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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Why? Did you create a user name and password by accident? :)
  2. Don't by the cpo now, buy the extended warranty before the original warranty runs out. You have time and you can get a better price I am sure.
  3. This is what I am thinking too! If it smells like something is dead...it probably is. Could be a dead mouse or something that got in. Check everywhere..:under the hood too. Now if it was wet carpets it would be more of a mildew smell...could be but I would think you could tell the difference.
  4. Welcome to LOC! I also would find another car, sounds like that one may need some work which is expected for a 92 with that many miles but for that price I think you can do better.
  5. Welcome to LOC! Stick to the regular services and you should have many...many more trouble free miles!
  6. Welcome to LOC! PS Don't type in ALL CAPS! It is hard to read! :cries:
  7. On the phone...my phone connects every time I get in the car. I don’t see why you can’t just add another phone although I have never tried it...then you would just pick which phone from the menu. Or if the only phone yours or your wife’s was in the car it should select that phone automatically. Now IMHO you may not want to do that. I have both phones saved in our X5...and it connects every time automatically and I hate it. I have deleted my phone on a few occasions but I have added it back just because it IS a PIA not having the X5 pick up my phone. The concept is great...if I get in connects to my phone, if she gets in connects to hers. But if my wife and I get in the car you never know which phone connects to the blue tooth. It sometimes gets hers and sometimes mine…not sure if the Lexus is the same or not. I have never added her phone to my GX…since she isn't allowed to drive it much. :P
  8. ooooooooops, lol, for some reason, I thought we were talking about a 2007..please ignore all of posts, ha..and let me out of that bet anyway, I am on board now, and agree, brand new car pretty much rules out everything I was thinking of I didn't realize that tire balancing could be such an issue...never bumped into that problem interested in seeing how this is resolved..thanks for straightening me out Ohhh NOO! You can't back out of the bet now! I had $100K on it! J/K!
  9. As you all know, I'm a little slow. What is a "road force balance?" ( I know a regular wheel balance, duh...) Paul http://www.hunter.com/balancer/roadforce/4159T.pdf There you go...it basically simulates driving conditions to help balance the tires.
  10. I do notice a roar when I first start my GX and put it and gear. But as soon as it shifts it is gone...seems normal to me. Don't notice my fan running?
  11. OR Nurses either! LOL By the way Paul my wife is also a RN...she used to work in the CCU/ICU in the hospital for 4 years...she is now a school nurse. Big change of pace but it works well with our kids, and she loves the little ones at the school she takes care of...parents I think may be a different story sometime! :) So are you lectured about your blood pressure, cholesterol, and everything on god's green earth...I told her don't worry if I die she will have millions from the life insurance to spend on her next man...
  12. I have tried not to respond to this thread! Ok here goes...as SW put the unions in some cases are making it so the companies simply can not compete. Unions have certainly helped many people over the years but I think that their time has passed. Locally we just had a major chicken plant layoff their chicken catchers...they are now going to outsource those jobs. Guess what their union is up in arms...but IMHO it is the unions fault they are all losing their jobs anyway. The company had problems over and over with people not showing up, showing up late, using drugs...union protected them. On top of that a few years ago the union staged a strike for better wages...guess what these guys are making 45k a year! To catch chickens...now don't get me wrong I don't want to do it but a little background my grandfather had a farm that I helped him run when I was in high school through college. So I am not to good to do the work but I simply don't have to do it. But when I hear about unions, and teachers pay, not wanting to contribute or contribut more for health insurance or their retirement it DRIVES me nuts! Both of my parents have retired Dad from federal and mom from state. I give them a hard time and tell them it must be nice to just sit back and get a check. (I do know they worked 30 years and paid taxes too) My point is on the private sector you don't see pensions plans or retirement plans like this. We are expected to save on our own, however the unions seem to have this crazy idea that they can continue to offer these plans the same forever. I would love to know how many people that work for a private company...have not seen the cost of health insurance shifted more to the employee in the last 5-10 year...I bet 90%...of companies have! They have had to. But it is a crime for the teachers, or government employees to have to pay more or have a lesser plan. My wife is a nurse and she has considered joining the union and there truly are loads of benefits the union offers so I am not saying it is all bad. I could keep on but my fingers hurt.
  13. Yea that's one H E L L of a hit...I would ake it somewhere else and let them give it a try.
  14. You can't. You search for something else that might be in the threads you are looking for such as "gasoline" or "change" (as in "oil change") -- anything with four or more characters. You can also search for threads containing multiple strings, e.g. +gasoline +change My understanding is that purpose of requiring longer search strings is to improve website performance and limit search results to a manageable amount. If for example, one could search for 2-character strings, every thread post containing a word with those two characters would be returned. Makes sense. Thanks Jim. or lubricants! And...gasoline! I've got to stop!
  15. You think she will let me drive it?
  16. Welcome to LOC! Good luck on the hunt!
  17. Beers are on DC he was the last to show up!
  18. Paul... You can adjust the light times in the settings in the NAV menu, but I can't remember if it is for the interior lights or just exterior. I think it may just be exterior lights... what are you trying to do? Stay on longer...cut off sooner? I dont know if this would help...but for me after I get out of my GX in the garage when I get in the house I always double click the lock button and that kills the lights...I like the lights to stay on longer if I am parked at the office or somewhere else. Now you know the light switch needs to be Slid over to door position! If it is left on the "on" the lights stay on and the settings won't help...although the dealer could show you how to slide the switch!!! (just being a Smart Asz!) :D :D
  19. Yea...Dens...what is that all about? :unsure: Got to have more pics than that!
  20. 1st thing I thought too... Not that we are doubting you...
  21. Welcome to LOC! How do you and your wife like the GX460? I love mine! I would think the LS will be redesigned in the next 2 years. I love the LS 460 and if it weren't for my business and my little ones that is what I would have. Good luck!
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