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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Also had my RX serviced at a Toyota Dealership as well... Good for me too!
  2. Thanks...she's a looker...kind of bought it to toy around with on the weekends but I have been riding it back and forth to work on the sunny days. Just can't keep it parked. :D
  3. Great car...welcome to the club! At least with silver it will not show the dirt as bad as black would have...
  4. Thanks...everyone...have been checking in reading some post here and there...but I have been slammed at work. With the little one at home and work...by the time I get home all I want to do is sit back have a cold Beer and watch a little tv and go to sleep... My cars have never been so dirty I have not washed either of them lately...just taking to somebody every now and again. Now all I am doing is polishing chrome! :D I did take my Lexus to a Toyota Dealership for the 75k mile service. I was off and figured I would see how it was. Other than waiting there for about 45min to an hour...it was great. Only $125.00...that was great since I was off anyway. Saved me about 3/4 tank in gas too. I just looked at the new S class and they had a c class AMG in there. It is funny walked around looking at the Toyota Sequoia, 4runner and Hylander and such no one even said hello. About 4 sales people walked by me too. Now I was holding my little boy...and maybe they could tell I was just looking but that was odd. Soon as I walked over and looked at the MB's had 3 people ask can I help you...big difference. Great to hear from everyone again... SW no LS yet??? how about car seats???
  5. Thanks jcrome...I am lovin this baby. This is my first HOG but have had loads of other bikes... Going grenn what can I say! J/k HA...ha How's it goin DC!
  6. Hi all...just wanted to drop in and say hi. I have not been posting much latley staying busy at work and got a new toy to play with. Besides the wife has been driving the Lexus since we have had our little one. Hope everyone is doing well. How is everyone doing???
  7. I'll have to look into that zero deductible for glass work... I had to pay the hit-and-run deductible of $250 when someone decided to ram their truck onto my hood when I was at work... it'd be nice if I didn't have to pay that... I heard that in FL, the state replaces windshields for free as a state safety regulation? Thanks~ The $250 that you paid is the State of Maryland's Uninsured Motorist Deductible. It is standard with all policies in MD.
  8. One of the companies that I write for is Allstate, and another is Farmers. Allstate will not surcharge you for a comp claim, at least in MD DE and VA. Now in MD with Allstate you would be eligible for the Premier or Premier Plus Discounts which are the highest accident free discounts you can get if you have comp claims but there are 2 levels level 1 and 2 for each discount. Premier level 1 is no accidents of any kind level 2 in no at fault accidents, same goes for Premier Plus can get level 2 not 1 but it is not a significant difference. Most of the time the difference between level 1 and 2 is less than 30 every 6 months on a average policy. Now there are other companies that base on the amount of the comp loss and they would charge you more for a comp claim over 1000 and won't charge you for comp claims under 1000. I carry a $50 comp deductible, and will get any window fixed since comp claims will not make much of a difference at all. Some companies that we write for have full glass options with say 250 on everything else comp related. Allstate in fact will waive the deductible if the windshield can be repaired. Generally it will not make much of a difference in premium if you file a comp loss or if carry a high comp deductible. Now as far as original glass and After market...the debate can go on and on. I personally have seen many windshields replaced with aftermarket and not original glass and if the repair is done correctly it is hard to tell. I have also seen some real crappy work done. SW is right almost all of body shops have the work done by outside companies like safelite, or GOGlass.
  9. Thanks...for the ideas. I think I am going to take her out for dinner and get a room in Ocean City and surprise her when we get there, there is this restaraunt that we used to go to all of the time but we have not been since the little one has arrived called Marlin Moon. If anyone is ever in the area check it out, the food is to die for. Flowers are always a great touch to any gift. As far as the spa thing she has $250 in gift cert that she still has not used from Christmas, she keeps telling me that she is going to make and appointment to go but unless one of her sisters go with her she probably won't??? Woman thing I guess. Thanks again for the ideas... By the way RF how is the car?
  10. NC- The wax should be fine to use. My wax is close to 2 years old and I keep my wax in the garage and I have no problems with it. Just like DC said shake it up and it should be ok. By the way best of luck to you and the MRS. One suggestion bring a pillow for your self to the hospital at least around here they are stingy with them. Well if your wife plans to breast feed then you will have a desingated driver for awhile.
