3 people that live on the same street as I do have them and there are only about 20 houses on my street. I bet in the neighborhood there must be 15 - 20 of them. There is not a Lexus dealership close to us so there are not quite as many around... I love my Lexus...but my wife we have a Mercedes as well and I have to say that I love driving it too. If we had gotten the E class instead of the little C class I would probably drive it more then her. As far as the service...the people at the Mercedes dealership that is close to us have been absolutely great. I have had great service at Lexus as well... If I keep either car past 100k it would be my Lexus, but for one that I will get rid of in 3 years and that is under warranty it doesn't matter to me. If the Mercedes has to go in they are going to pick it up and give me a loaner.
  2. WHO GIVES A F__________! That is all I can think whenever I hear this on TV, the radio...etc! I wish the people in the media did not even publish this type of garbage.
  3. I have the Bridgestone Dueler H/L Alenza on my RX. I am happy with them. I was going to go with the Michelin's but most of the post on here convinced me to go with the Alenza's! Had them less than 1,000 miles but they offer a great ride!
  4. Me too... I try to let them go by...that way if there is a cop ahead he will get them and not me.
  5. :chairshot: I forgot all about the handicapped parking tag pricks! I have seen kids driving cars and pull up and slap the tag on the mirror and jump out of the car and run up. I would never do it but I feel like slashing all 4 of their tires! My grandfather before he passed had one of the tags and he absolutley refused to use it. He said all of the time that many other people needed more than he did. My grandmother did unforeintly have to use towards the end for him. It just shows how lazy people are.
  6. Just had our little one on 10/19/2007 babies are loads of fun NC. But get all of the sleep that you can now...I know what you mean about the smaller cars too. My wife's c230 is fun to drive too, but I have been driving it for a couple of weeks and getting in and out of it after driving in my RX.... I must be getting old! And it is no fun at all to put the car seat and stroller in that...but another tip. Let your wife take it shopping with the baby... :D it will cut down her shopping...she can't fit the bags anywhere! She still says she loves her car so whatever. 98ES- Smart to plan ahead. I am 28 and this is our first child. My wife and I have been married for almost 4 years and have been together for over 9 years. There is nothing wrong with taking your time and enjoying each other for awhile. Having a baby is great but it makes even the most simple task that you are used to just doing a little different. Best of Luck NC!
  7. Just a few… I absolutely hate having someone in the left or the passing lane that is holding up traffic. It drives me crazy when drivers create a moving roadblock and hold everyone up. :chairshot: Turn signals...what are they for? Do they teach people to use them anymore? :chairshot: People that ride you A___ this goes with my 1st one if someone is in front of me I can not drive through them. So get off of my A S S. I hate getting blown by a police officer that I see a couple miles up at a Royal Farms getting coffee. TEXT MESG while driving...wow you are cool. Reading news paper while driving... Putting makeup on while driving... Mostly women… People that speed through a parking lot. There are kids and people that are walking… Wow...this is easy. I will think of some more.
  8. LexKid- You could of asked for PBJ but since you have a ticket now forget it. The tickets will hurt you on your insurance but if you carrier doesn't check you record then you will not have to worry about it. Most preferred companies don't check your record that often. Mine has not been pulled in over 3 years, and that is how long the ticket will stay on your record in MD. So my rate would not have went up at all if I had gotten a ticket. I speed some too man but...I alway and I mean always take it to court. I never use an attorney and I have gotten PBJ every time that I have asked for it. PBJ - probation before judgment. You pay ticket and court cost and the ticket but you get probation for whatever length of time the judge gives you, and as long as no other tickets it is thrown out. I would never use an attorney for a speeding ticket, unless of course I had an accident that was my fault. Now as far as speeding...I am guilty as anyone about this but I do try to use common sense...riding a cops a s s and telling him that he was speeding is not going to help you get a warning which is something that you should always ask for. Best of luck to you with everything...
  9. That would be my choice. I would find a clean pre owned LS...
  10. You can call the dealer. I think you hold the button like you are trying to open...it will go all the way through a cycle open, close and then I think open agian. Once that is done it should be reprogramed. I have done it but I am not sure if that is how I did it or not.
  11. After reading many post on this site I decided not to put the Michelins on my RX and I went with the Bridgestone Alenza H/L's. I have the 18" wheels 235/55/r18. I am impressed. Seem to be very quiet, great traction, great handling, and a huge A+ just on the ride in general. :D I have to say thanks to RX in NC, I would have gotten the Michelins if not for reading all of the input that he put in on the Alenza's. Thanks to everyone on the site...I have been reading much more than posting lately...hope everyone is doing well.
  12. I think that it is a sharp looking car. The side view reminds me of the GS a little. For the money I would lease the M over the GS too. Now the LS as you said is a different story.
  13. She has not liked having to be the DD either! :D
  14. I am having a BOY! If you get a chance to or want to have a 3d-4d sonogram done. It was amazing you can see the baby's facial features and the baby moving. They will spend much more time with you...it is real cool...I thought my baby had a 3rd leg growing....then I found out it was a boy! :D Oh yea and Beer...that all I am drinking now!
