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Everything posted by SKperformance

  1. So they should combine every single feature available to every car and make sure it works forever and still sel for under 80k ? Some of those features you mentioned are nice but if you want them then customize your car and get additional lighting. I know you paid X amount and expect it ,like so many things in life you don't always get everything you ask for . For $100 you can add all the lights you could need . The car is made for dealer servicing so it will not include many of those features by it brand level as 99% of the owners can afford to get it fixed at the dealer who is the ones jacking it up and looking under the hood.
  2. I will give you a gift of an idea , for $5 you can fix your gasket that is compressed. The one condition is no more beating up LOC (elsewere) for not giving you quick answers. Go to a hardware store and buy the round weatherstripping in 1/4 inch or smaller. Cut a hole in a corner and spray silicone lube through the gasket. Once you have done this thread the insulation in and it will cause the gasket to come back to life. I should charge $1 each for all these ideas.
  3. Good luck with that their buddy. I can already tell you how it ends , where you get no money , no repairs and no bady cares. There are so many points where you are wrong, but i am tired of a *BLEEP*ing match with you .
  4. The loaner program is another stupid irony with the dealers in Canada . They charge you the same price for service no matter where you buy it but won;t give a loaner? In the US they give loaners and free washes even if you get an oil chnage on a 15 year old car , no matter where it came from. On the same note it is up to the service advisor as i get loaners and have never bought from a dealer.
  5. Might want to mention the bulb size ,who makes it? How old , new or used , you know the stuff that is important to selling something?
  6. You can buy it by itself without the tracks
  7. You are an real piece of work RX , you see i ask a question and you still stand by an arrogant line of you still being right when everyone else can see you are wrong for misreading a statement for a question . Let us know how it feels to be the emperor with new clothes when we stop laughing at you.
  8. flashing ac light means compressor lock up , take it to someoe to have it checked.
  9. You still have not stated what purpose you want them for , mentioning 2 names does nothing in the way of guessing what you are looking for. It is like buying a pair of pants over the phone.
  10. They did not tell you what they did ? How much did it cost ? IACV? i have no clue on a 97 . WHat seems to be the problem with it.
  11. They are plug and play , they have boards inside each light cluster. There are 2 styles now , one with a clear center all the way to the trunk lamp and one with the trunk lamp all red with only the reverse lights clear. If you think $485 is expensive ,try Junction prodcue for $1200 . Even crappy cavalier aftermarket tails Are $200 , do you not expect the parts to be inline with the vehicle ? I agree it is expensive but i did not buy a Lexus so I could ride the bus.
  12. Well you do have a predicament . You are doing it properly but any 3 letter words will not work in the search engine. I would be glad to help so here is what i know. If you have an IS it needs to be programmed from the dealer only from what i have seen as it has to have the computer they have to sync the waveform .
  13. I made no judgements , go and reread the post and you will see i asked questions and posed possible circumstance to the situation. BTW how are you helping him rectify anything ? If you say it is over a thousand why would the officer say it is not (ODD) ? BTW it is not exclusive of labor for a report it is quite inclusive for vehicular damages . It is anything over $1000 is mandatory to be reported, if it looks close then you have to bring it in to be inspected at a vehicle collision center within 24 hours. Police will only arrive on scene for public damages and personal injuries. Once you show up to make a report they have to make one . Except with you it seems. Could it be it is a scratch on the bumper and you want the trunk and both 1/4's blended and a new set of tires ? This i me being condescending as you did not post pictures of the damage. Why not show the facts and post the damaged vehicles pictures and location of where it happened. Like most people who come to the Internet hoping to rant and rave over something they rarely post true facts that are irrefutable, like pictures. The lot being 40 feet long was an exaggeration as most people with common sense could figure out you could not barely have a driveway never mind a parking lot but you. (must have been the spelling again , right?) I hope you have finally learned in all your years of spelling how to drive properly now . The best thing is not to drive in to a spot ,especially one you cannot drive out of safely which you should have noted before exiting the car. You can "cautiously" try and play Russian roulette but it still has the same consequences wether you do it cautiously and slowly it was a poor decision on your part to park there and like that. I asked if you were making a left i did not say you were making a left ! You can spell again but can't seem to understand this squiggle (?) called a question mark . It means i am asking a question not making a statement . I did pose a possible scenario (denoted by the ) "if you were" making a left but you