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Dogs, Cats?


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Kind of a random topic, but what the heck! So, what kind of dogs/cats do yall have? We have two awesome dogs. Rosey, our 14 year old Boston Terrier, and Annie, our 6 year old Doberman. They are both like family members, and they get offended if we don't let them sleep in our beds under the covers! Needless to say, they are spoiled beyond belief!

Rosey is a great dog, but her age(14) is taking a toll on her. She relieves herself all over the hose which she has never done, and she is blind in one eye because of a detatched retna. Other than her eye, she is in great health for 14 years old(she's only a few years younger than me!). She was an extremely fun dog and a great watchdog in her younger days. Sadly, she spends most of her days bundled up sleeping in our beds.

Annie is probably the best dog we've had. She's just like a live stuffed animal...so affectionate! Eventhough she's a Dobe, she's the sweetest, most emotional dog we've ever had! When I come home from school, the rate at which her tail wags could power a small city, and sadly, she pouts when we leave in the morning. She's a superb watchdog at a moments notice despite her very loveable side. I'd trust her around an infant and know that nobody would touch the baby! She's also extremely smart; she knows exactly when she's done something wrong and will put this terrible look on her face. It's kinda funny! Annie has a few medical problems though. She's diabetic, so I have to inject her with 30units of insulin 2x a day. She also has a thyroid problem and an overactive bladder. Fortunately all of her problems are solved with medicines...2 thyroid pills and 1 bladder pill. She's such a good sport about taking the medicines too!




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one 18lb tiger cat named Spot. He is the ruler of the house.

I love animals, but my schedule does not permit a dog. I do baby(puppy)sit for my friends dogs.

1. border collie named Angel. She is a sweetheart

2. a chocalate lab that is a moose. Her name is Bailey. she's about 110 lbs of pure puppylove. She takes me for the walk.


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Well I might floor the members here but this is NO joke! My sister runs a charity called P.A.W.S. (there is a website for her organization) which stands for People's Animal Welfare Society. She rescues stray & abandoned animals (mainly cats), we have 49 cats at my place now (fairly large house that is spotless I might ad lol :blink: ), and a German Shephard. Only about 8 of the cats (and the dog) are ours, the rest of them are up for adoption. They are all fixed and all have current shot & medical records up to date. If there is a breed of cat that we don't have, the breed dosen't exist! lol B) We have dsh (domestic short hair), dlh (donestic long hair), Persian, Siamese, Hymalyian, Russian & British Blue, Turkish Angora & pretty much everything in between! :wacko: I'm just going to leave it at: My Finance & I can't wait to purchase our own home in the next 6 months or so! lol :lol: :o :whistles: Please don't ask me for all their names lmao! & I'd take up rest of the room on this site if I had to post pics. :lol: ;) What can I say? We love animals but even I think that this is a bit nut's! but the house is spotless thanks to Mom! :)


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i recently purchased a Miniature Pinscher, his name is ACE and he is so awesome, and funny, really brightens you day when you see him.

he is 10 weeks old this week and we got him when was 6 weeks.

he gets his ears cropped May 5, that will be funny to see him with a Dixie cup on his head :lol:

i have some pics of him on file at home, i'll post one later, he is so cute :D

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OK, We have a 9 year old Golden Retriever, Ginger. Got her as a puppy,

for my son in high school. Now, he's out of college, living out of state, and

his dog in still here-- hmmmmm. She's real friendly, but she only rides

in my wife's Altima (she doesn't have leather---lol).


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she only rides

in my wife's Altima (she doesn't have leather---lol). 


That's perfectly understandable! :D My dogs never go near my Lexi...ever!!! I love Golden Retrievers; I hope to have one one day. They are such beautiful dogs, and their happy-go-lucky personality is awesome!


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I had to put my chocolate labrador, Suzy, down last year on my birthday. She had gotten to the point where she couldn't stand up on her own and I said, well, that's it for her. I do miss her a lot, but not the additional duties which come with dog ownership. I still have a big ole black cat named boomer. My daughter got Boomer as a kitten when she was in kindergarden, and she is now a freshman in college. Boomer still goes out every morning for a while to hunt. Doesn't catch much anymore, but still enjoys his life which consists mainly of sleeping, eating, and trying to get me to pet him.

I also have 2 turtles, Yertle and Yokum who I have had for 12 years. They were the size of quarters when I got them and now they are rather large. I have a huge aquairum in the living room where they stay, but in the summer, they stay outside in a converted bathtub pond. They let me feed them and pet them.

