because the large majority of the consumers out there take things for granted, are misinfomred or just do not know.
My father used to teach a course in highschool. He called it "Automotive Survival"
It was a course geared for the average teenager to help them understand the basics of how the car operates and the basics the owner needs to do to keep it operating efficiently. Almost every kid wanted to take it.
I personally think anyone (teenagaer or not) that buys a car should take a course like that.
Funny enough i used to teach my highschool class for my teacher.
but along the same lines as you mentioned but totally offtopic.
I belive everyone who has Kids should go to school on having them First as a law before they get their new toy.
Too many parents have no clue what they are getting themselves into ,kind of like cars but way more repocutions.