Well i looked at the video and the side window ones look cheap and ill fitting.
It looks like a basic universal one which will fit better on some cars than others . I like it but they will only sell as a bulk order of 100 pieces.
No problem,
Does it turn all the way ? Is there resistance near the end of the turn with the little give that usually releases the latch?
I would suggest pulling back the liner and seeing if the rod and fallen off from a broken clip.
When i read you reply to this thread "air force" do you notice you say it does not work but give no details of what does not work?
It does not turn ,the key won't go in , it just keeps turning.
No detials = no clue
You can replace the bushings alone but it is a major pain in the assssss.
I did a GS 300 a few days ago and there's should be pretty much the same as our LS.
It has to be done by a press , there is no maneuvering it into the hole no matter what you do . Even with a 10 000 lb press you need a channel locks to squeeze it in.
I did the repairs in the summer ,i think as it has atleast been over 5 years since i used them.
Once done properly it fills the star enough to stop the cracking and make it more transparent.
For a few dollars more you can get it done by a pro also with a proper evacuator to remove air and fill.
It may take into account the fact that it takes to board and dock with the ferry so it sees a slower route. Thus it bypasses it rather than using it for your destination points.