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Everything posted by billydpowell

  1. Wow! I thought the 98-00 LS was an incredible change from the 95-97 LS: Automatic leveling HID headlights Vehicle Stability Control -- the most amazing electronic automotive gizmo I've ever experienced 5-Speed transmission with a Mercedes-like shift gate -- 5-speed boosts fuel economy over 10% more horsepower side airbags "de-powered" front airbags that are safer for smaller people (like my wife) brake assist on the 2000 LS The above changes are the ones most important to us. A pretty good summary of the changes for all model years is at http://www.lexls.com/info/lsgenerations.html I am not against all the improvements and safety features, more horsepower better fuel economy and such, they just didnt impress the old 75 year old body I live in.... I just compared the ride and handling between the 95-97 and 98-2000 .... I dont worry about one getting 2 or 3 more miles per gallon than the other, I dont go much anymore... I remember, from 20 to 50 I had to have the BEST, now just good is ok.. I really enjoy these post, keep it up.. take a look at the cars I have owned below.... you'll see,
  2. from reading this forum, it appears the first gen LS's '90-94, have more problems than the 2nd gen 95-00. I speak from experience also, having had 6 LS's and my 2 97's are the most trouble free. I have not had any 98-00 models, driven several but they failed to impress me as an improvement over the 97's.... my opinion only counts to me... and I understand that... cheers
  3. move down south, WAY down south, you wont need heated seats either... but dont park in the sun.... smile.. just killing time today....
  4. That's usually a function of an OBD II scan tool (code reader). Yes I know, but was wondering if there was another way????
  5. YEP,, just push the button and it is gone... amazing...
  6. try pushing it in and see if it will self eject before you start prying on it...
  7. post some photos of your new ride..
  8. maybe it has been starving for fuel (running lean) until you cleaned it out, and now it is normal???? just a thought.....
  9. try to get needle nose pliars around the shaft of the pushin and pry out with out totally pulling on the liner..... it worked for me on my 94.... cheers
  10. from reading this forum, it appears the first gen LS's '90-94, have more problems than the 2nd gen 95-00. I speak from experience also, having had 6 LS's and my 2 97's are the most trouble free. I have not had any 98-00 models, driven several but they failed to impress me as an improvement over the 97's.... my opinion only counts to me... and I understand that... BUT if all I could afford is a first gen, I would try for a 93-94, and would not worry about the miles.... and I know nothing about the GS... cheers
  11. YES THE 665 IS WHAT I USED, (didnt know I had caps on, sorry) both of mine still have the factory rotors, we never let them get very low, too easy to check them... but I have used their rotors in my shop, in the past, on different autos.. (shop is closed since I retired)
  12. my brakes were very smooth, so I didnt need to turn the rotors, and I used semi-metalic pads from Autozone. we used them for years in my repair shop, without ANY complaints or failures. I know this is not popular with the "purest", because they think OEM means "made by lexus" and they are very very wrong, they are just made to their spec's. but, has anyone anywhere ever filed suit against Autozone because of brake failure?????? be real.
  13. I was getting a little squeel when I backed out of the garage the first time (daily) ... SO. I replaced my front pads today, on my OWP 97, they were a little thicker than a nickle, the rears were OK, but I put some anti brake squeel on them also...... now it is nice and quite with a good pedal Merry Christmas to All......
  14. AAAAHHHHH the sweet smell of success...... I am proud of you.... you have paid your dues and you are worthy to be congratulated on a job well done... I sure "hope" with you. hay I might even clean my throttle body to see what happens....
  15. Read that post again that I sent you, it was not just the screen he was cleaning, it was the built up scum in the pump its self he was cleaning, READ IT AGAIN SLOWLY..... that might have cut down on the over all performance of the pump.... take your time, you can do it.... we can help (sounds like home depot)... get your hopes up .... did you know with out hope, there is no faith.... bp
  16. Thanks Kajun, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.....
  17. As you probably know, I have two 97 LS's one with 247K miles on it with the original front end parts intact, and in good operating condition, drives quiet, true, and solid.... beautiful.. the other one has237K miles on it, with many front end replaced parts, it also drives true, and solid, just not quiet. this LS was owned by a man who used the dealer, and followed their suggestions. It has replacement struts, that didnt stop the poping noise, then new seats for the struts, that didnt stop the poping noise. and at that point he sold it to me. I replaced the strut rods/bushings and stopped the noise. that action is what caused my comments...... I dont think the replacement parts are as good/quality wise, as the original parts are... DONT LET MILEAGE/TIME, CAUSE YOU TO REPLACE PARTS. Let the vehicle tell you, like yours is...... BUT, if my car drifted side-to-side at times and did so significantly in stiff-cross wind. and doesn't drive like the great car she is. (meaning true, firm and steady) then I would "get it fixed". Find out the real problem and repair it..... your mechanic that said it was safe to drive, probably meant "nothing was going to fall off" but if it drives like you said, I dont think it is safe. didn't mean to confuse you.... or mislead you. cheers, bp
  18. very sorry it didn't work for you, but I really like the "deep clean" ps pump article I sent you. here it is again, if needed: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...eering+solenoid good luck. bp
  19. check out craigslist.org yes, thanks...i have beenl ooking there...they are just hard to find. come to Dallas and take your pick.... we have a lot of them
  20. I am not sure he has put it on yet, it was raining yesterday. check his other post on this..
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