  11. Any good ideas for some gift idea's for my wife. Her 1st mother's day is coming up and our anniversary is right after. I have gotten her jewelry for just about everything lately. But I am once again kind of leaning that way. I was kind of trying to think of something different this year. The bad thing is that we are the type of people that when we want something we buy it with in reason of course. So cameras, camcorders...and Ipods and that sort of thing we have. I honestly can not think of one thing that she has said she wants...that we have not purchased already. Here are a couple of idea's that I have... For mother's day... 1) Jewelry- Mom pendant white gold and diamond necklace. 2) Have a oil painting done from a picture of our baby for her. (I think this is kind of original) Anniversary 1) Have the Grand parents watch the baby and get a room at the beach and have dinner. 2) JEWELRY 3) Some gift cards to her favorite stores...and she can go shopping. Well anyone with any other ideas? And since she has taken over my Lexus since we have had the little one...a Lexus is out of the question. :D
  12. I have some that are burned that play and other do not.
  13. :D :D That is so true. Most of these guys just get in there and it is GRAVY TRAIN...let's see should we vote ourselves a raise! OK back to the topic...
  14. What you're missing is the issue being verification of credentials at loan application, not the percentage of equity in the home itself. Why punish excellent borrowers with only 5, 10, or 15% down because the banks can't be bothered or don't want to check income or look at a bank statement? SW- Should have said it more clear. "Giving loans to people that can't afford them..." I did mean check income, bank statements. Sure if someone has $500,000 in the bank, and they buy a home and they wanted to finance it all go for it they have the "equity" or "assets" to prove they can pay for it. I do agree...with you. But giving people loans at 120% of the value of the home...has proven not to be a wise move for many. As far as Sadam, he had weapons...he had used them. Just because they have not been found means that who was supplying him Syria, Russia...wanted them out. Because if the weapons had been found and it was found out that Syria and Russia had supplied them that would make them in violation of UN Treaties...too. What do you think the chemical trucks, and chemical suits that we had pics of were used for? How about the massive graves that have been unearthed... I totally agree that we should of handled the build up to the war in a better way. George Bush thought he could go in there drop bombs send a few troops in and then we could just pack up and let the Iraq's take over. Wrong...these people have been fighting for years and years...they did not fight for their own peace. Now that Sadam is not there cutting off anyone's head and then killing their family who opposes him it is just a cluster F!?@#. Should we have left him in power...NO. But we should have had more support before going in to this war. NC- I had a 2 buddies that got out of the service both telling me similar stories. One actually had a pretty bad photo of a line of trucks driving out of Iraq....before the war started. A couple of question that I have....Why on earth if Sadam did not have WMD's would he have not just let the UN inspectors do their job??? Why did we not put more pressure on the UN to do something, we are the major contributor to the UN.
  15. Good post NC! Man I am to busy at work…I want to keep posting on this…errr SW... If the mortgage companies had required the 20% down then you are quite right many people would have not been able to own a home. Guess what they would be renters...just like they were before and we would not be in this mess now. I am sure that it has helped some very good people, but at what cost. You are right giving loans to people that can not afford the payment is just plain stupid…and that too has created this housing mess. I was watching CNBC...and they had this guy talking about the financial crisis...he said simply other than speculators people that bought homes that could not afford them put in no money of their own...100% financed maybe even 120% financed...when their home is foreclosed on what have they lost? Nothing...they did not own the home anymore then, then they will once it is foreclosed on. This is why we are in this mess. If you are going to lose something...your home...something you have equity in...you will do anything to try to save it. If you do not own the home then what is there to loose. That is why 100% financing is a problem...sure for some people it is the only way they would ever be able to buy a home...but the question is should they own a home?
  16. I still can't believe the Patriots lost! :D
  17. Jibby! How about that...we actually agree about the war pretty much. I have been disappointed in the way the war has been handled but Sadam violated so many UN treaties he needed to be out of there. I think Bush could have handled this much differently and much, much better. I am just disappointed in our government both sides... I do think that Iraq's oil should be paying for the full cost of the war. The real estate market may be going through a cycle but...we never have had a time when you could buy a home with no money down. It was insane. In the insurance industry we had mortgage companies calling to increase coverage's on homes to the value of the loan...which is not supposed to be done they are only supposed to be insured for replacement cost. I have seen appraisals on mobile homes lately that Most of these homes not only did people have no equity at all but actually took loans out for renovations, upgrades and even furniture. We would have never been in this mess if the borrower was required to put down 20%. It is not just in real estate though...Toyota has come out with a 7 year loan. Wells Fargo finance furniture with no payments, no interest for 1 year...this is what is getting people upside down in life. Financing everything... It's a shame I went into buy all new appliances for my home. About $8,000, now I was just going to pay for this...but when I bought them I actually got almost $1,000 off just to finance and put it on credit. Well no brainier for me financed it all...paid it off next month, got the appliances for $7,200. What kind of world is this...I want to pay CASH for something...buy it outright...and it will cost me more. (I do understand why they are doing this finance charges....etc) It is crazy
  18. Did you make any progress in the car rental...or did you decide not to pursue it. I had a guy about 2 years ago hit my car almost the exact same spot it was a camry. He had Nationwide, called them and told them I did not feel that the car was safe to drive after the accident. Rental was approved. Hope it all works out for you...there are a lot of worse companies that you could have to deal with...
