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Dogs, Cats?


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We just got a new Doberman puppy. We named him Slim. He is so rotten. So far my little dog rules him. I just hope that it stays that way. He likes to go by Buddy (my little dog), but Buddy don't like it. I was really worried about getting him because of Buddy, but so far everything seems fine.

Wish me luck! :D

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Thanks for the kind words and prayers everyone. You all are wonderful! :D I am doing much better now. Thanks again to everyone!

Jill, congrats on the dobe! You need to take a pic of him for us! I don't think I need to tell you that they are wonderful dogs! When we got Annie(our dobe), Rosey was 8. Rosey didn't like her at all at first. But, she soon warmed up to Annie, and they became best buddies for the next 6 years. Annie was terribly jealous of Rosey, but underneath the competition, they were good friends. So much so infact, we are taking Annie to the vet on monday because she has been depressed ever since Rosey died. She just mopes around the house lethargically, and she doesn't even play with her toys or eat much which is odd for our nonslim 90+lbs. dobe. I don't know what the vet will do, but I think she needs time. Good luck with raising Slim and getting Buddy to accept him! I'm sure it'll work out fine. :D I know what you are saying about the little dog being boss; Rosey was the same way(save the past year or two when her health was declining)-some how Annie knew that Rosey was the boss eventhough she weighed 4x more than her. When Annie was a puppy, we bought her cheap baby blankets that she nurses on(see pic on first page), and as it turned out, she didn't chew up a single thing in the house. :D


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Thanks for the kind words and prayers everyone. You all are wonderful! :D I am doing much better now. Thanks again to everyone!

Jill, congrats on the dobe! You need to take a pic of him for us! I don't think I need to tell you that they are wonderful dogs! When we got Annie(our dobe), Rosey was 8. Rosey didn't like her at all at first. But, she soon warmed up to Annie, and they became best buddies for the next 6 years. Annie was terribly jealous of Rosey, but underneath the competition, they were good friends. So much so infact, we are taking Annie to the vet on monday because she has been depressed ever since Rosey died. She just mopes around the house lethargically, and she doesn't even play with her toys or eat much which is odd for our nonslim 90+lbs. dobe. I don't know what the vet will do, but I think she needs time. Good luck with raising Slim and getting Buddy to accept him! I'm sure it'll work out fine. :D I know what you are saying about the little dog being boss; Rosey was the same way(save the past year or two when her health was declining)-some how Annie knew that Rosey was the boss eventhough she weighed 4x more than her. When Annie was a puppy, we bought her cheap baby blankets that she nurses on(see pic on first page), and as it turned out, she didn't chew up a single thing in the house. :D


I will get a picture as soon as i get a new camera. Someone spilt pepsi in mine at a party. Buddy just turned 8 in june. We got slim a blanket as well and so far the only thing that he chewed was my husbands sandals. :D That was before we gave him the blanket.

I hope that Annie gets better. The vet might be able to give her something until time passes for her to fill better.

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Hey Blake,

So sorry to read about the lost of your beloved pet. I believe just like

our dog, Rosey was 96% or so human in your eyes, so it's definitely

hard to accept.

Take care--accept things you can't control.

PharmGuy (Paul)

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Hey Blake,

    So sorry to read about the lost of your beloved pet. I believe just like

our dog, Rosey was 96% or so human in your eyes, so it's definitely

hard to accept.

Take care--accept things you can't control.

PharmGuy (Paul)

Thank you. I truely appreciate it! I love that quote--"accept things you can't control." :D


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It's always sad no matter the animal.

21 chickens-love my chickens, the best animals in the world

3 cats

1 foot long gold fish

3 normal gold fish

6-12 fish for tututle food 2 red eared sliders (turtles)

2 beatas, red one named blue fish, blue one named red fish.

a tank of small guppies

used to have soo many more... anyone interested in some chickens? selling them for 5 dollars each because when I go to school this fall I won't be able to keep my egg business running. :(

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I love my pets!

2 Tabby cats - Buffy & Xander (brother & sister)

1 Russian Blue cat - Cinco

1 Black Tabby - Eartha Kitt-y

1 Beta Fish - Archie

1 Hermit Crab - Tommy2 (Tommy & Anika both died, RIP)

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While posting a DIY Tranny drain and fill thread, my cat SPOT (aka: MR. Kitty, Dirtbag, FurBall, etc) decided he wanted to see what was up with the mouse.

I couldn't resist, so here is his picture.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Great pics Stevie and Dobie!

Here are some new pics of Annie(hard at work I might add!) and Rosie's spot in our house, and the last one is Rosey(puppies are so cute!) and me at the park ~13 years ago.



Rosey as a baby:



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Great pics Stevie and Dobie!


I agree them are great pictures.


Your cat is so cool! I had one that looked like that when i was 13. He was so cool. My mom hated him cause he would attack her feet. :P


I really like Cinco. He looks like he is definitely the ruler. :D

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I really like Cinco. He looks like he is definitely the ruler. 


