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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Speaking of brain cells, you didn't happen to pick out the wrong brain? You know, the one labeled "A. B. Normal"? Paul
  2. Just a quick question. These post are pretty dated. Does anyone know if this modification works on newer models such as 2013, 2014, etc? Thanks everyone! Paul
  3. Great job Bogey! There is always a fellow member trying to program a new key and either can't make it work or gets conflicting information. The latter models which use the proximity FOB are usually trouble free. Thank you for posting this information. Let us know if any "bugs" pop up. Paul
  4. What ever makes you satisfied and meets your needs is the way to go. If your really concerned about the deal, get an estimate and post that before you make your choice. Paul
  5. Hi Ivan, Boy, that's a new one to me. I've never seen nor heard of the rear door speaker cover being "fused" as one total part. The price for the panel doesn't surprise me. Before doing any thing else, check on "ebay" and also with wrecker yards and salvage yards. Paul
  6. I've read all the threads and the original posting. Everyone has given excellent counsel and advice. But the more I think about this there's something that doesn't smell right. I think Rhiannon has some legitimate complaints, but when was the last time you were hauled out of your dealership in hand cuffs? It takes more than one party to raise levels to that type of action. Again, there are defensible points in his position. But this is plain ridiculous. Rhiannon, I would encourage you to work with Lexus.com and let them carry the ball for awhile. Paul
  7. Hi Marige and welcome to the LOC. That is an interesting problem! But first, I'm sure members who are much more knowledgeable will jump in here throughout the day with better help. First, the steering is not run off a belt such as the alternator. Instead, it is powered by electricity. I think that is why you had such a hard time steering your car. It's possible the battery has gone bad, slowly losing power until you got home and it went completely dead. One other possibility, and I think this is unlikely, A large fuse on top of the alternator went bad. Please keep checking your post throughout the day and see what others would say. Paul
  8. Hi Slava and welcome. Sorry about your loss of music. I feel your pain. With the issue of the switched polarity several things could have happened. The amplifier may be damaged. You could still change stations an such, but the but part of the amplifier could be fried. Or, a open fuse may be a problem even though you have already changed the fuses. Our tech guru Moderator says the only way to really test for a bad fuse is to use an ohm/volt meter and check from both ends. If you can eliminate those two issues, you should take it to a well known car stereo shop. Paul.
  9. For about the last 4 model years the consensus has been that the Michelin Primacy is the best tire for the ES models as it gives a quiet and smooth ride as well as excellent wear. The Micheline is the tire I have used for several years. Remember, this only applies to the Michelin Primacy. I know of no other tire suggestions for other Lexus models. Paul
  10. Hi Dave and welcome. I don't have an intelligent reply for you. Or a dumb answer for that matter. One of the other members will chime in here, probably tomorrow. Also check "TIS.com" It is the lexus site for technical information.
  11. Glad you got the problem fixed. Did your dealer explain why your original GS seats did not work but the other ones did?
  12. Hi Arnie and welcome. I apologize for not replying to your posting earlier. We really dropped the ball here and I hope you will give us another chance. I am not very familiar with the the NX but I can give you a few things to try. On most Lexus models the switches to control the interior lights are mounted on the ceiling above the gear shift lever. Again, on most models you can change the way the ceiling lights work by using a switch on the ceiling. However, there should be a more detailed diagram about adjusting the lights in your owners manual. Also, the dashboard lights can be dimmed or brightened using a small knob by the headlight' Another contact for direct person to person conversation, is" Lexus.com". At that Lexus site you can talk with a customer Service rep or use email. I hope some of this is helpful. Paul
  13. Hi Ivan, The difficulty your having pasting your link is probably due to the small number of postings that Art has so far. New members are blocked from pasting any info such as emails and links. Also, a new member is blocked from Personal Messaging. These blocks and limits are usually removed after 5 -10 postings. All of these items are put there to protect our system from SPAM. Like many people today the servers in the UK are hit on almost every day. (We would be a target for the 156,000 members information.) Thanks to all of you for your help. Paul
  14. Hi Jack and welcome. That's what I call the "Shade Tree Mechanics" book of dealer Vaccine's. You can save money while avoiding some of the "infections" you get from the dealer. Thanks for the idea. Paul
  15. Some times you can find parts like this at "Wrecker" yards or junk yards. Many of these suppliers are on the net and you can scan their inventory. Paul
  16. Absolutely!! Call Lexus.com, and tell them you want to speak with the Customer Service rep for dealer relationships. The tag team in the parking lot should alone grab their attention. I have heard in the past that this connection can provide help. But, as Lenore mentioned, make sure you have collected as much documentation as possible to prove all the misrepresentation as possible. Also, here in Iowa the state has an automobile "Lemon Law" that provides the customer a mediation process with a state appointed Mediator. I am under the impression that this law is on file with every state. I could be wrong about this. Paul
  17. Hi Ali, Toyota has a technical web site for Toyota, Lexus, and Scion. It's been awhile since I've been on the site, but the address is "TIS.com. (Toyota Information Services.) They have an incredible amount of information in the site. You should be able to find all the wiring diagrams you'll need. However, there is a charge for using the service based on how much time you think you'll use. I usually buy the 2 day usage which is $15.00, (48 hours) If you want to give it a try, I would recommend the 2 day rental. You can pick up a lot of knowledge in 2 days. Come back and let us know how things are going. Paul
  18. I'm glad to hear that you may be able to get your problem fixed. I think Lexus dealers are the best in the business, but for some reason known only to the "Crapy Service god", one pops up and completely blows the rep of other dealers. I would encourage you to go to Lexus.com and let them know about your experience with the dealer. Paul
  19. Hi Tommy and welcome. I have not heard of anyone wanting to do this or have done it. I'm not surprised about your interest because mods. like this make your Lexus more personal and special to your likes. Hang in here for a while and someone is sure to chime in about your question. Paul
  20. Hey Steve and Jim, Once again I get to show my ignorance. Can you explain what a melting dash looks like?
  21. Hi Debbie and welcome to the LOC. First, congratulations on having the most unusual problem I've ran across. LOL But seriously, can you please come back with a more specific and detailed explanation regarding the problem of the melting dash. A photo or two would be very helpful. You can also go to Lexus.com. From their home page you can navigate to other departments which may be able to provide some help. Other members will log on today and offer their help. I am VERY interested in figuring this program. Paul
  22. Hi Stephen. Tough question! I have no idea if the glass part is as unavailable as every one seems. My first call would be your insurance adjuster and explain the problem. Their situation is to restore you to the original condition before the accident. They may be able to hook up with a source. A second place to check out are the "wreckers", salvage yards. You can go online and in some cases, go through their inventory. Third, Look at e-bay. Many people have parts they've taken out of other cars for resale. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. One thing more, you might go to "Club Lexus" and see if you can find any help their. Come back and let us know what you find out. Paul
  23. Does the Avalon still have warranty left? If it does that would push me to the Avalon and ditch the $1,000 repair. Also, once a car hits 100,000 miles or close to it, your cars worth takes a big hit in resale value and it doesn't really mater whether it's a Lexus or an Edsel.(Ask your dad about the Edsel...) Let us know what you decide. I've been thinking of trading one of my Lexus. Would you have your dad call me? I would make a good adopted son!!?? LOL Paul
  24. I think I've missed a few years......do they really still make Pabst? What I really miss is Hamm's. Not the beer, the commercials!! "From the land of sky blue water's".
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