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Local 2000 Ls400 Going A Little Too Fast?


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this whole topic has gotten really great!! i LMAO when i read a post about how their member number was their birth year!! how ironic!

grandpa: im confused... how did u fool 93?

i know how V-Tech works but thats because i have a friend with a riced out honda prelude with the H22 in it (2.2 litre 4 cyl) which is a V-Tech and i asked him to explain to me. i know that its a DOHC (Dual Over Head Cam) meaning it has 2 cams and 4 valves per cylinder. mostly all 4 cylinder cars are DOHC but not all. anyway, he said that like with his V-Tech controller, he can have just 1 cam going and then turn them both on and it takes off like a rocket ship (i know, i've driven his car and almost sh*t my pants!!). i think he also said that one cam is larger than the other... i forgot some of it, he explained this months ago.

93: cool :P! im 17 too and maybe we can hang out sometime when u come to NC state. that is just in downtown and i go there a lot to get pizza from a great joint called "I Love NY Pizza".

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I think thats enough guessing as almost all the bases have been covered. I am 23.

People constantly think I'm in my 30s and I've even had people guess I am as old as 40 even when they know me personally. I don't know what it is, I suppose I dress conservatively, drive a conservative (and expensive) car. I suppose its something being so involved in business so young has done to me. Whenever we go to the beach I always win a prize from a fool the guesser guy on the boardwalk. The guy the year before last guessed 36 and said "Man, you've had a tough life" when I told him and showed him my drivers license. I have never been carded entering a bar or any other restricted area (granted I rarely do) even when I was in high school unless I'm with people my same age, then they tend to card everyone.

We went to VA with some family and friends of my Fiance, they're 30 and walking into Dave and Busters with them I was asked to show ID for my underaged guests :D My fiance is my age and she's also very mature like I am but thankfully for her (its different for girls lol) she comes across as 24, 25 I wonder what they think of us lol

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I put several things together;

First, your reflection on the hood of your ES......pretty clever huh!!!!

You've mentioned several times about your Dad's LS.....98 & 02???? So I figured he was close to 50 or so.........

And you've mentioned a "Fiance'" a few times.........

Hence my guess in the mid-20's....???????

Also, Not many people in their fifies detail OTHER owners vehicles for fun on the weekends........not saying it doesn't happen........but just more logic.

You do a great job Steve! Whata ya think of my investigative skills???

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The other day, a older lady in a very late 90s or 2000 Lexus LS400 was tagging pretty close behind me on the highway.  The next morning on my way to work, at the exact same spot, the TN state police had her pulled over and I am assuming was either writing a speeding ticket, or he just wanted to get a good look at the car?   :D  :lol: It is a beautiful car.  It is like a sand color, with gold trim.  Anyone know what the correct name is for this color on these cars?

Could be my color:

Mystic Gold Metallic - a new color introduced in 1999.

99LSguy- I think you have it. In fact, I think her car is identical to your car. Hers looks a little darker, but it may just be your photo color- it may be the same, as it looks very close. Does your car have the larger headlamps like the 2000 LS?

Perhaps she did deserve the ticket, as she must have been going pretty fast, as the state police (Tennessee) will normally let you go up to 69 MPH in a 55 MPH zone without pulling you over. She was tailing me pretty close the day before however, as the 4-lane HWY narrows to a 2-lane and the speed limit drops to 35 mph. On the 4-lane, I was going about 60-65, and she stayed behind, but on the lower speed range, she was a little closer. Maybe she wanted to race? :D I think it is funny how poeple in Mercedes or BMWs and Acuras - or some sports cars act like they want to race me, just because I am in a Lexus and my car is 100% original- without ANY modifications. It is even funnier when they speed away, racing their engines, as I slowly accelerate. I think it makes them ill. :lol:

