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Dent Wizard Negotiates


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After getting an estimate of $219 from a local DW, I went to another store across town just for grins. Guy quoted me the same price off their sheet (basically a chart of price by dent size). So I told him that's what the other store quoted me but it just seemed a bit high. After shooting the breeze a bit about how flawless the rest of the car's body was, he actually offered to do it for $169.

Boys, chalk this one up to yet another outsider blinded by the beauty of a Lexus. :lol:

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I've got a little "indentation" behind the RF wheel on front qtr panel. Will get an estimate & possibly photo too. I already called DENT WIZARD who works out of Lexus every morning. HE told me to come by His own shop and save some $ over going to Lexus.......imagine that..... a better deal than by the" stealer dealer" :lol:

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In this area Lexus will farm it out to DW but they up the price. So while the car is at the dealer DW will come by and do the repair.

And most anyplace that works on cars will negotiate, INCLUDING the dealer ;)

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Interesting thing about the negotiation bit. I picked up my car after as they were closing and got to talk to the guy who did the work (and seemed to be man in charge), among other things I asked him if Dent Wizards were franchised (insinuating if they were then they could charge whatever they wanted within reason) and he said no. The funny part: he went on to say that some people will travel from store to store hoping to get a better estimate but they'll find the exact same price at each one. The estimator was sitting right there and I obviously kept my mouth shut. :whistles:

p.s. He did excellent work. I'll post before and after pics ASAP.

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his is a very interesting topic to me. I have several small, but nevertheless annoying dings I'd like to have repaired. What's the best way to get in touch with these dent dudes without getting the dealer involved?

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Here in toronto ,they are franchised soters with emploes that are trained at the head office in pitsburb or somewhere in the states.

Or you can buy the tools for about 5000 and get training for 2 weeks.

I got my wifes sunfire done with a bout 22 dings all over for 200 canadian total of 6 hours and it looked amazing.

This was an unbelivable price ,but i also sent him alot of buisness and he owned that particular dent doctor.

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Here's the dent (just above wheel well). :censored:


Here's the dent gone. B)


Also, the after pic has my first coat of 476s on it. Very impressed thus far. Gonna put a 2nd coat on tomorrow before I head off to the road to Florida. :cheers:

While we're looking at the imperfections of my car... <_< Any easy way to "sand" down where the previous owner got a little too close to a curb one day? :chairshot:

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Thanks, man! Its got a few typical blemishes of a 7 yr. old car but I can't complain at all!

Also, make sure to put 2 coats of that 476 on your car. That pic is the first coat and I swear it looks twice as good after the 2nd. B)

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I tried again, and I got the same thing. It gives me a list of car dealerships. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here <_< . I looked up New Orleans, LA (and Metarie...a small town close by) and I get a list of new car dealerships. :wacko:


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Don't get taken in by the Dent Lizard hipe!!! I am a paintless dent tech in Charleston SC, and those guys are trained to tell you what you want to hear. Make sure you look at there work under floresent lights before you let them touch your car. Don't let them practice on your pride and joy. like some people do and then regret there desicion. I have been asked to fix alot of bad dent work from so called "dent guys" and let me tell you, it's not a easy thing to do. Just a warning!!!

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I wouldnt make that as a broad comment on all Dent Wizard shops. They ARE independently owned (just operate from the same schedule of fees), and like any independently owned franchise quality varies from shop to shop.

I agree however that I wouldnt ONLY look towards DW for PDR, plenty of independent and even detailers that do excellent work. Also plenty of DW techs that do excellent work too.

acf- a professional wheel restorer :P Do a Gooogle search.

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