  19. Jibby- I did not call you stupid. I said that the logic that you used was stupid. Example: Your logic to not have insurance because insurance companies make loads of money is down right stupid. Wal-Mart makes loads of money no groceries; McDonalds makes loads of money, no big Macs...come on. What type of appliances do you have in your home…my god don’t let it be GE, or Maytag…they make loads of money. I could go on for days on that argument. Unless you live in a log cabin of trees that you cut down by hand and live like survivor man. I am not starting a P I S S I N G contest either...and I contacted Barkart and asked him to reopen this thread...I am enjoying this conversation with you...I love hearing others views... I am 28; the first home that I had was all but paid for when I sold it. The home that I live in now, well lets just say I am in one of the best areas in my location...no it is not paid for but by the time that I am 40 it should be paid for. By the way the personal injury attorney that lives across the street from me would have your home, commercial land and any other asset you have in your name if he represented anyone that was injured by you in an accident. I have more than enough equity in my home. Interest is tax deductible still right??? My cars...some are paid for others are not, so what...I am driving new cars. If I wanted to pay all of them off, I can. My wife stays home and takes care of our newborn son and only works maybe a day a week. I make a great living...and invest my money very wisely...and I can say I earned what I have. That is why I make sure that I have insurance to protect what I have. Just had a client not long ago who's home burned to the ground. Home was insured for 300K. Now by the time the claim was settled, the insurance company had paid out close to 500K. Their premium was $550.00 year; it will only take them 909 years to pay that back to the insurance company using the premiums that they had been paying. That seems to me a wise investment of $505/ year. Maybe not you... But I do have one last question for you... Do you require the commercial property tenant that you have to have insurance...I bet you do!
  20. Most normal policies...you might have meant most state minimum policies. My policy will cover up to $500,000 for bodily injury, and $250,000 for property damage. The state actually sets the minimum coverage, but there is litigation to have that changed and controlled by the federal government because the states are to low. DE is 15 for bodily injury, MD is 20 and VA is 25. These are the states I am licensed in and I can tell you for sure the only people that are driving around with state minimums that we insure and most other agencies in our area are young drivers that have nothing to their name. In most states the coverage that you carry for the other person also would be the same coverage amount that you would have in the event that someone hit you without insurance. Sure you can be sued for more than what your limits are. If you have someone sue you to get a good attorney to represent you in a serious claim I am sure that you will spend well over $10,000 - $20,000. That is on top of any money you could have to pay to the person suing you. My homeowner’s policy would pay out $250,000. Who can sue you…anyone. Do you ever invite a friend over…do you have a dog or any pet? As far as life insurance you will be the same person who applies for a life policy when they have had a major change in health…heart attack or something and then is telling everyone the insurance companies are ripping people off since they will only accept you if you are healthy. There are plenty of reasons to buy life insurance when you are single, the main one is your health and age, which is what your premiums are derived from. Your logic to not have insurance because insurance companies make loads of money is down right stupid. Wal-Mart makes loads of money no groceries; McDonalds makes loads of money, no big Macs...come on. What type of appliances do you have in your home…my god don’t let it be GE, or Maytag…they make loads of money. I could go on for days on that argument. Unless you live in a log cabin of trees that you cut down by hand and live like survivor man. I guess toyota/lexus doesn’t make enough money yet since you bought a Lexus. You are just spewing out opinions. The first poster asked a question should he file a claim. You say yes that is why you are paying for it. That was not good advice…that was my point.
  21. So off-topic, but if you don't pay for homeowner's, what happens if someone injures themselves on your property and then sues you? Wouldn't you want that insurance coverage then? I agree, I hate paying for insurance that I'm necessarily not going to use. But I sure as heck do appreciate that I have it when I need it. As he said he is self insured. He will have to pay himself. The insurance is a small price to pay for peace of mind, to me anyway. There are a lot of people that feel this way, and that is fine. Insurance companies make loads of money...but they also pay out loads of money in claims too.
  22. If your Lexus is undriveable, or is unsafe to drive. Keyword unsafe than they will put you in a rental now. Call Nationwide back and tell them that it is unacceptable for them not to provide you with a rental car as your new car is not able to be driven. They should authorize a car, if not ask for a supervisor.
  23. Jibby- I am not trying to start anything with you about this but why don't you re read what you have typed. You have said that you are anti insurance. Good for you, glad you are able too. I completley disagree with you. So what! You friend owns a body shop...great! That has nothing to do with the impact that filing a claim would have on a Auto policy which you said that you do not have. Tough Guy... You did not say if the numbers make sense to file it...that was my point! So you relax...
  24. So you are self insured, telling someone to file a claim on their insurance that would cause their premiums to rise??? Don't believe in insurance all you want...no problem as you said you are not required to have it! But to give someone bad advice about a claim that you admit you know nothing about is wrong...
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