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Road Rage


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Guns and bats...That's beyond road rage..

Sad to say, it's not.

There's another youtube vid out there, where BOTH road rage'ers have guns. A truck slow speed smacks into a car. Both get out and start cussing & fighting, then pull their pistols out. BOOM BOOM BOOM. The guy who can't shoot as well / fast takes three hits before the more acurate shooter runs out of amo. (shaking head)

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Those are isolated incidents and don't happen very often... Road rage to me is alot of honking and cussing and maybe even a fist fight or two...

Possession of guns and bats are typically thugs behind the wheel just itching to go to jail and out looking for trouble as witnessed in the first Utube clip......

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Times are a changing, folks. I frowned at a driver who was coming out the entrance to a Chick-

Fil-A and he blew up, jumped out of his car, and wanted to street fight.


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Times are a changing, folks. I frowned at a driver who was coming out the entrance to a Chick-

Fil-A and he blew up, jumped out of his car, and wanted to street fight.


That is too funny...I was at Arby's in the drive thru. Now I am with the wife in her car and we have the baby in the back in a carseat he started screaming...was getting hungry. So I turned around to check on him as this young punk a s s kid was backing out of his parking spot. I guess he thought I was turning to stare at him or something. Anyway he just stopped and kept looking over at me. I am not sure if he could not see the baby seat in the back or not. But he just kept looking over at me...thank god for the voice of reason in the car (my wife) she just said don't let him get your blood pressure up. Just don't worry about him. My wife and son were in the car with me so I was not about to jump out of the car but man a few years ago I would have jumped out of the car and beat that little punk down. It is funny how having a family changes things. I certainly would do anything to protect them...but there was absolutley no reason to add any fuel to the fire with this little kid driving his mommys toyota corrolla.

I just have to remind myself sometimes that it is just not worth it.

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He wasn't staring at you Lexirx300, he was checking out your fine taste in women, and trying to get your wife's attention! Take it as a compliment, you stud muffin'! :cheers:

I had a redneck hill-jack moran in a Joe Dirt rust-bucket sitting behind me, while trying to pull out onto a major road from the bank. He was revving his engine at me, trying to get me to just go flying out into traffic. I put the car in park, but slowly, so my reverse lights were lit up for a second while on my way to park. Just sat there for about 10 seconds while watching him go nuts behind me, revving that utter piece of crap! A few seconds later, he's laying on the horn, even though traffic is not allowing me to pull out.... a few seconds later he backs up about 5 feet, cranks the wheel to the right, throws it into drive & hops the curb onto the bank's front lawn, tosses his drink at my car, and hauls into traffic...... only to be pulled over by the COP sitting across the street at the gas station taking radar and was watching the whole thing, that he couldn't see because I was in front of him.. HAHAHA!!!! Cop flagged me over too, only to ask if I wanted to press charges. I said "nah, I can't do anything worse to someone like that, than he does to himself". Got the car washed, went home to play frisbee and drink beer with my buddies.

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Don't fight it people, embrace it.....Road rage...

If you get cut off by some idiot in a hurry then proceed to ram them hard with your car when given the next opportunity..That person should never cut off anyone ever again.....If someone gives you a dirty look then proceed to drag that bad fella out of their car at the next stop and practice all your best bone breaking MMA moves on him. Then take a quick poloriod photo of the look on his face after that..Always remember to leave the picture with the unconscious and beaten down man so he can later reflect on his actions.... Lesson learned.......If some gives you the finger for no real reason feel free to bump them off the road and then proceed to cut that middle finger off with your set of bolt cutters...I gaurantee he will never give anyone the birdy ever again... If someone is driving to slow in front of you then kindly introduce them to the law enforcement pit manuever and then keep driving, that should teach the slow poke a lesson... Lastly if someone honks at you bust out the RPG launcher and fire away.... That should take out the horn for sure :pirate::pirate:

Just kidding of course.....:cheers:

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He wasn't staring at you Lexirx300, he was checking out your fine taste in women, and trying to get your wife's attention! Take it as a compliment, you stud muffin'! :cheers:

I thought he was checking her out! :cheers:

I had a redneck hill-jack moran in a Joe Dirt rust-bucket sitting behind me, while trying to pull out onto a major road from the bank. He was revving his engine at me, trying to get me to just go flying out into traffic. I put the car in park, but slowly, so my reverse lights were lit up for a second while on my way to park. Just sat there for about 10 seconds while watching him go nuts behind me, revving that utter piece of crap! A few seconds later, he's laying on the horn, even though traffic is not allowing me to pull out.... a few seconds later he backs up about 5 feet, cranks the wheel to the right, throws it into drive & hops the curb onto the bank's front lawn, tosses his drink at my car, and hauls into traffic...... only to be pulled over by the COP sitting across the street at the gas station taking radar and was watching the whole thing, that he couldn't see because I was in front of him.. HAHAHA!!!! Cop flagged me over too, only to ask if I wanted to press charges. I said "nah, I can't do anything worse to someone like that, than he does to himself". Got the car washed, went home to play frisbee and drink beer with my buddies.

I had someone in Ocean City do that about 6 or 7 years ago. A few of my buddies and I were in my Jeep Wrangler. This idiot cut me off. So one of the guys in back of my Jeep started yelling at him at the next light. The idiot threw a full beer at my Jeep. He missed...but there was a cop on the other side of me and he saw the whole thing. 5.0 got EM! Priceless!

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Don't fight it people, embrace it.....Road rage...

If you get cut off by some idiot in a hurry then proceed to ram them hard with your car when given the next opportunity..That person should never cut off anyone ever again.....If someone gives you a dirty look then proceed to drag that bad fella out of their car at the next stop and practice all your best bone breaking MMA moves on him. Then take a quick poloriod photo of the look on his face after that..Always remember to leave the picture with the unconscious and beaten down man so he can later reflect on his actions.... Lesson learned.......If some gives you the finger for no real reason feel free to bump them off the road and then proceed to cut that middle finger off with your set of bolt cutters...I gaurantee he will never give anyone the birdy ever again... If someone is driving to slow in front of you then kindly introduce them to the law enforcement pit manuever and then keep driving, that should teach the slow poke a lesson... Lastly if someone honks at you bust out the RPG launcher and fire away.... That should take out the horn for sure :pirate::pirate:

Just kidding of course.....:cheers:

Hahaha... One too many trips on the 5, Jibby? I'd figure with that monster honker of an SC you've got, you'd be airborne by now! :cheers:

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Don't fight it people, embrace it.....Road rage...

If you get cut off by some idiot in a hurry then proceed to ram them hard with your car when given the next opportunity..That person should never cut off anyone ever again.....If someone gives you a dirty look then proceed to drag that bad fella out of their car at the next stop and practice all your best bone breaking MMA moves on him. Then take a quick poloriod photo of the look on his face after that..Always remember to leave the picture with the unconscious and beaten down man so he can later reflect on his actions.... Lesson learned.......If some gives you the finger for no real reason feel free to bump them off the road and then proceed to cut that middle finger off with your set of bolt cutters...I gaurantee he will never give anyone the birdy ever again... If someone is driving to slow in front of you then kindly introduce them to the law enforcement pit manuever and then keep driving, that should teach the slow poke a lesson... Lastly if someone honks at you bust out the RPG launcher and fire away.... That should take out the horn for sure :pirate::pirate:

Just kidding of course.....:cheers:

This should be the philosophy we all live by!! Instead of doing performance mods, we would just be doing combat prep and armour upgrades!!! LOL!!

" Turbo? what do you need that for? Don't you know the stock mount .32 calibre isn't really sufficient, so I think you should upgrade to the twin .50 calibres with the counter wieght recoils. What do ya think? Maybe upgrade the navigation system to heat and ultraviolet targeting with 6 active bogy tracking and a passive mapping system so you don't take out to many pedastrians along the way. " LOL!!!!!


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I had someone in Ocean City do that about 6 or 7 years ago. A few of my buddies and I were in my Jeep Wrangler. This idiot cut me off. So one of the guys in back of my Jeep started yelling at him at the next light. The idiot threw a full beer at my Jeep. He missed...but there was a cop on the other side of me and he saw the whole thing. 5.0 got EM! Priceless!

I'm constantly amazed by how high strung drivers in Ocean City are, I mean, you're on vacation people! Lighten up. A lot of road rage in Ocean City.

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I hope every law enforcement agency sees this news story (click the pic of the Crown Vic and PT Crusier for the video) and takes similar action:


Just last night I was stuck behind some imbecile blockading the left lane by cruising next to the person in the right lane. God, if only they would start locking these people up. :whistles: Hats off to the Oklahoma State Police for cracking down on this problem!

