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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. [Gave it a try this morning. Unfortunately, depressing the button twice simply causes the "After the beep, please say a command" message to restart from the beginning.] She is a little particular. If you remember the old Morse Code, it was a series of dots and dashes. When I say "Touch" the button two times in a row, it is more like two dashes and not two dots. I don't know how else to explain it to you. Even if she comes on an says "Please say a command" you can still hit the button once and get the beep. Try playing with it, you won't break it, and if you get into a command mode you don't want, just hit the button and say "Cancel". Some folks on the board will echo some dissatisfaction with the Voice Command System. I'm one of them. Lexus simply does not have a good voice recognition software. Half the time it doesn't work at all and the other half it gives you back the opposite action of your command. You may be frustrated but I have found somethings that seem to work fairly consistently. Raise and Lower temperature is one. Let us know how your coming.
  2. I bet it was white knuckle driving all the way! Nothing like AWD and $40k to get you to the liquor store during those white outs. LOL
  3. Welcome to the LOC.
  4. Big time bummer!! If you took the panel off, could you get the stain off through the back side?
  5. pj8708

    2012 Tesla

    2012 Tesla IMO, a striking car with a wow cabin. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/11/01/musk-says-tesla-model-s-sold-out/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl16%7Csec3_lnk1%7C109195
  6. Simply touch the button two times in a row. You will then hear the beep and you can give your command. It sometimes takes a little while after pushing the button twice before you get the beep.
  7. Today, depending on your particular hope for the future of our species, you could celebrate the addition of the 7,000,000,000 billionth person on our planet. Hooray? I don't think so. By 2025 we'll have 8 billion! As Steve W says above this subject of climate change is just common sense. It has become a matter of diminishing returns. The more we put out into the environment the more the environment turns it back on us in unsuspected ways. The crux of this already circling-the-drain scenario, is that the unconvinced side believe that man has had no part in the global warming problem, and that it is just part of a natural cycle that will pass in a few years. After all they say, We still have snow. This is the same crowd that doesn't want science being taught in public schools. Science like Evolution, or human reproduction, contraception, etc. Paul
  8. pj8708


    This guy didn't vote for Obama....I don't think he'll miss my business. ( I hope he doesn't know where I live.) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/31/crockett-keller-texas-gun-liberals-muslims_n_1064184.html?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%7C109041
  9. Oh God, my Dad had a 98 LS400 and an 04 LS430, you are totally right...the slightest little but out of balance and you could definitely feel it. He had a set of Dunlops on the 400 one time he had to have rebalanced once a month. The ES is picky too, but not as bad. I need some basic education please. What is Road Force Balancing and/or Road Force Variation. I have seen these phrases before but have never known their full meaning. Thanks a lot. Paul
  10. When I bought my 2010 ES I had them take off the factory tires, Bridgestone, and put on the Primacy's off my trade-in. I had just purchased the Primacy's a few months before and I knew I didn't want to lose that great ride.
  11. A preeminent scientist who was a global warming skeptic, is now a believer. The remaining skeptics are up in arms demanding a retraction of his research. Does it matter who funds your research? The mainstream scientist are greeting this with a big yawn saying all others are all ready on board and this is a feud within the "nonbeliever" tribe. Who do you trust? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/30/richard-muller-global-warming_n_1066029.html?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl3%7Csec1_lnk3%7C108718
  12. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Same song, next verse.
  13. pj8708


