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Smashed The Back Of The Ls


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I was driving to a body shop to get a trim panel fixed and while I was changing lanes merging onto the highway, the jerk behind me sped up forcing me to swerve back over, and the pick up infront of me was slamming on his breaks due to traffic infront of him. So in panic I over corrected and spun out my beautiful 93 ls across three lane of traffic. I SMASHED the back into the median and the trunk, right rear quarter panel, the tail lights, and part of the muffler are all kinds of F :censored: 'ed up. Since I only have liability the car is getting fixed out of pocket. With the budget of a sixteen year old that wont be easy. I am looking for used parts as usual, but I was really wondering of any good places to get a detailed wright up on body work. How to remove the quarter panal and such. The car still drive great though. From inside you wouldn't know a thing had happened. I'll try to post pics soon. I really need to get the bent up, leaky trunk and smashed bumber and lights fixed asap though. Any help or input would be great. Thx

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Jeez killer, you just got the damage fixed from when that fire hydrant jumped out in front of you: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...c=54501&hl=

And in another post you bragged about going 118 mph in a 35 mph zone on an Overland Park, Kansas street: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...amp;hl=Overland

And you are only 16 years old? You've already had more "at fault" accidents than I've had in 43 years of driving -- I've had none.

I think it is time for you to stop driving a car and ride a bicycle for a while -- if you do, you definitely need to be wearing a helmet. :chairshot:

I've got to do quite a bit of driving in Overland Park tomorrow -- would you mind telling me when and where you will be driving so I can make sure that I stay far, far away from you? :blink:

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Jeez killer, you just got the damage fixed from when that fire hydrant jumped out in front of you: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...c=54501&hl=

I know that is what makes me so upset

And in another post you bragged about going 118 mph in a 35 mph zone on an Overland Park, Kansas street: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...amp;hl=Overland

that was one time and one time only

And you are only 16 years old? You've already had more "at fault" accidents than I've had in 43 years of driving -- I've had none.

I think it is time for you to stop driving a car and ride a bicycle for a while -- if you do, you definitely need to be wearing a helmet. :chairshot:

I've got to do quite a bit of driving in Overland Park tomorrow -- would you mind telling me when and where you will be driving so I can make sure that I stay far, far away from you? :blink:

It wasn't totally my fault, and It was raining. I think that I have learned more about life in the 12 months I've had this car, then all other years combined. This car has taught me alot in general. I will fix her and I will make sure I don't have another accident.

Hi Killerfatty,

I'm a professional collision repair technician. Show me some pictures and I will look them over for you and tell you what to expect.


I'll post pics tomorrow afternoon. I know this will be tough to repair, but I'll get it done.

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I'm just wondering how you can afford this on a 16 year old's budget. Did you recently receive a large inheritance or something?

Sounds like your accident was due to inexperience. You're learning the hard way!

Huh? It's a 1993 LS400. They can be found at auction for $800-1000 all day long, good condition ones sell for no more than $4000-4500. They're cheap cars.

To the OP, you need to take a driving course. Or a few even.

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I'm just wondering how you can afford this on a 16 year old's budget. Did you recently receive a large inheritance or something?

Sounds like your accident was due to inexperience. You're learning the hard way!

Huh? It's a 1993 LS400. They can be found at auction for $800-1000 all day long, good condition ones sell for no more than $4000-4500. They're cheap cars.

To the OP, you need to take a driving course. Or a few even.

Really? I couldn't afford a $4000 car on a part-time high school job. I made about $7 an hour in high school. The entire summer I would only make $3000 or so full time. $500 a month part time during the school year or less! Not even enough to buy a decent LS. Then factor in maintenance costs and gasoline. Insurance!

It really adds up. Especially when you have two accidents in a few months and don't have car insurance AND intend to fix the damage out of pocket!

To the OP, it's really time to cut your losses. I'm guessing you won't be so lucky this time and be able to easily replace your damaged parts yourself with junkyard parts. $2000 goes a long way to paying down a college loan or something in the future.

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In Killer's defense....I too have gone 120mph in Overland Park, KS (I graduated from BVN in the early 90's). And, in all other defenses, God and only God is responsible for the fact that I didn't kill anyone, get hurt, or get caught. Lessons learned along the way, and some didn't get as lucky as I, sadly. Let's just say, hitting 100 mph on 119th heading west under the I-69 overpass, only to be met by a drunk pulling out of Tanner's on the otherside, and not hitting anyone or anything...is an act of God. I skidded from the overpass ALL the way to Switzer road, in a 1987 VW GTI. I had flat spots on all four tires for years after that. And, in my day, before the invasion of shopping centers at the corner of 119th and Metcalf, the side road to the high school was our drag strip. But back then, 151st street was "country", 135th was the outskirts, and stoplights were fewer and far between.

Killer....take it easy amigo. Karma gives you only a handful of "passes" before it decides to collect. Trust me, you don't want to know the cost. Statistically speaking, someone in your class won't be around to graduate. There's always one, sadly, very sadly. Don't be that person. By the time I was 19 years old, I watched 3 friends go in the ground in two different states. And how I'm not with them, is honestly beyond me. I still have the newspaper articles in my personal files, to one day show to my son when it comes time for him to start driving.

