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Everything posted by SKperformance

  1. what kind of amp is as important as the wattage which is mearly a marketing feature
  2. ok having thin wiring shouldn;t effect the lower volumes but the higher ones but a bad connection such as a bad crimp or damged wire will cause distorion as the electricity now has to be driven over the damage causing distortion i had this problem with my civic, i never noticed it but my wife in the passenger seat always would complain the stereo gave her a headache, i listened one day and it was horrible on that side, so i left it and added new PG wire ad balanced the audio and returned it to proper levels
  3. ok first, the hoses are right to be removed the tranny coller hoses can be removed eaisly by undoing the clamps and slid off the fan is hydralic not electric so leave the assembly intact with its frame work and remove it from the rad i think you are talkign about an a/c connection which i wouldn;t remove or disconnect either. not sure as i don;t have a 92
  4. you haven't looked in the memebrs garage and seen what my car looks like have you brian ? I have more crap than i ever will need, a stereo that costs more than the car and other stupid bits i added over the years,tv ,ps2 meters..........
  5. sure it will work fine but so will a gm ,lol that is what makes a lexus a lexus the overengineering of everything, besides they are a few hundred to replace them
  6. or look up and hit the link up on top of the page beside the forum guidelines about here^
  7. have you found where exactly the leak is? Can you not get oem lexus glass?
  8. there are very few different oil filters from toyota for their newer vehicles your supra filter should fit on my ES as well as an example look on ebay they selll oem filters cheap and list all the applicable vehicles
  9. Ok to straighten out a few misconceptions you will not lose power or mpg by uising a higher ocatance ,as you drive a car goverened by a computer and fuel injection not a carburator this means the ecu will change the timing to adjust for lower and higher octance, meaning if you have used cheap gas for its whole life you will now have higher burn temps which will be clearing out the carbon build up but it is not instant either. it will take a few tanks to notice a difference in a car with large deposits, this will also lower your inital data recoreded from changes in fuel usuage as the carbon create hot spots with the higher temp which will cause a slight timing retardation until it is retified by it blowing the carbon out to a poiint, which is hard unless you get a motorvac to thoroughly remove it., I have air fuel ratio meters in both my cars as well as a pyro which monitors the burn temp precisley,by reading this it shows me th temps rise much better with 94 ocatne as well as much better than any crap gas shell sold me for 5 years before i switched for the better. So all in all if you can get 600++km a tank consistanly like mine with 1000lbs added with modifications and stereo dragging around on top of it with chrome 18's then make an argument that 87 is better but everything i have learned and seen in my personal test come back with positive results every time i fill up my tank. using a higher octane allows your ecu to make a descion on how much to !Removed! or advance the timing according to the needs of the driver not its limitations of knocking which will never be felt by a driver since the knock sensors are way to sensative and respond faster than you can think you heard a knock.
  10. What horror stories the filter is easy to replace with the right tools When ever i used to go to the dealer with my car i would go around back and see the techs standing around my car playing with it rather than working on it. This is at 2 different dealers in TO. They know the cars well but not perofmance mods, but it depends on what they are, rememebr the only stuff they normally deal with is the L tuned stuff which is now disconinuted and came with step by step instructions from toyota
  11. nice price for a 94 also no worries you not having fog lights is odd someone removed them or got in an accident and didn;t want to replace them the windom headlights and taillights are the same the tails don;t have the ES on them only so it might be a waste of money to get them but if you could use a replacment for yours then it is good i think it is a sweet bumper though
  12. the y pipe is a common problem don't buy aftermarket as they are made cheap compared to the oem one which i replaced mine with , also make sure your engine mounts are good or else you will destory it also again. If doing the exhaust just change the piping form the resonator back as the cat to res are good piing with 2.5 diameter but it closes down to 2.25 to the muffler which is what i replaced it with SS 2.5 for the rest and got a wide muffler to make it low and deep rather than a dual which i find to be quite loud on other ES's
  13. 92-93 94-96 are the only camry to ES swaps that are straight plug and play after 96 they change totally the acoustic induction system is on the ES and camry
  14. Not usre how the abs system being bleed helps but hey if it does great. It usually gets set off by the wheel bearings being worn and being out of tolereance on the sesnor,or the huib gets hit and destroys the sensor.
  15. it happens when a hot plug is taken out of a hot engine especially aluminum, it happens when the head is still hot and expands with no plug in there , so when the plug is reinserted it is very hard if at all thus heating the head again cuases it to cross thread and seize. did this happen to you or is it a hypothetical situation ? If so which plug?
  16. easy to replace or reinstall just undo one bolt which ia an adjusting bolt to move the pulley up and down to get the belt on, easy as 3 minutes
  17. there was a platinum edition way back when before the coach with coach rims i agree with the button lock out in the glovebox
  18. llose belts as well as the alternator causes extra load on the belt casuing it to slip another problem can be runnign the a/c as soon as the engien is started as their is enough strain on the belt already which causes it to slip
  19. guess i thought i saw it before oh well here is the link for the page of all canadian lexus recalls. lol there are hardly any for all models with a total of 15 years http://www.tc.gc.ca/roadsafety/recalls/list_e.asp
  20. hmm , i swear this is a fault and under recall with transport canada ?
  21. the solar sensor code will always come on if you check it when it is dark it is not an error just it is saying it is receiving no output from the sensor
  22. If it started after the cap change i would say it is either a cheap aftermarket one or the wires may have been pulled and are not makign proper contact anymore. btw shell has the worst gas around, i used it for years and now would rather run out than use tehm as i lost power and milage using their crap with all 3 of my cars
  23. rotors warp due to heat being diffused unevenly or over heating such as a bad way of braking or having hot rotors running through water each time you turn/lathe/resurface a rotor it removes metal which causes the rotor to warp even faster again
  24. i used to have a dead battery alot as i have tons of stuff added to my car but it stopped since i changed my battery to an optima and changed the battery cables
  25. depends on the dealer i wouldn;t let them install anythign as most of them will just have their guys scratching their heads,what do you want to get them to put on?
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