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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Try this....this is a "Pinned" posting you'll find at the top of this forums table of contents. I can't believe I didn't see it before. I found it by doing a search. The total threads in the post are 7 pages long, so be sure and read through them as there are different links for different needs. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=26449&st=0&p=171127&hl=+merry%20+christmas%20+factory%20+service%20+manuals&fromsearch=1entry171127
  2. Hi Steve, Thanks for the update. I had quite a bit of trouble last night but knew you would be on it. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into the Club. Paul
  3. I'm not convinced we've diagnosed the problem yet. es300lex, bear with me I'm a little dense. You say in what I think is an incomplete sentence, that if you leave your stock deck (on or off?) and muting the volume, the "Bass" stops. Is the deck on or off? Also Lexir eludes to what you mean by "bass". Is it musical bass or a low frequency steady hum? I have found a Youtube video tutorial on how to install a line converter, Sub, and amp into an existing factory head unit. If you would watch this and then get back to us it might help clear up some problems that we can then solve!! Let us know soon, Paul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObdArMIyxgs
  4. Try ebay....and do a search of this board for other suggestions on sources. I'm pretty sure you will have others chime in here with more info.
  5. Always include the year of your vehicle when posting..it helps others narrow down your problems. Based on their position, they may be covering the airbag placements, and should have been removed at delivery. However, Jim is usually right, but this time I'm right.
  6. Hi Asif, and welcome to the LOC. Looks like you've got a great ride. The LS is a wonderful car. Enjoy!
  7. A Slip-On rear view mirrow that is a mirror, GPS, Game Station, Bluetooth, etc..... Forget texting, why not play games on your rear view mirror while you drive!! Or if that isn't distracting enough, and proof of congenital frontal lobe damage, then take pictures with it's front or rear cameras or insert an SD card. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/12/03/bluetooth-equipped-mirror-adds-gps-and-yes-games/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl7%7Csec3_lnk2%7C117581 Paul
  8. I am not an expert. You describe your power to the the amp from the battery and through the line converter. Where is your audio signal coming from? Are you taping into the signal from the existing sub in the rear deck, or does that come along with the power through the line converter? Welcome to the LOC!
  9. There both very cool. Thanks for posting...
  10. You may not be getting any hits right off to your post because you have placed it in the General Lexus Discussion forum. I would suggest you try posting your questions in the IS300 forum for a better response. Additionally, Your questions are pretty specific to audio/video areas and I've found that we don't have a lot of depth in those areas if it is something as technical as bypassing a built safety lock out. Frankly, if I did have the answer as to watching videos on the navigation screen while driving I wouldn't tell you. It's the dumbest thing I ever heard.
  11. Great photos Denny! Thanks for posting them. Your going to think I'm nuts, but the one thing that caught my eye right off was the ANALOG clock in the new GS. Copying perhaps the Infinity style. In the past, I've heard some members ask for this, and it will be interesting to see if Lexus will offer this as an option in the future.
  12. Mr Cain ends his campaign apparently under the weight of too many women. Is this another example of a political male with power thinking with the wrong head?
  13. Sounds like a great car! Show us some photos when you can. Living in Alberta I'm sure you'll be glad for the AWD this winter. Welcome to the LOC. Paul
  14. When I was growing up, my father owned a gas station and one of the underground storage tanks corroded through in a very small spot. The consequence was that when we would get a substantial rain, the ground water would seep into that tank and contaminate the gasoline. Since water is heavier than gasoline, the waster would always stay on the bottom. This was alright as long as the tank was kept full and we pumped from the top, and the amount of fuel to water level was checked every day. Obviously the tank was replaced. Then years later, fiberglass tanks came along and solved the corrosion problem. However, one thing that still exist is the factor of condensation. Cool fuel against hot, humid days and other atmosphere conditions. No storage system is fool proof and no delivery system is fool proof. IF there was water in your gas, that is pretty easy to check with with a dip stick and a smear of a light chemical that turns color when it hits water in the gasoline. Surely your dealer would know this. There should be a record in your cars computer of this event. Have you, or did your dealer read the codes for diagnostic clues? Paul
  15. The Lexus software is actually designed for the Ipod. An mp3 player into the USB port works and plays, and will show song title and artist. But that is about it. When you shut the car off and start it back up, the mp3 will have turned off the audio system and you will have to power it back up. Why, I don't know. Nor does the dealer or Lexus support. Do not buy a mp3 player for one of your children or someone else to use in your ES as it is really not cost/benefit effective. Paul
  16. I'm sorry to be blunt, but if you don't even know where or what the nav unit is or looks like, you really are just heading yourself straight into trouble. At this point, this is a job for a QUALIFIED technician who knows the Lexus system an can diagnose the problem without butchering it in the process. I don't know if what you have pictured is the nav unit or not. In some of the older Lexus models the radio amplifier was placed under the front passenger seat. It could be that. Please consider using a Lexus qualified technician. I think you will find you'll save yourself money and a torn up SUV in the mean time. Paul
  17. You say your mechanic has checked your battery today, and can't find any drain on the battery. Have they ever checked the entire charging system? The alternator, all wiring, ground, starter, etc. It may not be a matter of what is going out, but what is not going in.
  18. Welcome to the Lexus Owner's Club! Let us know if we can help answer questions about the forums.
  19. The obvious solution is for one of us to fly to the factory in Japan, all expenses paid by Steve, Steve W, and the LOC, and get the definitive answers from the design engineers. Since you're all busy I'll volunteer. I'll let you know what I find out.....LOL
  20. Let us know how you come out on getting the problem resolved! Looks like you've been a member for a long time, good to hear from you.
  21. You need to include the Year of your GS....otherwise it's all just guess work. My guess; it could be an actuator in that door. It opens and closes the lock mechanism.
  22. Default threshold is dependant upon where the sensors are initialized. See if this clears things up(or confuses you even more). Excellent help. Thank you!
  23. What a typical experience from a near monopoly. I got to wondering the other night about the free trial on new Lexus cars. Is it six months or one year? I saw that your GX was purchased about a year ago November if I'm right, and I thought maybe that was were the foul up began. Hope you can at least enjoy the music and programing on your XM after all of this.
  24. To my knowledge, that speaker is powered separately from the rest of the sound system speakers. That is, by the nav/head unit itself. It could be something very simple such as a loose wire connection to the speaker, a speaker coil going bad. Simple fixes. Or, something in the nav unit itself which would need some expertise to find and repair. Your dealer would probably be able to do the job by replacing the whole nav unit. Expensive. A GOOD qualified car audio repair shop would probably be able to repair it if they can get the part. e-bay is always a good place to look for parts. Thank you for your prompt and informative reply! Where are the cables to the navigation system - towards the front of the seat bottom or towards the back? Thanks again! Frankly, with the 2004 I don't know.
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