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I filled the chug-a-lug 4runner today, had between the 1/4 and 1/2 tank left....for $19 bucks! :D :D

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I'm in New Orleans this week, and gas prices are all over the place. Anywhere from $1.45 (Walmart and Racetrack) to $1.69 for regular. Shell is $1.51 (I add about $.25 on to that since I need premium.)...


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$1.69 here...

I filled up just a quarter of a tank on the GX (which is approximately the same size tank as the 4Runner) and with the $20, i still had change!! :lol: :lol: :lol: hehehe.... :D Usually it was around $20 a line (a line per 1/4 of a tank) but since it's the same price as it was back in 03 ( I remember 03 because this was considered "high" price already when I got the GX brand new), it's not as painful as during summertime :)

$20 could almost fill up the WHOLE tank on my CRV lol :rolleyes:

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On my way into the shop today I saw a few stations at $1.69. That's not to far from where we began this whole mess! I never thought we'd see under 2 bucks again! So atleast we get a morsel of relief in this downsliding economy.

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On my way into the shop today I saw a few stations at $1.69. That's not to far from where we began this whole mess! I never thought we'd see under 2 bucks again! So atleast we get a morsel of relief in this downsliding economy.

Yeah, A little releif helps, Take it while we can........................

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I remember back in 04 when it was actually $0.79 a gallon at a Shell station.... IN CALIFORNIA! lol.. :lol: :lol: I wouldn't mind that again hehe.. I remember when that $0.79 happened, I was filling up all my cars everyday even if i barely consumed a gallon of gas from the day before lol.. :D

I can't believe myself that $30 filled just below 1/4 tank left on the 4Runner (full tank is 23 gallons) and $10 filled half the tank on my CRV lol.. :)

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This thread has gone from "this is nuts, you're nuts, this is horrible, etc..", to "yippie!, this is awsome, i love this, rock on!" :lol:

As I've done in the past, I will spew my forward thinking thoughts and predictions on what is coming down the chute now. Now that we're in the "limbo" phase of the presidency, the world is adjusting to what is coming, and we're starting to see what some of the parts of the economic platform will look like. These are absolutely crucial for any recovery to happen. I returned from our annual home office christmas round of meetings about what has happened, and what is predicted to happen. You know me, I believe only about 30% of these "expert" predictions, simply because any expert who says "nobody could see this coming", is no "expert" in my opinion. From his charts and graphs, there are market swings of volatility, gap-out spreads of interbanking lending rates, confidence indexes, etc.... that are at all time highs "not good highs", ALL TIME. But, and the reason why I place this here in this thread, ALL of these charts and graphs this guy presented to us, with thier all-time highs, were on the heels of the ALL TIME highs of OIL. Like I've said in the past, housing triggered this mess, but oil fueled it. Now that oil is coming back into affordable levels, things can, and will, begin to settle.

2009: The next shoe to drop: Commercial Real Estate. At the end of this mess, CRE will show that it was the last to fall, but the first to recover. Simply because of the degree of difficulty associated with the job. It's a whole different ballgame then residential lending. Economy: Many are saying 2009 will be worse than 2008. Many are saying no recovery is to be had in 2009, and pinning their hopes on 2010 instead. I, disagree, somewhat. 1st Quarter of 09' is going to continue to sting. But, I think 2nd Quarter "spring time" will be the kick-off to the recovery. I've based my presumptions in the past on the "human" element, the main element. Charts, graphs, currency balances, supply & demand, are all dependent on one thing....consumer confidence. I think when the snow begins to melt, the windows can be opened, spring cleaning is started, we're going to find a population that is sick and tired of being on the downside. I also think, as mentioned before, this will be the time when folks begin to replace some of the items they've bought during the past 3 years of the drunken spending spree "thanks to Visa". Not all will replace, many won't, but the need will begin to appear.

I'm just rambling.....I'm happy to see we're back in the $1 ranges. I'm happy to see reports of further decline predicted. I'm glad we're finally on the upside of benefit on the oil markets, and can breath. I think the days of last summer are gone gone gone "as are the hedgefunds that manipulated it". Prices might bounce up and down while OPEC does it's thing, but not like we've seen over the past few months, and years. Bush oil....is outta' here! Plus, regulators are returning, and the lasting effect of smaller cars is and will continue to take-hold. I think we're certainly on the path to $1.00/gallon prices for the next several years. Unless something crazy happens, like Iran. But, that'll be a blip.

Now, we've got to position ourselves to be on the upside of benefit in the other markets. We've got some government dollars to repay, and that's done with Consumer Confidence. Watch that index...as it's the one with the most telling tale to tell. It's the only one that will tell you what tomorrow looks like. All others simply react to it. It's at the bottom of the bottom right now...and when you're at the bottom, there's only one way to go!

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I just looked over the first few pages of this thread, :lol: Just in April is when this thread was started, and we went from all upset and venting to "whoopie!". :huh: Maybe it's because of this thread that the price of gas came down? ......We did it everyone! We came together and became one voice. The world heard our snivelling and responded! We are the rulers of the universe! :)

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Again, keep in mind WHY gas prices are down as much as they are. The world economy is continuing to spiral down, we're in the worst financial straights since the Great Depression, more than 500,000 American jobs disappeared last month with millions more set to go away over the next six months, and we're still stuck with an administration that belongs in prison....

Not really a reason to celebrate....

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It's pretty amazing that just 5 months later, articles and predictions like this are starting to swirl around...It's so amazing, infact, that it doesn't seem right. Seems to fast. But, the golden rule, the higher it goes, the faster it falls....


RX, did you get out on the plus side?

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Again, keep in mind WHY gas prices are down as much as they are. The world economy is continuing to spiral down, we're in the worst financial straights since the Great Depression, more than 500,000 American jobs disappeared last month with millions more set to go away over the next six months, and we're still stuck with an administration that belongs in prison....

Not really a reason to celebrate....

I'm not celebrating anything.(I'm a small business owner. <_< ) I was more taking note how fast this has turned. Almost seems impossible! 4 years of almost steady rising fuel costs and within about 3 months, it's like it almost never happened. I know why it's going back down.

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I haven't played any oil options since July. When my charts began to red-line at the highest risk levels in late July (essentially telling me that the American markets were approaching very dangerous territory as far as oil was concerned), I closed out all of my oil positions and still made relatively good money. Not nearly as good as back in April, May, and June, but I paid attention and quit playing oil when my charts warned me to. Glad I listened to them in this particular sector. I'm not nearly as stubborn (or foolish) as I used to be. Get burned big-time by thinking that you alone can beat the market and you quickly learn some humility along with taking your financial beating. I learned the hard way playing with some way too volatile and dangerous tech stocks a few years back - all options investors get brutally raped one way or another in their first year or two. But some learn these valuable lessons quicker than others....

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Well folks, we're about to see just how much money is left in the market. OPEC is on deck to cut production levels around 2 MILLION barrels a day. So, we'll see what oil does in the market. I have a feeling, it will gently bounce, but I think the downward trend in prices of recent, is here to stay for a bit. But, we'll see!

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Hahaha! It's the Santa from this year's Christmas party at Lehman Brothers!

For those of us who know the movie, I found it fitting in today's environment. Looking good Billy Ray...Feeling good Lewis!

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