    I would urge you to stay gabep. Just because it appears at this point in time that I, and a few others, seem to be the dominate bleeding heart liberals on this forum, doesn't mean there aren't a bunch of right wing baggers lurking out there who would jump in if they got encouragement from you and Lenore. I don't come close to agreeing with you, but it has nothing to do with respecting your right to say it. I get a kick out of intentionally posting subjects and articles that will peak someones curiosity or boil someones water just to keep the board alive and members talking to one another. It is my belief that this club is composed of honest, well intended, mature Lexus lovers who happen to visit this forum for a little conversation, not World War III. Hang on with us. Paul
  14. rptam, I have done a search on this board and on the Club Lexus site as well, and oddly I haven't found a thread/posting about this topic. It appears that no one else cares about the mpg of their LX570 which is pretty weird. Sorry I can't help you any more, but it has only been a few hours since your original post so others may sign on.
  15. Do the Poor and Middle Americans pay their fair share of income taxes? What do you think? Read on. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/30/tax-the-poor-conservative-plan-occupy-wall-street_n_1064685.html
  16. Yep, that will work for cases where a catastrophic failure happened to the LED bulb, such as dead driver circuit or in a simple LED bulb - one of LEDs in the chain have failed open. When I've said "effective detection" I meant detection of all cases, including gradual deterioration (probably heat-induced) of LEDs. In the latter case it may end up with the almost the same consumed current but dramatically lower light output. Current sensing method will not detect that condition. Al. If I agree with you guys, and pretend like I know what the hell your talking about, will you give me a Masters Degree out of one of your Cherrios boxes? LOL Paul
  17. Technically correct approach. We're lucky though - no need to do any modifications, for about $10-15 we (Lexus/Toyota owners) can get already adapted plug'n'play replacement flasher relay. Just search on ebay for "Toyota LED flasher" - there will be a bunch of offerings, with part number "81980-50030". It is a direct repalcement - remove the OEM one, plug in the replacement. A note: it does flash at normal rate for any combination of LEDs / filament bulbs, including all filaments and all LEDs; and a side effect of it - there will be no "hyperflashing" notification even if one of the bulbs will go out. Because of it I'd recommend to use it for full LED conversion cases only - properly designed and installed LED bulbs will last very long time, and besides when LED bulbs die they will not necessarily drop their consumed current to zero, so effective detection of failed LED bulb is difficult if possible at all anyway. My original question still stands - does anyone know how to reach the flasher relay in 2008 RX350? Many thanks! Al. Welcome to the LOC. It's great to have you here along with some of our other members who have knowledge about lighting issues. Keep it up and help others. The forum requires new members to post a certain number of times before they can PM another member. I think that number is 5, so if you want I would recommend contacting "Cduluk" on this board. He has done a substantial number of mods on his RX350 re dash lights, instruments, exterior lights, etc. He may be able to answer your question. Or, try Jim's suggestion and try the borescope.
  18. Yes, you can have my house at the right price. And the weather is soooo much nicer down here in balmy Kansas City than in frigid Des Moines. (Is there an emoticon for lying?) My culdesac was "better" before an elderly neighbor and wife moved last year -- they had two Mercedes S500's. Another neighbor in my culdesac, though, has since bought a BMW M3 to go with his Range Rover. The best part of having "Maserati Gil" and "Porsche Ron" living on either side of us and the other expensive cars in the culdesac is that it makes it more difficult for my wife to give me flack about spending money on cars. And some womam my wife knows drives a Porsche Panameria and my wife seems to like it so that's why I looked at one of those which led me mention it the recent "Hyundai & Kia Beats Lexus ?" thread you started. It sounds like your culdesac is a little to rich for my blood! We can't afford to keep up with the high rent district you live in and especially afford the cars. What boggles my mind is how they continue to let a "skin flint" like you live there with your 11&1/2 yr.old LS. I bleed for you having to buy the Porsche for your long suffering wife. p.s.; Let me know when your in the area again.
  19. Given your childish attitude, why would you expect me to give a hoot about your "Marines" posting? (Does not compute!)
  20. The radio disk jockey assumes facts not in evidence. Based on a photograph, he draws a conclusion that a person or persons have been discriminated against or treated rudely or ignored or marginalized or disrespected, or subjected to any other form of disenfranchisement. He claims from this photo that he can read the Presidents mind (that black guy), the minds of the people in the first row and perhaps the second, the disk jockey is not consistent here, and the mind or minds of the soldiers family. (I will call the Army Hero receiving the medal soldier, as the disk jockey in the beginning of the video says he, the jockey, is not sure if the soldier is a Staff Sargent or not. Also the disk jockey says at the beginning of the video he is not sure if the soldiers buddies were shot down or not. Apparently the jockey is a little unsure of all the facts.) Otherwise how would he know what all these people were thinking and their intent when the seating order was set before the ceremony. Did someone in the White House say to the President "Screw the family, their a bunch of hicks. Stick them in the third row and be sure and take a picture of it so we can laugh at them latter." Or maybe the family said "We have been to ten of these ceremonies already and we would like to meet the Senators that voted for our son to receive this Congressional Medal of Honor. Just chill. This accusation doesn't make sense.
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