Speaking of age- everyone here on this site seems to get along well with everyone and no one seems immature like some folks on other sites. I have owned several different makes of cars and I have been on other forums, where there is a lot of bickering. I thought I was one of the younger Lexus owners here, but I guess not. I also know what people mean about people thinking that we are driving the parents Lexus. I look a lot younger than I am (28 now and holding - lol :lol: ) and I have often just think people are saying "he is driving his dads Lexus", because I have heard other people I know say it about other younger people that drive expensive make luxury cars, such as Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, Acura, Infiniti, Jaguar, Land Rover, ETC. <_< As far as the dealer goes, they treat me very nice, just like they do the doctor or lawyer that just bought a new 2004 LS430. My cousin is opposite- she looks a little older than she is ( I think she is in her early 30s now). She has a late 1990s Range Rover, but I would not think anyone is saying she is driving her fathers Range Rover.

It is true sometimes, or perhaps the kids have wealthy parents who buy them the big, expensive automobiles. There are a lot of younger kids around here in my city that drive very expensive, new/late model luxury cars that their parents have bought for them. One guy at work says a guy he went to school with last year has a brand new 2004 Cadillac truck (forget what it is called) that his dad bought for him w/ cash. :blink: There was even a big article about it in the local newspaper, with the teachers stating that many of their students drive nicer cars than they do. <_<

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Yes - I do have the larger HID headlamps w daylight runners...........standard on 99's and up.........introduced on the 98 and was so popular , Lexus made it std.

This is a slightly darker Gold than the previous years so I would guess it is the :

Mystic Gold Metallic

Like mine!!! (JUst a low angle sun shot)

No generation gaps here at LOC - total class all the way :cheers:

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Yes - I do have the larger HID headlamps w daylight runners...........standard on 99's and up.........introduced on the 98 and was so popular , Lexus made it std.

This is a slightly darker Gold than the previous years so I would guess it is the :

Mystic Gold Metallic

Like mine!!! (JUst a low angle sun shot)

No generation gaps here at LOC - total class all the way :cheers:

Yes, it is a very nice color and I would say that her car is identical to yours. I like the front styling as well on those years.

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for the record im 16, i go to a white orenented school, that have kids with lawyer parents or doctor parents, who are willing to buy them m3's saleens escalades and whatever they can manage to get, i rememeber some kid got to have a porshe for 1 month while his dad was looking for a new car for him...

i love this group, i have already started about 2 or 3 post about loving this forum, haha the people hear are great, i ask questions and i receive the most honest informational replys any kid could ask for, no stupid "im older and a lot wiser from you guys so shut up" kind of bull

oh btw i guess u guys cant guess my age AHHAHA

and yes i wonder how many times u can quote a quote does anyone know if there is a limit? i mean besides of quoting til u are *BLEEP* bored

and also i check out an import show this weekend recently and i have got to say the GS430 is soooooo beautiful i almost shat my pants, but sadly i took only one picture of it and it wont do it justice, i ended up taping and taking pictures of all the hot, hot, HOT models at the show so sorry for anyone who would like to see it im willing to post up model pictures but i prefer not cus i mean HEy this is LOC

hmm i really forgot what the topic for this but hey i remember someone saying somethign about visiting this site 5 times a day... i do that a lot too since im a lexus freak, i only wish i had questions forevery time i went one, or i wish that i could remember all the posts i need to check out since i tend to have bad short term memory....

i wish i was a pirate

maybe then i'll be the first pirate driving a LS

what was the name of the gold 2 tone paint theme of the old LS400 93'

i love the calling the color chamepane, it sounds sooo lust and exotic hahaha ok guys enough with this endless chatter i can do this for hours at a time but i dont htink anyone will have the power to read all the things i could write

man i need to puncuate and learn to spell haha NIGHT GUYS

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Even if we knew your age it wouldn't change anything. ;)

I know! Who gives a crap?? Who cares if you're old(we'll all be old someday, so who cares? It's a fact of life!)?? An '03 ES owner is in his 70's, and we love him just as much as members that are 30. We're all here for one thing-to talk about our Lexi and develop friendships. That's it! :D I've never once felt descriminated by my young age here! Steve's right; LOC has some great people. :D Take a look at other online car clubs. For ex., I looked at a Mustang Cobra club(since we have one). Wow, was I amazed. The people are so childish, and all they do is argue and insult each other about frivolous things.