Animals are great.

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I love your Annie.. I used to have a red Dobie, he was so beautiful.. I ended up having to get rid of him because he tried to bite wife.. Those 2 didn't get along very well, everytime she'd yell at him he'd growl and show his teeth.. But your Annie is a good looking dog.. As for me, I now have 2 cats... :blushing: Their names a Tiger and Serafina... :blink:

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Thanks Mr. Sypher. Annie is a teriffic dog! She's really a big(not your typical slender dobe! She weighs 85 lbs on the typical smaller female frame, but we love her to death anyways!) baby; she can put on her mean face if she wants. They look so ferocious when they show their teeth. That's not a sleeping blanket she has with her; it's a blanket that she nurses on-hence it's name "bankee!" :lol: She's had them since we got her as a puppy. The blanket is a great tool because it gives her something to chew on that she enjoys. She never chewed up anything!


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  • 2 weeks later...


I love your dog Annie as well. My mom had a Dobie just like her only it was a male. His name was dude. He got sick a few years ago and they had to have him put to sleep. I still miss him. He used to play a game with my son. My son would make a growling noise at him and then he would show his teeth. He wouldn't make a bit of noise cause if he did my mom would yell at him. He never tried to bite him it was just a game to get him to show his teeth. He was one of the most loving dogs. He used to count for treats. It was so cool.

I own a toy poodle mix. He is crazy, but we love him none the less. He will bite anyone that he don't like. You know them ankle biters. :o As long as we are around he only barks his little head off. Some of my friends are like can you lock that dog up or something i can't think with him around. I tell them no way this is his house and if i start locking him up then it will only make him hate you more. He only weighs 3 pounds. He is so funny. After a few minutes he will just lay down next to me or my husband. They just can't make any sudden movement towards one of us. :lol:

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I've only had the caged type of animals fish ,birds.

I like dogs( not much of a cat person) but the responsibilities are too much for me and i would never want to have the animal outside.

When i worked for Bell telephone i saw all orts of people and there pets from the cleanest to the nastyest in the world.

Plus i don;t think the pet would get to the vet and i wouldn;t have one in my cars,too paranoid.

I got a question how many of you actually kiss there dogs/cats and let them lick your face.

I am a germ freak in a way from also working in a hospital as a first job for operating room reasons so i could think of doing that.

I always turn away when on the osbournes they always get a good tounge washing from there pets.

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i used to have 2 dobermans but they are no longer with us. now i have a siamese cat which thinks she own everything and she is a watchcat. everytime a stranger comes over she is sitting next to him, looking into the strangers eyes with the "give me a reason " look, sometimes she doesnt even need a reason and just attacks ppls. one mean animal i gotta tell u this. she loves only me, sleeps with me under the pillow and gets really jealos when my GF comes over. they hate each other. i guess you cant have 2 woman in the house :D IMG_0054-vi.jpg

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I've only had the caged type of animals fish ,birds.

I like dogs( not much of a cat person) but the responsibilities are too much for me and i would never want to have the animal outside.

When i worked for Bell telephone i saw all orts of people and there pets from the cleanest to the nastyest in the world.

Plus i don;t think the pet would get to the vet and i wouldn;t have one in my cars,too paranoid.

I got a question how many of you actually kiss there dogs/cats and let them lick your face.

I am a germ freak in a way from also working in a hospital as a first job for operating room reasons so i could think of doing that.

I always turn away when on the osbournes they always get a good tounge washing from there pets.

I kiss my dog and i let him get a little lick in, but there is no way i would go as far as the Osbournes. :P Never ever in the mouth like they do. That would be a little nuts. :wacko:

I know how you fill about having an animal outside. I would never want a dog just to keep outside.

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I've only had the caged type of animals fish ,birds.

I like dogs( not much of a cat person) but the responsibilities are too much for me and i would never want to have the animal outside.

I'm glad you said this, and it's extremely respectable that you don't get a dog for that reason! :D It's awful to see neglected dogs; they remind me of little people-they all have personalities just as we do! lol Don't get one if you can't take care of it(even if little Johnny bugs you about it) physically and emotionally-I know that sounds a little flakey, but our 2 dogs demand a lot of attention, and if they don't get it, they get very sad. I cut a few yards for extra spending money, and I see a few neglected dogs. One family has a black Lab that is neglected; they put his food and water on the back yard, so that he doesn't mess up the house, but when you buy the puppy, what do you think he's gonna do?? The 2 min I pet him while I'm in their backyard is more attention then they pay him in a week. The only reason they have him is because their darn son bugged them about it until they caved. They bought the dog, and now the kid decides that he doesn't want the dog any more, so out he goes.