weren't so why bother trying to make a point if it is null ? Pay attention to WHAT ?! Did you explain yourself before ? Yes , that was the sound of a resounding NO in your head! From time to time and jumps to conclusion ? Please reread and notice the punctuation marks as it seems the 2 of you are having a hard time and need new monitors. RX that is one bit of words you choose to use. I will not even get started on you and the remarks you make. Like most when they feel attacked they retort in the same manner. Your post shows you like to whine and complain. (that is a statement of opinion no question there :P ) I have been to that dealer more times than you can imagine . Having 3 Lexus' of my own and being a Lexus owner for over 10 years . Hell I've been here since the inception of that "Lexus" dealer .So if anyone can understand the driving issue of that lot it might be me. This is not MC Donald's where you buy a burger and it is not to your standards. You are not a direct customer of Lexus Canada, why on earth would you think they would have anything to do with it. You buy the car from them not the service , hell you don't even buy the parts directly form them the dealer does. When someone in a Honda hits you while drunk on beer do you sue the beer brewer and /or Honda for letting an irresponsible person drive their car ? NO ! You focus on the problem at hand the drunk driver, who choose to make the mistakes . There is no right/wrong side of the road on private property otherwise you could only drive onto one side of your own driveway and the other side could only leave . Any civil action would leave you holding a bill for the proceedings for both sides as no matter what, you were negligent in parking and then backing up The statement " given the brush off " denotes they felt they had no handling of this situation and would have told you go elsewhere . Am I incorrect in that or did you not make that clear? Even the officer was giving you the brush off. Why would so many people not want to help you if you were so right and being persecuted ? There are always 3 sides to the truth , their side your side and the truth. So when you say you "received the brush off " alittle bit of intelligence combined with experience leads one to think that you were pointed in another direction . You don't need the Hubble telescope to see that. You can try to attack me all you like , what will it get you ? Do you feel vindicated because i type fast and don't bother to check it? BTW I do know the manger of the dealership and have dealt with him a few times but your so smart and i can't spell . As well as having a more than few contacts at Toyota Head office . But that must be a lie because why would they cohort with someone who can't spell. Just a word of advise , when you come around thinking you know it all and no one can tell or ask you anything ,no one is going to be willing to help you. So far no one has been willing to help you . So you have to look at yours self and ask why , what am i doing wrong or poorly ? The first answer is i am not the problem and i am a victim ? The second is what have i done wrong and what can i change ? The third is how do i change this outcome to a more preferred one? How you read the original post shows who you are and your emotional state to argue with anyone you can wether they are trying to sift through the information or laying blame.
  14. Ontario based dealers are poor to say the least. Don valley is the higher rated dealers but still hit or miss , from getting work done properly, damaging cars and just general screw ups. All lexus dealers are better than most Canadian dealers but are nothing in comparison to the US Lexus dealers.
  15. I wish people wpould stop assuming their is such a thing as best. When asking for opinions with suspension , you have to define what you want from the suspension. Since stock OEM is not what you want..
  16. I rememebr when i was lookign for my ES one which is when i stumbled onto the issue was that the previosu mesh was also not calleld a filter at all. It was a sump screen or something like that.
  17. Thanks dc , But that is all in American i need a Canadian version so i can read it now? LOL I actually read through it online i just wanted to get a hardcopy.
  18. gs wheels fit fine, go to tirerack for ideas on looks
  19. sounds like a pressure switch issue, no clue where or how to fix it.
  20. There you have it , you answered you own question.
  21. It has nothing to do with Lexus Canada , as well they just forwarded it to the dealership. Go to the dealer and ask to see the general manager , it is as simple as that. Did you call the police for an accident report? It was private property so it is a civil not criminal issue. Most people don't have to see an accident to know who hit who. How do you move at a high rate of speed in a compund that is 40 feet long? Sorry but it is not making alot of sense. You are upset so you are leaving the facts out and adding all the wrongs the dealer or driver did which is to place blame. Why do i say this , you make it sound like you are parked and not moving , Is that true? Where you attempting to make a left or right from the dealer onto the public road ? If you were the one turning then unfortunatly it is your fault as the other driver no matter how negligent in skill he was had the right of way.
  22. Now that should be some good money , as they are going to charge straight time for wire troublshooting and then it still has to happen and then catch it .
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