LS430, that is a gorgeous FX! :wub: Doesn't vvt-i use hydraulic lifters to !Removed! and accelerate the opening and closing of the valves to maximize low end hp and torque--fuel econ.?

Steve, I say 35-40 years old. <_< I do know what your screen name means! lol There was a post from a long, long time ago that seemed to disappear that had everyone explain their LOC handle.


this place is great


vtec uses the computer active different lobes on the cam so it changes the timing so that it produces max hp and high and low rpm.

i'd say u were were pretty close

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for the record im 16, i go to a white orenented school,

I'm sorry if I sound rude, but in this topic I have seen another person post about his race or soemthing about race.... does it really matter?? I mean come on. Maybe I am just interperting these posts wrong because it is a lot different than talking to someone in real life, but I just find that when you take a test in high school or something and it asks for your race or ethnic background or when you apply for a job or scholarship.... but hey, thats just me

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Yes - I do have the larger HID headlamps w daylight runners...........standard on 99's and up.........introduced on the 98 and was so popular , Lexus made it std.

This is a slightly darker Gold than the previous years so I would guess it is the :

Mystic Gold Metallic

Like mine!!! (JUst a low angle sun shot)

No generation gaps here at LOC - total class all the way :cheers:

I actually seen another Lexus in the parking lot at work today, identical to your 99 LS400- also the same color. Not the same one I seen that was stopped by the state patrol, as it had a different license plate #. The lady that was pulled over had a personalized plate #.

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it actually does if grandpa, to let u know u being in highschool should know that they had to revise the sats, the reason behind this, and this isnt somehting i just came up with while smoking a blunt, which i havent ever, anyways the reason behind the switch was that the test was wieghted so, males, of the asian and white population that take the sats do better when the people at ETS( company making the sats) calulate the scores together, since the scores are based on curve and how well everyone taking with u on the same date do, but its just said that if u are a male of asian or white race u do better then say a female, thats not all true but overall so im guess race does matter at a point, though here at LOC there is no race, its about LOVE for lexus making no race barriers!!!

love to lexus

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I think thats enough guessing as almost all the bases have been covered. I am 23.

WOW! :o Only 23?!?!? I'm shocked! :huh: I know where you're comming from though. No one ever believes me when I say that I'm 17. People say I look atleast 24-25.

LS430, we need more pics of that FX_5!! :D


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I think thats enough guessing as almost all the bases have been covered. I am 23.

WOW! :o Only 23?!?!? I'm shocked! :huh: I know where you're comming from though. No one ever believes me when I say that I'm 17. People say I look atleast 24-25.

LS430, we need more pics of that FX_5!! :D


I had no idea that so many younger folks owned LS400s. I am the opposite as well. I am 28, but most people that guess my age say I am 17 or 18, which is fine with me.... :lol: Perhaps when I am 40, I will look 30 :D .....I hope anyway... LOL. :lol:

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I think thats enough guessing as almost all the bases have been covered. I am 23.

WOW! :o Only 23?!?!? I'm shocked! :huh: I know where you're comming from though. No one ever believes me when I say that I'm 17. People say I look atleast 24-25.

LS430, we need more pics of that FX_5!! :D


ask and u shall recieve..35 btw.






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do i have the distinct honor of being the oldest member on board...

will be 68 this november.

thank God i can still do all the liquid changeouts and even some fairly

difficult things like repair the p/s pump and replace the a/c stv vlave..

mainly because knowledge and help from this forum.

maybe i'm the one who should have the handle "grandpa".


ps--some consolation...people guess me to be around 50, or maybe

they are just being nice.

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looks like your M3 could use a bit of body work or another body. hpi bodies are the best looking.

i am looking for a VW golf or jetta body. in 200mm..know any body who is selling. cause i think taimia only made them for like month and that s it

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