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H8R Proof

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Everything posted by H8R Proof

  1. It's ok...I'll live. But man, I'm gonna be all over that in about 3 years!!!
  2. Congrats Max and welcome! Good deal u got! :D If you're not in love with Lexus already, you will be in 5...4...3...2... :)
  3. SW03ES - I have no idea what an aftermarket GPS system is - please enlighten me :) So, even if I happened to come across a Lexus navigation system for sale, there's no way it would work in my car? :(
  4. Isn't the GS300 due for a body style update? Anyone got any info on this?
  5. "I'm stuck in traffic, will that exit get me home?" Hit the home button and the system will tell you by plotting the direction to your preprogrammed home. Tell it not to use the highway you're on, and you're home in no time flat on the backroads. Its awesome. No more getting crappy directions from mapquest, fumbling to read them while driving. No more wondering how much longer, the system takes your average speed and calculates time to destination to the minute. No more wondering what the name of this road is, the system tells you. No more wondering where the closest Exxon station is, the system tells you. MAN, I am green with envy. GREEN, I TELL YA!! I SO need this option. I don't even want to ponder how much it might cost to install one in my 98, much less think about how they'd have to rip up the dash, etc. Someone humor me and give me a ballpark figure. I cannot wait for my next Lexus. It will absolutely have Navigation. :magic:
  6. I have a few chip marks on the door panel underneath the right-hand side passenger window - looks like it came from tiny rocks hitting it or something...
  7. Looks ok, better than the last few years of Camry models (talk about boring)... to me a Camry will always be a "grandparents" kind of car... B)
  8. My 92 did have a door-keyhole that lit up in addition to the ignition keyhole itself - both lit up fluorescent green, however my 98 only lights up at the ignition! Piggy, don't overload your trunk too much - not good for fuel efficiency and probably bad on other counts as well but I know some people do need a lot of stuff on a day to day basis in their car, just try to minimize if you can...the less weight your engine has to haul, the better ~ All I have in my trunk are jumper cables, first aid kit + a blanket (plus the usual Lexus toolkit and spare tire) :)
  9. Piggy, if I remember correctly it was a '96 and I think it was $10,9... (this was a couple month's ago!) :)
  10. LOL @ StevieJ!! I couldn't own another car without a moonroof/sunroof either. Even just a sunroof isn't going to cut it with me. I love driving at night with the moonroof open - many a beautiful night here in So Cal for gazing at (while of course, keeping my eyes on the road!) Note to self: Wake up early, go to Target, buy white grease :)
  11. Thanks SK - which part is the rocker? I'm kind of chicken to do this!
  12. Yeah, the stops-halfway thing when it closes is kind of annoying. Half the time I have a mini-panic attack because I think it's broken! :o When I was car shopping I actually came across an ES with *no* sunroof/moonroof. I was so surprised. I'd never seen an ES without one. That's another thing that I just thought was standard. For me, a moonroof is a must and a definite deciding factor when looking to buy! :D May sound crazy, but I feel less "enclosed" when a car has a moonroof. Car feels more spacious. Just don't leave the sunroof open when you decide to have lunch in your beloved Lexus under a nice, shady tree. Birds are not your friends -
  13. I have never leased and I don't anticipate that I ever will. To me, at leased car would seem like an expensive rental. It's never really going to be mine, unless I opt to buy it at the end of the lease, and don't you lose money that way? Also, I don't think I'd want to constantly have to remind myself to stay within the mileage limit. (Ironically, I only average about 8K a year) I had to convince myself too, that I'll probably always have a car payment. This was a bitter pill to swallow, since I literally had 3 payments left on my 92 ES300 before I'd own it free and clear, but it needed work that I wasn't willing to pursue, so I had to bite the bullet and start over again with the 98 that I have now. Mind you, I love my car, but I was really trying not to have a car payment! I just realized that it's a necessary evil for life in the big city. And with leases, don't you have to fork over a huge amount of cash at signing? On the other hand, I would *love* to have a new car every three years. That would be sweet. That's the one thing about leasing that definitely appeals to me, in addition to not having to worry about major maintenance. I don't feel bad about financing, especially knowing how well Lexus holds it's value. I'd be majorly hesitant to finance anything else. You can almost feel that depreciation slap you on the back of the head the minute you drive off from the dealerships' lot!
  14. amf1932 - there's nothing there at all.... I think it must be set in the rear glass window altogether... ?
  15. body kit looks like it needs some adjusting - otherwise....nice!
  16. Whoa - I just realized I don't have an antenna either!!
  17. ...what would be the main things you would replace or have checked? Would you take it in for a tune up just based on gp? Diagnostic? (Taken into consideration that I've done a full carfax report on the car (perfect history - one owner who lived in a very affluent city so I would think that the car was well taken care of and serviced regularly) - plus it positively rides like silk - but unfortunately the maintenance records weren't available at the time of purchase...)
  18. I do love that they open with a touch of a button, however they seem awful s-l-o-w! Is there any modification/adjustment that can be made to speed up the process? B)
  19. I think gold emblems would look great. I think they'd stand out much more than if you chose chrome. Go for it! :D
  20. For me it's a tie between my chrome wheels and the headlights. I've always thought the headlights on an ES look like sneaky cat eyes and I dig that - LOL! Emblems too, now that I think about it. I think they're cool + classy @ the same time :) Very sharp looking...
  21. I believe Coach Edition means some if not all interior leather points are made with leather from Coach...(high-end leather manufacturer)...
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