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My Shop


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Having fun with the camera....here's a couple quick pic's of my tool shop where I tweak with the car...And spend my time when I'm in trouble from spending too much time on here, instead of with the "boss"...

She hasn't found the cot yet...hahaha.

I need a dorm fridge....got wireless internet already, and feeding the tv off of the neighbor's cable "shhhh" :whistles:




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feeding the tv off of the neighbor's cable "shhhh" :whistles:


What's inside those binders? Your daily journals?

Close....the repair manuals for the car, piece by piece...:cheers:

The shop building itself isn't much...but I love hanging out in there, especially in the fall. I've got a heater out there. I love "tinkering" on saturdays in November with the heater going, a 6 pack, football game on the tube and no cell phone reception "cause it's turned off!" :cheers:

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Hahaha...actually I'm thinking about installing a key-code lock on the shop, and take the access code to my grave, so the "girlie" junk can't infect my last stand of manhood. I call it NC's Alamo! :D :cheers:

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We'll see how this goes come football season....

Here's hoping that she won't be hanging pantyhose up to dry around your space heater and playing Clay Aiken CDs in there while you're not around....

My wife kept piling a bunch of her garden tools and planting materials around my workbench and tool storage bins in the garage over the winter. I'm a neat freak and she just leaves the compost dirt wherever it falls. I told her this past Sunday that if she doesn't move it outta my way by this coming weekend, it's all going in the trash when I oil-and-filter-change our daughter's Jeep this coming Sunday.

If she calls my bluff and kills me in my sleep come Sunday night, you guys be sure to turn her into the authorities on Monday morning....

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Having fun with the camera....here's a couple quick pic's of my tool shop where I tweak with the car...And spend my time when I'm in trouble from spending too much time on here, instead of with the "boss"...

She hasn't found the cot yet...hahaha.

I need a dorm fridge....got wireless internet already, and feeding the tv off of the neighbor's cable "shhhh" :whistles:

Nc, Not a bad cubby you got there, I see a big screen in your future, I also see a wet bar, A few lay-Boy's and plenty of room for the PT ( Divider not included ). Looks like your future garage aspirations are coming to fruition. Keep up the good work. ;) :cheers:

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If she calls my bluff and kills me in my sleep come Sunday night, you guys be sure to turn her into the authorities on Monday morning....

LOL, you can count on us.

For me its the garage and my office. Our townhouse has a one car garage with a closet where I keep all my detailing tools, its in here/in te driveway where I detail the cars. My office is also supposed to be my domain, but I was kicked out of the closet about 3 months ago and I've noticed boxes poling up on the wall opposite the desk lately too lol

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LOL you guys talk big..HE,HE..That's all "Honey do" stuff moving in on you and when you complain..guess what? "Okay Honey, you're right, Lets clean this up".. Never fails, and they know it..you gotta Love them and that's your job..

Men, let's unite and then? :wacko: Neanderthals..bad idea...but that's alright..because we Love them. And once again they(Is it safe to say? ) "win" because we haven't lost, but live to "Fight another Day" LOL..Start putting your tools and spare tires in their sewing rooms..Bad idea..Their stuff moves in on our stuff because they seek attention. We move our stuff into their stuff because we are looking for "War"..Aint Love Grand? LOL... Love them as if it was your last breath! You will "always" win no matter the outcome. :cheers:

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Nope, I won't be doing any planting this weekend - her garden is her domain and she knows I never set foot in there other than to carry heavy plants in or out when asked or to feed the fish in the koi pond while she's away visiting her parents in Florida. Piling tools and plant materials in an area in the garage that she knows is my domain and then leaving them there for me to have to step over and around to get where I need to go is just plain laziness on her part - she's not dropping any hints about me helping her plant anything, believe me.

Bottom line - if that junk is still in my way come Sunday morning, I'm hauling every bit of it to the nearest dumpster. I asked her politely a full week in advance to move her tools and supplies prior to my need to do routine maintenance on our daughter's Jeep. If she ignores my request, that junk is outta here and she knows me well enough to realize that I mean it. Whether she chooses to ignore me on this little matter and turn it into a battle remains to be seen. I guess I'll know the answer to that by Sunday morning....

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Your too funny RX, My wife does the same thing, I finally created a work area that was clear of my junk and next day I find her stuff piling on top. My solution I found a Rubbermaid tub and deposit her stuff and when she asks for it I go well I was working and i put it in the tub over there in the corner of the garage. No fights, and I act innocent..... she is italian and you never know what the reprocussions could be, Her family does have ties you know. NC you space is coming along, good luck.

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My grandfather used to give my grandmother a week warning to clean her stuff up. After the week was up he took his front end loader (tractor) and loaded it with all of her junk...as he called it. Then he would take it to the woods and dig a big hole and well you get the point. Is that what you are talking about RX. Not me...when my wife gets to much sh** I guess I will just by a bigger house.

As far as my space!!! HA I have the 2 car garage, when she is not parked in it, when she is I have a (1 Car garage!) TV and Fridge in the garage the fridge inside is for her stuff...my beer has tasted better in the fridge in the garage anyway...and up stairs I have my home gym (treadclimber and Elliptical) which we use at differnt times (so that is shared space)... and I also have my home office in another room she doesn't like to go in the office...that is where the bills go :D !

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This situation has now been resolved in my favor. Without any further prodding from me, she cleaned up her mess in the garage last night after dinner. She knew full well that I would have hauled it all away come Sunday and didn't want to lose her garden tools and supplies.

There's an old saying that married couples need to pick their battles wisely. I'm glad to have won this particular battle since I have to admit to losing my share of them over the years....

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My garage is my sanctuary as well except you can't get a car in there because of all of the woodworking tools are in the way (I build contemporary furniture in my spare time). I have the mini refrigerator in there as well as CATV, etc.

Women escape to the mall men to the garage.

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My garage is my sanctuary as well except you can't get a car in there because of all of the woodworking tools are in the way (I build contemporary furniture in my spare time). I have the mini refrigerator in there as well as CATV, etc.

Women escape to the mall men to the garage.

Here !!! Here !!!! :cheers:

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