  15. Congrats guys...it is a very exciting time! All the getting ready...must be something in the water...my wife is due early November...she just had her baby shower...thank god for a friends Dodge Ram....the back of that and a couple of other cars packed full...we have baby clothes out the wazoo...I think that I will start investing in Carters... Just wanted to say Congrats...guys sorry so late...been super busy getting the home ready and working...
  16. OK...parked not moving and when I am driving I can hear this. It is not a rattle...it is coming from inside the steering wheel. It sounds like the turn signal...but it is random about 10 clicks every minute. It sounds like when you turn your lights on. I have cut everything off. When the car is off, it will not do it. I almost think that it is something in the steering wheel that moves it but I am not sure. I have moved the steering wheel all the way up, down in, and out...it makes the sound no matter what. I am planning on calling Lexus about this but I am just wondering if anyone else has ever had anything like this??? :cries:
  17. I agree with you guys and I have used many of these washes also. All I can tell you is that the rims on the C230 are constantly covered in brake dust. What happened was that the brake dust was not cleaned off properly and the clear coat or wax product the use actually baked it on. I think that these washes are ok for the occasional rinse off...but I would, and will wipe down the wheels if nothing else from now on. I mean I scrubbed it with everything I could think of...broke out the MEAN GREEN, used Meguirs wheel cleaner...it would not even lighting it up. I first thought that something had got on the wheel...then I looked and the other was the same way. The cleaner was actually took it off but it was a time consuming process...that I do not want to repeat!
  18. Not sure about the PBJ in NJ...my fault but still do whatever it takes to keep the ticket off of your record.
  19. Comp (glass) claims usually do not cause your premium to go up on insurance. File the claim and let the insurance co take care of it for you. If you want to pay yourself...sure you can use aftermarket if you want.
  20. Indi- I had to take a foreign language class in high school...I chose French. Can't remember much of it at all. Why did I have to learn it, French in no way is helping me in my current profession or do I believe it ever will. In college I had to take Sociology and Psychology...I disagreed with much of what I learned in those classes...in my opinion it was a huge waste of my time...but you know what I still got good grades in all of the classes and when I sat down and thought about it, that is what caused me to change my major. We have all had to learn things that we will more than likely never have to use again...but it is to broaden our horizons and to learn about our history and to find out what we like and dislike. I am sure that you are not the only person in the class that is not a Christian, not sure if you can but if this is not a mandatory class then drop it. If it is however the suck it up and pass the class...
  21. If your driving record is clean then take the ticket to court. Plead guilty and ask for Probation Before Judgment. PBJ if the judge gives it to you will basically will be a warning and as long as you do not get another ticket in the probation period, that way the ticket will never even show on your record. This will help you out an awful lot as far as insurance rates. I agree it is very easy to speed in a Lexus...I have got stopped a few times...my advice if you get pulled over is to be extremely polite to the Police officer...he is just doing his job...and if you do go to court the judge may take the officers opinion as to whether or not you should get off on the ticket...by the way there is nothing wrong with asking the cop for a warning he may laugh at you but hey it is worth a try. I was pulled over leaving BWI and got smacked over 80 in a 55. When the officer asked me the famous "do you know why I pulled you over"...just looked at him and said "yes sir you got me" Handed him license and registration told him that I was sorry that I was speeding and guess what he gave me a warning. It will not work all of the time...but why not give it a shot. I am not going to kiss the cops !Removed!...but after all I was speeding he is doing his job and why would I be disrespectful to someone who if they want can cut me a break! This has worked many times for me...and if it doesn't...when I am in court and the judge ask the cop what he thinks he surely will not remember me for being a smart !Removed!.
  22. Thanks for the feedback. I did get it all off of the wheels...using some elbow grease...and cleaner wax. But it is just something that I would have preferred not to have to do at all if you know what I mean. Thanks again for your suggestions...
  23. :chairshot: Two weeks ago my wife and I took her car to Ocean City...I decided to get the car washed first but the line at the car wash that usually go to was crazy...so anyway I decided to just go to one of the touch free washes which I rarely ever use. Her car was not that dirty, and I knew that the touch free wash would not do a great job...but I figured it would look better than it did. It seemed that it did an ok job. Well last weekend I washed her car and it seemed like the touch free wash had baked the brake dust on the wheels. I scrubbed it with everything and it would not come off at all. I was pretty frustrated and I finally tried taking a cleaner wax to the wheels and it ended up coming off after about 20 - 30 min per wheel. I am done with the auto washes all now! I am pretty sure it was either the clear coat sealant or the wax that was used by the car wash...and since I did not get out and wipe off the wheels...there still was dirt and brake dust on them and just driving it to dry it off must have just sealed the brake dust and dirt on the wheels. I have never had this happen before. Anybody ever have this happen before?
  24. First off... Glad you are OK! Is the car at a reputable body shop? If not have the car moved to the body shop that you want, even if it cost you some money for the tow. Until the car is torn apart, the adjusters usually just make an initial estimate. The body shop should warranty the work and most insurance companies also will warranty the work too for as long as you own the car. If you are unsatisfied with what the adjuster is telling you take it up with the body shop...and question them about the parts and your concerns. To tell you the truth you should not have to argue with the adjuster at all...it is your choice take you car where you want and get it fixed and let the body shop take care of fixing the car...they will argue with the adjuster for you! Now you may want to take up and medical bills and such up with an attorney...depending on how substantial your injuries are. Best of luck and glad you are ok!
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