Little do you know. It's gotten to the point where he will literally bite our kneecaps (!) to let us know that he wants to play. He's a fun cat! Russian blue's are such characters and really playful (and nice) with the kids that come over to visit.

Thanks for the nice comments, blake918 & 93lexuses! :D

Blake, your dogs are great! I love the one with the doberman under the covers...good thing she's not spoiled! :P


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good thing she's not spoiled!  :P


I know, huh?? :lol::lol:

Cobra, Capone is a very beautiful Pit Bull! :D His brindle coat is my favorite. How do the pit bull's behave? Capone looks pretty laid back and chilled. I don't believe all of the crap I hear on the news about APBT's...because our Doberman, Annie, is also supposed to be a vicious killer, but she is not in the least(she is very affectionate, but she's got a dark side too especially if someone messes with one of us)! How old is Mischko?


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Capone turns 3 on the 9th of this month, Romy is 2, and Mischko was only 4 months old in that last picture. Capone and Mischko(Capone's Son) are the housedogs while Romey owns the backyard with his new little brother Tiger (Not pictured who is also Capones' son) and he is 9 weeks old.

Capone is the ringleader of the bunch, and i would have to say, his genetics do show around other unfamiliar dogs when he feels threatened.

Very stubborn & hyperactive dogs as pups, as they do take a lot of time and dedication, but it all pays off in the end. As for any dog, they grow up to act the way they are raised and i would have to say I have done an excellent job. No complaints here. They are all great with the kids, nieces, nephews, neighbors, friends and they are all beach, restaurant, & park friendly.

Except Capone that is. :wacko: Very well trained, especially with ppl except when other dogs come up to him. You gotta watch this guy man, he'll hand your chihuahua over to you in pieces.

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Sorry to be late but I'm sorry about your dog Blake. My sheltie Melanie died about a month ago at 14. She had the same kinds of symptoms Rosey had, incontenance in the house. She was deaf and getting pretty blind because of cateracts and had pretty severe arthritis in her spine. We had to have her put down.

We're getting ready to get us a new pup, probably a American Eskimo Dog.

Aside from the coming dog my fiance and I have 4....count em 4 ferrets. Ferrets aren't the kind of pet I'd neccisarily have chosen, but she has always wanted one so we got one. Then another. Then another. Then....another. I've put my foot down at 4 :rolleyes:

They're actually good pets and we've grown to have an...understanding. They have the run of the house and sleep in a 6 foot cage. They go everywhere with us and travel in a little carrier my fiance designed for the car. We go away for a weekend I have one bag, she has one bag, the "kids" have 4 bags! They live the high life big time LOL. Ferrets are weird pets. They aren't cage animals like rabbits or guniea pigs but they aren't quite house pets like dogs or cats. They have to be both, which is really annoying. They also require rabies shots like dogs and cats. They get into HUGE amounts of trouble so all ferret sized holes and spaces have to be secured. They are litter trained like cats though, unless you make them mad. They're female dominated, so Emlie (I didnt name them lol) is the ringleader, and I've seen her make 80lb dogs roll on their backs in submission. They're like cats most of the time, and like dogs some times. They're a riot. She has a "ferret stroller" which is a gunia pig cage bolted onto a baby stroller she bought and likes to push them around the neighborhood and take them to Petco. They always get quite a response.

Let me see if I can find some pictures. There's actually one of Tobey, one of the boys with his paws up on the steering wheel of my Lexus...

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Thank you for the nice words Steve. I really appreciate it. I too am sorry to hear about Melanie. My friends and I were having a bbbq on the lake the other night, and then, this lady with two beautiful Boston Terriers walked past us. It kinda took me back for a little while. Coincidently, my neighbor has an American Eskimo duely named "Fluffy!" He's a good dog and very affectionate. Now, I've got to see your ferrets and their "ferret stroller." biggrin.gif


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I can not wait to see pictures of your ferrets. I love them they are so cool! :)


Your dogs are so cute. I like the picture of Capone. Very nice looking dogs! ;)

I really like Mischko.


My vet said that doberman's are great dogs. I only met one doberman that i couldn't trust. The guy who owned it said that she was one of the doberman's with the small head. When i take my pup anywhere people just love him. So many people say oh a doberman they are such good dogs. Now there are some people who are already afraid of him. I guess that is the ones who believe everything they hear on tv. I tell everybody it is all in how you raise the dog! My pup is only 5 months old and i just can't understand the people who won't go near him. He is already trained to stay off of people so he won't jump on you. They are so smart. This is the first one i raised, but i have been around them a lot. My mom had 2. I did learn that they are so rotten as pups. :lol:

I do love him though.

I will post some pictures as soon as i get a new camera.

edit: My mom has one of the brothers of my dog so now this would be her third doberman.

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