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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. eBay will occasionally have one, or check some salvage yards.
  2. Well I have a feeling that this thread is going in the same direction as the Global warming Thread! (no where fast) TX...I don't disagree with you regarding your feelings about guns...I have quite a few guns that have never been fired...I have left them at my parents house and have never even taken them to my home and I have been out of the house a long...time! The ones at my home are for protection...the ones at my parents...hunting (which I don't have time to do) and collector guns...
  3. Well I actually love the New Jeep Grand Cherokee...and so does my wife. I told her if she wants it take the X5 and let's see what they will do. She says she's keeping the X5, and going to take my GX in a few years... She said she doesn't mind my hand me downs! (I wouldn't either if I didn't have to pay for them!) Hell every time I get in the X5 the Fing GAS light is on... :cries:
  4. Check with a high end used car dealer and ask who their leather upholstery guy is? Most of them have someone come once a week or so. They would be able to repair it...you could also check the salvage yards?
  5. We never stay on topic! :D :D I have had this argument quite often... The other thing look how many of the parts that are manufactured and built in foreign countries on GM's and Ford's too.
  6. Welcome to LOC! Hopefully someone will jump in to help out with your problems.
  7. Paul I know...just spouting off! And you are correct sir! That is what is great about this country!
  8. Just saying that drunk driving causes many deaths...are we making everyone use breathalyzers? It would stop drunk driving... I do realize that they aren't the same. I agree that having easy access to firearms is a problem when someone flips out and shoots their whole family...but is it justified to take away peoples rights to defend their home or family to stop a small percentage of nuts? That is the reason I used the DWI example...we don't punish everyone who drives because of a rather small percentage of people who drive drunk. I think many penalties need to be much more severe than what we have now. And to be honest it is a shame that the criminals have so many rights! Just like the nut that shot everyone that you mentioned would it not be easier to skip the trial...why is it needed? Death penalty, or life in prision! NOW! Public hangings...bring them back! It is time to punish the criminals not the other way around to make more loop holes that people who obey the law have to deal with.
  9. Did I say this thread was going no where FAST! :)
  10. Did the guys with ski mask have guns? (wrong thread) :) I've got to stop...been stuck at home all day with two sick kids! Going crazy!!!
  11. Guys it is illegal to use drugs too...so a lot of good the law did that says it is illegal to use them. Do you honestly think the criminals will turn their guns into you President NC? Do you think illegal guns will stop coming across our borders? So I ask who will you take the guns from? Me someone who grew up hunting shooting guns and has a load of them? To be honest I haven't fired a gun in over a year... I just don't understand the logic of taking away peoples guns...and as MR T said "I pitty da fool" seriously though you will never stop criminals from having guns... By the way there are many...many deaths caused by intoxicated drivers and that is against the law. Should we make alcohol or cars illegal? Now I wasn't trying to be a jerk about this I just have a much different point of view on this.
  12. DC- now that excess coffee and possible coffee that spills could contribute to global warming! just kidding guys
  13. Thanks NC... I just think back to when I was young and dumb if he had pulled some like that. Now that I am "old" err I mean a responsible father, and business owner...I am just like :whistles: I don't have time to mess with your crazy _____! I've got real problems to deal with... But you can't have my guns!
  14. I said this thread was going no where fast!
  15. TX. You may be taking Paul's comments out of context. I don't think he intended to insult people who choose to have guns legally. I think he just meant that it was a good thing this fool didn't have one! Either way I am all for peoples rights To bear arms. I also know from Paul's post on here he is anything but narrow minded.
  16. $600 isn't bad for interior, exterior, dings and windshields. As far as your leather I would make sure to at least clean and condition the leather. My leather seems to be holding up great...I have the light orca color...semi aniline leather...
  17. Do you mind sharing what you paid? Most of these things are overpriced but if you are happy with it that is all that matters.
  18. Dens looks great...as far as the perma paint protection...I say B. S. Wash it with whatever type of car wash soap you have been using...assuming you use a good car wash now. As far as your local car wash I wouldn't stop using them. All of the paint protection things are a scam...
  19. :D unless your friends can kick you asz! :D I had a rx330 for a few years before my wife took it over ;) but I love the rx series. I wanted and would have had a hybrid not the GX if it wasn't for my business. Who cares your driving it and paying for it...screw them. Just wondering what color rx do you have? (pink) could be why? :P
  20. Welcome to LOC! Good luck with the tint...got my front done in my GX legal...rear was done. Not sure if the 02 es had the rain sensing wipers but if it did you may not be able to do the front strip?
  21. As you can imagine I am against frivolous lawsuits...but I wonder why the car wasn't designed with some sort of shutdown feature...my last car with remote strait would kill the engine after 15-20 mins? But if she had used a regular key...in a regular car...unless she turned it off the car would continue to run...so it's kind of the same thing...
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