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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Welcome to LOC! Not sure about the surging how many miles? Have you had it serviced?
  2. Dens... I am sure it can be done and made to look good. I would start by finding a new unit that has the features you want.
  3. Welcome to LOC! No idea why you light is doing that...if all of the lights are working?
  4. Welcome to LOC! As far as the NAV goes it Kind of IS WHAT it IS…there are many of us here who are happy with the NAV systems in the Lexus models and there are those who prefer the GARMIN. The new NAV systems are much better of course…your NAV system was developed in 2002 or even before that…so of course it is outdated. My old 2004 RX330 looked prehistoric compared to my 2010 GX460 NAV system. The Garmin that you are comparing it to I am sure is much newer. The updates you can purchase will update new roads, POI's and such it may be worth it since your maps and POI's are outdated...but the software will be the same. So the NAV system essentially will be the same as it is with newer MAPS..streets...POI's but same old same old software. If you are interested in updating your maps try here http://lexus.sewellparts.com/ they have good prices. If what you are looking for is to do a complete NAV replacement...I would think you could find a replacement unit for a price that would fit in the existing NAV...but you problem is going to be having all of your existing features work. Sorry but I don't think it would be worth it IMHO. Maybe try one of the new all in one head units I know some of the guys on the BMW forum have found some for the X5 but I wouldn’t spend that kind of money on updating my NAV system. It is a shame that you can’t just swap out the NAV system to update it but it is just not that simple. Good Luck to you!
  5. Welcome to LOC ! Why not take a look at the disc changer unit itself where the power supply is. It is possible that it has gotten loose. I know my X5 the 6 disc changer is in the back and it got disconected. Long shot but worth a try...
  6. I would start by looking at the connection to the disc changer. Odd that it only happens when you hit the brakes.
  7. My neck...my back...my neck and my back! :cries: Hope no one was seriously hurt. Did the shop do a good job? And the force be with you!
  8. Welcome to LOC! Not sure how to fix your squeak but I am sure someone will pop in here soon!
  9. You need to hold the button back as to open ... I think... Keep holding and it will start closing so it will open close while holding the button on open. When it is done that cycle it should work as normal. Good luck...if that doesn't work do a search but I think that is the steps.
  10. Brett FARVE! :) That's right he retired again!
  11. All I know is that I have hit the D&*N SOS button about 3 times now while trying to find my homelink buttons at night! I have figured out now how to at least cancel the SOS call. The first couple of times I waited for the nice lady to come on and ask if I was OK...and I was like "sorry just trying to open my garage door"
  12. WELCOME TO LOC! Have you checked the oil?
  13. Hopefully someone else will chime in...I know the Toyota Celica I had when I was in school only came up like you are describing then you had to lift it. So maybe it isnt supposed to lift all of the way.
  14. I moved it to buy sell...and also am closing. Please read the rules of buy sell you can not post here if your status is new. Didn't see that when I moved the thread. Please don't try to sell things on here unless using the buy sell forums.
  15. I would bet that is exactly what it is. Maybe see if the release mechanism needs a spray of some lube? The struts lift the trunk fine once you push it down right?
  16. LEXIRX330


    Welcome to LOC!
  17. I use Mobil 1 simply because it is available in every autoparts store. In addition, WalMart carries the 5qt jug at the best price of anyplace. Amsoil is no where near that available. steviej This is very true... If my guy that is right down the street didn't stock amsoil I wouldn't use it in the BMW. However Redline which I also have to order for my Harley is hard to find...but I still use it because IMHO and many other Harley riders it is the BEST! I always have enough top off fluid left over so it isn't a big deal...just is a pain to order it vs. going to WALLYWORLD and buying it!
  18. No wonder the country is in the shape it is...I didn't know you could get a LFA with your SS check! :/ ;) :)
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