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I hope every law enforcement agency sees this news story (click the pic of the Crown Vic and PT Crusier for the video) and takes similar action:


Just last night I was stuck behind some imbecile blockading the left lane by cruising next to the person in the right lane. God, if only they would start locking these people up.:whistles: Hats off to the Oklahoma State Police for cracking down on this problem!

AMEN!!!!!! I bet 99% of the morons in the left lane have no clue. I wish they would prime time that video clip! And the jerk in the PT Cruiser??, is the epitomy of what I'm talking about.

Great post Blake. Good find!!!

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Well PT Cruisers aren't speed demons.... PT Cruiser owners are in most cases quite odd to begin with...I think they are a rediculous looking cars with no power.... Just my two cents...

I agree,,, the "cult" the car has made is definately undeserving, but to each their own. In any case, the PT cruiser is still cabable of the speed limit in the right hand lane...

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Not so sure they can make the speed limit.. :rolleyes:

What is the most gutless car ever made from factory? Maybe the old Susuki Samuri, or older VW bugs maybe?

140 cubic inch automatic transmission 6 cyl 1964 van could barely get up to the ski lifts ... them & the VW vans. The low powered cars will most likely make a big come back though. IMO, the best thing that's comming from sky high gas prices, is that even some of the crazy drivers are giving a 2nd thought to floor'n it from the red lights ... racing off to the next red light.

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I owned a 1986 Isuzu tropper II carburated 4 banger...Big time gutless, I would be pressed hard to beat a fully loaded big rig in a quarter mile sprint in that lemon...I had to gut the cats just to squeeze a little more power out of it....The bright side it was an eye dropper for fuel economy...

I probably had a few drivers experiencing road rage at some level driving behind me in that slow !Removed! truck...

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AMEN!!!!!! I bet 99% of the morons in the left lane have no clue. I wish they would prime time that video clip! And the jerk in the PT Cruiser??, is the epitomy of what I'm talking about.
I think you are right! I guess that's why the PT Cruiser guy was complaining and saying it's not fair....sorry, what's unfair is all of the people you pi_sed off by going less than the speed limit and not yielding to faster traffic in the left lane. This guy seems like an extra special moron, I mean if you are going to drive in the left lane, the least you can do is move over when a fully marked Police crusier is on your tail. :chairshot:

Another slight annoyance of mine (although no where near the left lane morons), are these people who have gigantic rims on their cars and have to nearly come to a complete halt to hit a train track or pot hole when everyone else is going 30mph-40mph over the tracks or holes.

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I think you'll like this one. There was a group of us standing outside of Ryerson U in Toronto at lunchtime one summer, so the sidewalk was full of students. This older lady got into her Deville that was boxed in by a Beetle and a Civic. She spent about ten minutes cranking her wheels (you could hear the pump working overtime) inching her way forwards and backwards, getting nowhere. By this time, there was a crowd around her with some of them trying to guide her. Finally she loses it. She hit the gas, smashed into the Civic, moving it forward about 2 feet. Put it in reverse, smashed into the Beetle, caving in the hood and moving it back about 2 feet, then hit the gas, and peeled out of there with the crowd cheering as she smoked the tires and lay down a strip about 8 feet long. Couldn't believe that I saw this happen right in front of me. I guess sooner or later ya just gotta do what ya gotta do!

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  • 5 months later...

I get ticked off every time I drive my car and I am reminded that Lexus took away the Override.

This helped.


However, I know that a *lot* of car buyers were not told that the Override was taken away. That still irks me.

So I started www.LexusOverride.com

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I think you'll like this one. There was a group of us standing outside of Ryerson U in Toronto at lunchtime one summer, so the sidewalk was full of students. This older lady got into her Deville that was boxed in by a Beetle and a Civic. She spent about ten minutes cranking her wheels (you could hear the pump working overtime) inching her way forwards and backwards, getting nowhere. By this time, there was a crowd around her with some of them trying to guide her. Finally she loses it. She hit the gas, smashed into the Civic, moving it forward about 2 feet. Put it in reverse, smashed into the Beetle, caving in the hood and moving it back about 2 feet, then hit the gas, and peeled out of there with the crowd cheering as she smoked the tires and lay down a strip about 8 feet long. Couldn't believe that I saw this happen right in front of me. I guess sooner or later ya just gotta do what ya gotta do!

:lol: :lol:

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