Annie demands a king sized bed and several blankets to sleep in, and Rosey used to sleep in bed with us, but she hasn't in a while-she has her blankets on the floor that she likes very much. She's just getting very old-I supose this is why(she also uses the restroom all over the house-no more control)? :( She has been taking her age well, but about a year or two, it caught up with her and hit her like Mr.Sypher's new KW's.

Thanks for the kind words, Jill! They look so ferocious when they pull their noses up and show their teeth. Annie has never bitten anyone out of rage, ever(...we've had her 6 years). She has given me a little nibble a few times, but we were playing-me harassing her is more like it, so I deserved(and expect) it!

Thanks for all of the responses and pics everyone! :D


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I've only had the caged type of animals fish ,birds.

I like dogs( not much of a cat person) but the responsibilities are too much for me and i would never want to have the animal outside.

I'm glad you said this, and it's extremely respectable that you don't get a dog for that reason! :D It's awful to see neglected dogs; they remind me of little people-they all have personalities just as we do! lol Don't get one if you can't take care of it(even if little Johnny bugs you about it) physically and emotionally-I know that sounds a little flakey, but our 2 dogs demand a lot of attention, and if they don't get it, they get very sad. I cut a few yards for extra spending money, and I see a few neglected dogs. One family has a black Lab that is neglected; they put his food and water on the back yard, so that he doesn't mess up the house, but when you buy the puppy, what do you think he's gonna do?? The 2 min I pet him while I'm in their backyard is more attention then they pay him in a week. The only reason they have him is because their darn son bugged them about it until they caved. They bought the dog, and now the kid decides that he doesn't want the dog any more, so out he goes.

Annie demands a king sized bed and several blankets to sleep in, and Rosey used to sleep in bed with us, but she hasn't in a while-she has her blankets on the floor that she likes very much. She's just getting very old-I supose this is why(she also uses the restroom all over the house-no more control)? :( She has been taking her age well, but about a year or two, it caught up with her and hit her like Mr.Sypher's new KW's.

Thanks for the kind words, Jill! They look so ferocious when they pull their noses up and show their teeth. Annie has never bitten anyone out of rage, ever(...we've had her 6 years). She has given me a little nibble a few times, but we were playing-me harassing her is more like it, so I deserved(and expect) it!

Thanks for all of the responses and pics everyone! :D


Your welcome blake. My mom had her dobie (dude) for i believe 14 years and he never bitten anyone either. He was a great dog. I got a nibble as well while playing. He liked to pinch you (never in anger and never with force) while playing. I always said that is why they call them Doberman pinscher like "pinch". :D lol

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  • 1 month later...

I'm afraid Wednesday the 14th was a very tragic day for me. Rosey, our Boston, passed away to natural causes.crybaby.gifsad.gif She looked very peaceful and relaxed after she left. She was a teriffic dog, friend, campanion; we miss her like hell and, and it's only been 2 days. sad.gif Hopefully, this will get easier to cope with as time passes. Rosey lived 14 fufilling and happy years with us. Dogs are like little people with their own personalities and identities, and above all, they truely define unconditional love and loyalty. We had her creamated, so we can always keep her with us. Rest in peace Rosey.

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I hope this helps , there is a bridge between where we live and where our lost pets are , they will be waiting for us , so then we will be able to cross the bridge together , SO FAITHFUL AND LOVING , GOD BLESSES ALL , My heart is with yours.

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:cries: Again , I am touched deeply for our pets are our children . :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: I am weak

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I hope this helps , there is a bridge between where we live and where our lost pets are , they will be waiting for us , so then we will be able to cross the bridge together , SO FAITHFUL AND LOVING , GOD BLESSES ALL , My heart is with yours.

That is indeed very helpful! Thank you! Those are very, very nice words. It's always nice to be around such wonderful people at a time like this.

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LOVE IS EVERYWHERE . IF ALL WOULD OPEN THERE EYES ALL WOULD BE SEEN > AGAIN , SADDENED BY YOUR LOSS . I have a 5 year old lasa and he is my copilot , always and forever :cries:

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