another Canadian but i can't stand bush or anything he sits down for since he stands for nothing
i couldn;t stand him well before micheal moores propaganda ,it just showed him in a biased light of stupidity which bush is well known for.
I think war is useless and only for the weak trying to flex their muscles on others.
Any time you try and tell another how they should live you should expect retaliation it only makes sense.
If you came into my home and told me to get out because you have a gun ,do you really think i would say oh sure no problem i will go live in the streeet instead ?
btw i prefer Canadian politics we show up to help heal, repair and restore not shoot ,mame,bomb, and make excuses.
you don;t see us with a terror alert,maybe we are naive in thinking we don;t need one , but ignorance is bliss and i prefer my country not fighting anyone,what's the use of atttacking Canada ?
Maple syrup, mountie uniforms and free health care if you happen to get shot ?