I'm not sure where in your area to buy the parts, but isn't there some kind of online place we know of on here? Something like Tap recycling or something like that? Anyone remember? Maybe PM DCFish, I think he might remember?

PS: Guys, is it really any of our business how any of us have a Lexus?

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Damn KillerFatty, i feel your pain...

I'm 20yrs old. I've actually hit a hydrant too lol, ripped out the whole right side moldings of my previous Rx300, looked similar to your damage back in Jan... I bet you stare that hydrant down everytime you pass it now, eh? lol.

Just feel good that no other cars were involved in this accident- THAT'S when it becomes a pain in the bum. Can you post pics of the damage? I don't think you can replace a rear 1/4 panel by yourself- i think it needs to be welded on; a lot of work involved in that... But i'm sure there's an easier way to fix it- something that wouldn't last 10 years, but'll do you for a while. And don't be afraid to search ebay for parts, you might be able to even find parts painted to your color :)

Don't worry, it'll be ok <_< As soon as it's fixed you won't think about it anymore.

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the other damn day some girl was turning into the left hand lane and i was in the right and i was goin the speed limit. then she decides as soon as she gets in that lane to jerk the wheel over in my lane and my window is where her from bumper is, i was goin to get hit so i jumped up on the curb on the right side and smashed the hell outta the brakes. to give you a better visual basically half of my car was in the right hand lane and half of it in someones yard, one half of her car in the right hand lane and the other in the left. it was very scary and you can bet i gave her some dirty looks when i got to the stop light. im just glad none of that messed up my ride

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killer, if your car is driveable, take it to Eveland Brothers for an estimate: http://evelandbros.com/

Eveland is probably the best in town for repairing fairly expensive cars -- we've used them too many times to repair damage caused by idiots who crashed into our cars while talking on their phones instead of paying attention to driving.

I'm going to take a wild guess at what Eveland will estimate the repair cost for your car would be -- $17,250. The rear of my 90 LS was crashed in in 1999 and it cost just over $10,000 to repair -- and the damage to it was not as bad as the damage to your car. Let me know how close I am. I suspect I am low on my estimate.

If we can somehow get you to survive to age 20 and stop competing for a "Darwin Award", I think you'll be OK: http://www.darwinawards.com/

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Hi KF,

Well I looked at the pictures and came to a conclusion about your car.

Take the fuzzy dice hanging from your mirror and install them in another vehicle.

Your car has massive damage, this is not a do-it yourself. To be frank, you do not have the specialized equipment or the know how it is going to take to fix your car.

Without opening the deck lid or looking underneath I can see that it has serious frame and floor damage.

You will need to change the:

1/4 panel

rear panel

rt floor extension

deck lid

bumper cover


mounting brackets

rt muffler and exhaust.

and so forth.

Possibly a new rt rr frame rail and floor. I haven't seen it yet.

Chances are that the spare tire well is smashed and you cannot get your spare tire out. If you had the factory CD player it is probably history.

The car needs to go up on a frame alignment machine such as a Car-O-Liner or similar product. You will need a MIG welder and many other specialized pieces of equipment.

Don't even think about trying to fix it yourself. You will be super frustrated and wished you never started the project. It's a hard hit.

The only way you would want to keep this car is if it has sentimental value, because it is going to cost you a lot to get it fixed. More than it is worth. It's definitely a total. There is no sense in getting an estimate unless you are determined to hang on to this particular car.

Just the body labor will be between 60 and 70 hours which will run about 3,000.00+ depending upon the labor rate in your area and that is not counting painting, materials and parts.

I have been looking for another 1st Generation LS and I do body and frame repair for a living and I don't know if even I would buy your car from you. It's that bad. I would have to buy the car cheap and the parts cheap before I would even want to mess with it. Extremely large amount of work.

Time to sing:

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good-bye! :(


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So you want him to get an estimate (which will be on the order of $20,000) just for *BLEEP*s and giggles? :P

The purpose of getting an estimate is to know the cost of repairing the car and to learn exactly what has to be done to repair the car. There is no reason to just speculate on what the repair will cost.

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I think jerry's givien you a detailed sumary of how it would go and what to expect. What not to expect is that it would ever be the same if you went ahead with repairing it. Part it out or use it as a back up for another LS of the same vintage. I know the feeling of having invested a fair amount into a ride only to have it totalled. The hurt only lasts until you get the next one. ;)

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So you want him to get an estimate (which will be on the order of $20,000) just for *BLEEP*s and giggles? :P

The purpose of getting an estimate is to know the cost of repairing the car and to learn exactly what has to be done to repair the car. There is no reason to just speculate on what the repair will cost.

Sure there is--when it's blatantly obvious that the cost to repair the car is several times more than what the car is (or was) worth. This is not a 2000 Platinum like yours!

By the way killerfatty, get that thing out of your driveway. You're bringing the property values down! :D :D (Just kidding)

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WOW! Looks totalled! :blink: I think it would cost a fortune to repair that... may be cheaper to buy another LS, or even a Camry or Accord. Thats what I would do if I crashed mine like that with only liability. My car is a 1991, but I still have full-coverage insurance on it, because I have a small loan against it, but even if not, I would at least have comp on it too.

Sorry to hear of your misfortune.... thank goodness no one was hurt.

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