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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Here this is how you beat a speed camera! I went to a state insurance training class and they went over all of the myths of beating a speed camera. I thought it was interesting... http://kwc.org/mythbusters/2007/03/episode_73_beating_the_speed_camera_exploding_patches.html I don't want to get going on about the speed cameras...but I agree with SW they are in it for the money! The red light cameras don't bother me that much...
  2. Here on the eastern shore they will stop you for anything. Hell last night I got stopped for tag covers, I was like "are you serious" state trooper was nice though gave me a warning. But I have a few troopers personal cars insured and they have all told me 10mph over too. But I am sure in NY it's a little different.
  3. The steering wheel lock is a common problem that can occur, jerking one wheel usually will get it to release. As far as the key, and door locks both malfunctioning and all doors at that?
  4. Strange...can't you unlock the door manually using the switch or put a window down? Sounds strange to me... but good luck to you.
  5. Great car! Welcome to LOC!
  6. Well I still love my Lexus! I just got out of a 2011 528i loaner and all I can say is wow. Makes me want a car again. Ran the *BLEEP* out of it an it just begged for more...only thing is the BMW jut didn't feel as refined as a Lexus? Something about the materials don't get me wrong it was a great car but just not the same as far as quality.
  7. I think they send you a update message when there is one available. I've went to that screen before to and I thought the same thing you did?
  8. Well I have the old iPad and for some reason I am just not motivated to get the new ipad2 I have had my iPad for 6 months or so and I love it... I am waiting for the new iPhone! Still have the 3GS wasn't one month after I got that and they announced the iPhone 4! So I am holding out this time.
  9. I am just going to guess and say no on this one. If you get a new Lexus it should come with the enform service and you can just plug all of the destinations in on your CPU.
  10. Man... I would try the trunk before busting a window? Sucks...good luck
  11. Fuses...are the only thing that I could think of? If you checked them all...I don't know? Did they all go out at the same time?
  12. Good news: Your not paranoid!.....Bad news; the plumber really is out to get you! Very sorry about your situation. Paul Actually Paul for what he had to do and how quick he got here I think he did ok. He didn't overcharge me...saw the invoices for his materials he had $800 in materials.
  13. D A M N just got my bill from my plumber $1086.00! WOW!
  14. Yea NC... I'm good! Got my water all fixed and I take the bmw in on monday. Good luck bud...
  15. Hey Dave...welcome to LOC! Not sure about your problems...sounds like a short...maybe. Maybe check all of your battery cables? By the way I did remove the other post...we try not to allow duplicate post here. Thanks...and someone else will chime in here!
  16. Army- Sucks bud...I am having one of those weeks too. I have some water pump problems at home...have a plumber out there to fix it. Gets the blader tank to do the job...wrong size...2 days no water...he rigged it so it works for now...supposed to be fixed today. Then the wifes BMW...the door lock on the Front drivers door has decided to stop working unless you put the key in to lock and unlock...checked all the fuses...nope...has to go in to the dealer... Keep your head up bud! And do the right thing by the neighbor and put a tire on the car...she was kind enough to look out for you...
  17. I have corona, blue moon, stella, and Sierra nevada and my X5 needs an oil change! :)
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