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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. What an F ing Moron! :chairshot: Some people have way too much time! :whistles:
  2. But Paul...then you will have the Liberals saying that those wind turbines kill birds! :cries: :) I try to stay out of politics on here...but WOW...you are one of the first people that I have seen latley to admit they are a Democrat! :)
  3. Just push the SOS button... No BS.
  4. LEXIRX330


    If your club status is showing "new member" I don't think you can send PM's. Keep posting and you will be able to PM...soon! Welcome to LOC!
  5. Whoa! This isn't Ghost300's problem. Somebody hit him from the rear. His role is not to save the other guy money but to protect his interests and get a first rate job which in this case appears to be a bumper cover and maybe more if there is underlying damage. Yea there is no way I would do that in this circumstance now if the damages were his fault and he was frying to avoid filing a claim that is a great idea. In this case the other party is liable so there would be no reason to do this.
  6. Just like you would in any other car without a nav system.
  7. How could a mechanic tell that the cables were connected correctly? So what did the mechanic say caused this since he "knows" the cables didn't cause it? :o
  8. Can you turn your dimmer switch? I think if you go past the click it stays in day mode. So you want to go back the other way. Other than that you would have to play with the settings in the nav menu.
  9. Good for Buick. Now let's see if the cars hold up! My mother-in-law and neighbor both have new CTS's both have had some problems and now they have got lord knows how many recalls my neighbors has been at the dealer all week long. I have to admit the styling of Gov. Motors has grown on me...but they still aren't on my radar when thinking about a car.
  10. Take it to a shop. It is going to be hard to try to help without knowing what the guy had done that had the car before you. Was it workIng at all when you got it? He may have changed the harness on the back of the unit and it may not connect to the factory head unit? Could be many things?
  11. Don't think it possible with out splicing the wires. My 04 rx330 you could go into the menu to use the nav while in motion but when updated it would no longer work it It is what it is. Paul is right this has been covered many times and you should do a search. Best of luck.
  12. Ken11 asks a reasonable question and you call him crazy and ignorant. And it's his first post. Normally folks on this board are a bit more welcoming. Take your rants someplace else. If you get 4k for the car Ken11, good for you. You may find it tough to sell at that price, but you can always come down. Good luck with the sale. I am going to agree with SRK. Calling someone crazy and ignorant is uncalled for on this forum. This is a warning... Ken welcome to the club... Also Ken just a FYI please read the buy sell forum rules. You are fine and I am not reading this post as you are trying to sell your car here, rather you are asking for advice so I am not removing this post...but please don't post a link to a sale of the car until you can post in the buy sell... B)
  13. You have a nav system that has the DVD in it I think it is in the rear. Try this http://lexus.sewellparts.com/accessories-catalog/Service/GX470-2004/4444.html Make sure it is the right one and also look at the instructions that will show you everything you need. Also I think if you mention you are a member they will give you a discount on your order.
  14. No problem keep posting so you can post in the buy/sell!
  15. WOW...SW. You need to help her out and get her DSL or Cable... Funny thing about dial up. I was looking over my bills here at the office a few months ago and I got arguing with the guy from Verizon about how many lines I was getting charged for at my main office...and why the bill was so much different then my other office. We only have two more lines here than at the other office but the bill was $300 more a month. The guy keeps telling me I have 5 more lines at this location...so after the 5th time telling him that my phone system can only handle 5 lines and I have a fax that it is not possible. So we go back and forth back and forth! :chairshot: Finally I asked when was the last time a call was made from either of the other 5 lines...NOT IN OVER 7-8 years! DIAL UP INTERNET LINES! I couldn't believe it... so I got my bill trimmed down!
  16. :) that's what I was thinking! :) "you've got mail"
  17. there should be a reset method in the manual? The way I remember to do it in my RX 330 was to hold the button to slide open the sunroof so it fully opens continue to hold it will start to close allow it to go the whole cycle and then it should be fixed. It's odd that it stopped working usually it happens after the battery goes dead or is changed.
  18. That doesn't sound good! May want to try checking your fuses...the unit must be getting power though if it was ejecting the disk...so the fuses would be a long shot. You may need to contact the dealer...on this one.
  19. I don't understand your point? If it was a rental car it would be no different. Why would any company that is allowing you to use their loaner car cover damages that were caused when in your possession? Now as far as the insurance issue...this is one of the most frustrating parts of my business. So many companies have started doing this. But did you call the police, or have any other witnesses? The attorney will be a waste of time, you can file with your carrier and pay your deductible and they will try to go after the other company (subrogation) it many times becomes much to costly to litigate so they don't recoup any money on these small claims...that means you don't get your money back. These direct carriers namely Geico has started this, now progressive and nationwide all seem to do this everytime if their insured hits another person and it is a word vs word situation. Even when it is clearly the other drivers fault...it is just impossible to prove and the other companies know it. Next time take pictures, get names of others, call the police. Now personally since the police don't do police reports unless there is an injury, for me I may or may not call the police. What was the reason the other carrier denied the claim? I wouldnt give up so easy...many times that is what they want...they deny...you go away. Call and after the first person tells you it is denied, ask for a supervisor and keep going you never know they may assume liability. Best of luck...your issue is with the insurance company...actually the dishonest person that hit you...not Lexus.
  20. http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1311&_nkw=wireless+back+up+camera&_sacat=See-All-Categories
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