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Everything posted by smooth1

  1. Any new results or comparisons here? :)
  2. Are you referring to the F Sport line of aftermarket parts?
  3. Your not going to want to waste your time with that. I would call the police, file a report, and take that report to your insurance agent and have it fixed right.
  4. I haven't really done to much to the inside of the car yet. I do have additional plans for it, It's just the things I did, you can't really see, like I added the Vaitech Ipod interface, and an amp and larger sub. Other than that it looks just like your interior, only black. :) Thanks. If I'm not mistaken, they just came out with a lowered suspension option for the awd's. But maybe it's not such a good idea if your in deep snow territory.
  5. If you have a tinter that's worth anything, He can tint the entire rear window and you don't have to remove the third brake light at all. I had my windows tinted and they didn't have to remove anything.
  6. WOW smooth1 I love your IS, how do you see out your windows at night though, I have %20 and sometimes its difficult to see out the side window I have to lean forward and look out the windshield when turning. But great looking IS seriously I'd almost dump my girlfriend for that (dont tell her, hehe) I haven't had any more issues seeing at night then I had with the 15% I had before. Maybe I just have really good night vision? The back up camera is what really makes it possible though. I can see fine left and right, it's backing up at night that can be difficult, but again, I would say only slightly more so than with 15-20%. The back up camera is sooooooo nice to have. Wow, I'm very flattered. Thank you for the compliments. B) I have a pictoral thread in the 06-09 IS forum if you want to see the rest of the pictures.
  7. Your auto now and going to a manual tranny or manual to upgrade tranny? You checked the output shafts and they are the same also? I ask because I ran into this with the IS and GS. They both use the same tranny's but they have different output shafts. See:
  8. :whistles: uhhh, 5% tint all the way around. It's been 15 months, and no police have said anything. I've been pulled over 3 times for other things.(No speeding tickets though.)
  9. What are your HP goals? I've done a 1JZ swap, and we used the stock W58 tranny. Everything bolted right up. You'll need to move the power steering revervior, rewire the gauges, and extend the body harness. But all that wan't anything special. If your going from auto to manual, then obviously your going to need to add in the clutch and shift linkage. But even those are easy. The SC has plenty of room under there.
  10. FWD, I would take a used TL, the new TL is hideous looking!, or even the Toyota Avalon or Camery. I wouldn't even waste time on the MB's for awhile. Especially the C class. BMW is good, but like you said, the prices are to high. Nissan/Infinity is making a good line. And until Audi figures out a few things I would stay away from them also.
  11. No changes on the 06-07 model, the 08 had a few changes, and the 09 has a few more changes. Nothing major in any of them. I would say the most significant change has been the 08's ability to shut off the VDIM by pushing the button. There is a sport package, and also a luxo package. And yes there is a Euro kit, and Fsport aftermarket stuff. Nothing like the BMW support though.
  12. Actually that's pretty cool! I was wondering how to map some of the settings on the camera so I can figure out which settings I liked the best for the type of shots I'm taking. So when I was out taking the photos, I took shots in all the different modes, like portrait, laandscape, sport and full auto. Then when I got home I tried to figure out which ones looked the best because that little screen on the back you can't really see the lighting differences and color very well. But once I got home I couldn't remember what setting was what pic and I just gave up and just downloaded the ones I wanted to keep and deleted all the ones I thought were crap. So, how do you view that info? Edit: Nevermind, I found it. left click properties. Got it! Thanks for pointing that out to me though! That's going to be a huge help in the future!
  13. Thanks Rocco, glad I was able to live up to expectations.
  14. Wow, man I think your right. How did you know that? Heres the camera I was using before: And here is the Canon: You can plainly see the quality differences in the phots. I took the pics of the canon with the Casio, and pics of the Casio with the Canon. See the color and light rendition differences? I had no idea it was like that before. Your right, the Canon is nice!
  15. That new Chrome tip thing they are doing is pretty cool, but on someone elses car. I don't know if I would want that on mine. I just like ti clean and simple.
  16. Thanks man. You see what I meant about the picture quality thing before? And yeah, my friend is a photgrapher, and he gave m e all kinds of advice and tips. BUt I think I did the most learning out there taking these shots. I think I can even do better yet next time.
  17. I hope to get it installed next weekend. I'll post installation pictures and screen shots when I finish. I got the the Vais Tech VML and the SL2xmt with CNP 2000 XM satellite radio tuner connected. They both work as advertised with no conflicts. A Car Toys employee had told me that they wouldn't both work in the same car because the network would find only the first one in the chain. That didn't sound right to me and Michael at Vais Tech said the would both work OK. I chose to believe the manufacturer and he was right. I installed them myself according to the furnished installation directions and everything worked perfectly. Vais Tech should send out information to their resellers to educate them. If I had listened to Car Toys, Vais Tech would have lost a sale. If anybody has specific questions that I might be able to answer, I'd be happy to. Right now the VML and SL2xmt hardware is lying on the floor and I'd like to find a good place to mount it. I plan to use a USB extension cord and mount that in the console box. Where is there room that would be a good place to mount the other hardware? Thanks for any suggestions. I put mine inside the center column. It's easy enouph to get to and you don't need to do the extension thing.
  18. I had alot of fun doing this photo shoot thing. I got pulled over by the police twice, kicked out of 3 "stock yards" by security gaurds, almost locked in a steel mill (That would have really sucked! He never even saw me until I was driving up to the gate he just closed and locked and was driving away to go home for the weekend!) The police just wanted to know what the heck I was doing around there and all, but I saw a bunch of really good spots I think I might go back to another day. I kept finding the side I thought would make a good backdrop was facing the wrong direction of the sun. And it was still pretty overcast for the morning, it wasn't until about 9:30-10:00 that the clouds started to break and the sun started to shine, and by then I only had about an hour before it started to get to bright again.
  19. Thanks R&B. I did take some of your photo taking advice also. :) Thanks Ray. Did I see you signed up for the Venice beach meet? I'm hoping to be able to make that one. (Depends on some business I have going on if I can go or not.) I'm really not crazy about a spoiler on this car. I don't know, I guess I like the rear end looking lower and wider and the spoiler makes it look taller. It just looks so clean without one. I think my money would be better spent on a lip kit. (Maybe)
  20. I did a "How To" already! Come on man, get your hands dirty and knock it out. It looks sooooooooooo much better once your done, and it's so easy afterwards your gonna wonder why you didn't do it already. LOL!!! Thanks. those are some nice compliments! LOL!! I'm no photographer though. I just had some fun. A friend of mine loaned me his camera. (It was a Canon "something." He said it was a 900 dollar camera. And the lenses are all hundreds of dollars each. Whatever!) I think I might do this again later. I took tons of photos, I just uploaded a few of the good ones here. Yeah man, I wanna see the dc-mobile! LOL!!
  21. That's some pretty crisp jazz on the tunebox, LOL!!
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