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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Welcome to LOC! I assume this is the dealer you bought the car from? If so go back in and ask to speak to the GM if the service manager is unwilling to get this fixed for you. If the GM won't budge let them know your next call is going to be to Lexus and your dissatisfaction with the dealership. I can tell you with 100% certainty that my dealer would fix it at no cost to me whatsoever. I can't imagine any reason they wouldnt fix it other than an accident or if it would appear that you cracked it somehow? Best of luck and let us know how it works out.
  2. Talking on the cell phone is not the problem IMHO... The texting and checking email is the problem. It drives me nuts...I am driving along and look over and see some young kid looking down texting away as they drive down the road. :chairshot: Bad thing was yesterday...I was looking over at a car noticing the driver was texting with his phone and I wanted to flip the driver the bird! IT WAS A COP! IN A COP CAR! COME ON!
  3. One thing that I am sure 99.9% of people here will AGREE on is that the voice recognition is a joke. It gets more wrong then it ever gets right. But in your situation...I am wondering something. I understand that you have the name in your iphone but have you added that voice tag or name to the LEXUS system. I may be way off here and it has been awhile since I have even tried to mess with the VR in the LEXUS at all and I do not remember all of the details in the Owners manual...but I didn't think that it would just call people from your phone by saying call "ED" if..."ED" wasn't in the LEXUS...Phone system? I don't know for sure on this and maybe someone can confirm...
  4. For sure you have some type of film on the windshield. Try SW's method on the windshield itself. As far as the wiper blades you can also take the dawn dish soap to the blades themselves or even a cottonball with some rubbing alchol to clean the blades to get it off of them. I can not stand a streaked up windshield either... Best of luck.
  5. Death is 100% correct do not touch the bulb with your fingers... They also they make a grease that you can put on the metal part of the bulb that may help. My wife's BMW kept blowing the rear tail lamp. Changed the bulb and it blew a few weeks after I had changed it. I know I didn’t touch the bulb. The guy at auto zone told me about the bulb grease...I guess that is what it is called. I tried it and so far so good at least for me. Maybe Death can let us know if the bulb grease is worth it or not...but I think it is supposed to help corrosion and moisture between the contacts which can cause the bulbs to blow. I can tell you that it seems to of helped my outdoor low voltage lighting too. Man I was blowing bulbs like crazy…and I have been using it on those and it has sure helped.
  6. lol... Paul! Actually a girl in my office had hers do the same thing and I think it is a emissions code when that happens. But if I remember correctly the same thing can happen (lights coming on) by leaving the gas cap off or loose. Now I am not 100% sure on this at all and it could possibly have been a different combo of lights too. I just would like to know what the dealer did...did they drain the fuel and if so did that resolve the problem...
  7. No big deal was just curious...so Lexus has fixed your car? Did you tell them that the gas was fine and you ran it in another car?
  8. Oh no she...looks much better with the top down! :) SWEET ride! Got a business partner that has one in black love that thing.
  9. MAN...what is going on! I needed my fix today of LOC...and couldn't get on! Just kidding... Thanks for everything...
  10. Welcome to LOC! That is strange...I have the 3gs and have no problems like that. I also pair my Ipad so my kids can watch movies as well. I still have my phone paired and take calls, it will mute the ipad audio and as soon as I hand up the ipad audio will start back. You have the phone paired under phones and also the MP3 player paired in the audio...right? One thing to try may be to start over...remove the phone from your RX350 and start all over...and see if it still does it. It shouldn't make you shut the car off everytime. Good Luck!
  11. Is your power staying on the amp when the car is turned off? I think that is the problem. It has been years since I have fooled around with car audio but you should not get audio out of the speakers at all when the car is off...are you getting a hummm not the bass from music? If so I think it is because the power is left on and there is no signal coming in...
  12. Welcome to LOC! Where are you getting your signal from? If your Amp has power there is only one thing it could be... No signal. Check your connections....I assume your line converter is coming from the rear speakers or did you go up to the deck.
  13. It sure sounds like there was bad gas...just wondering why would you have filled another car up at the same pump right after having problems like that?
  14. If it is the same as playing using the iPhone just connect and as SW said go to the USB. Should work fine. Welcome to LOC!
  15. I would check the BT handsfree if it has it. Also I am sure this isn't it but you didn't by chance turn the power off and just haven't pressed the volume knob to turn it back on.
  16. How far would you have to drive it to just burn about 3/4's of the tank? If you filled it up on Monday maybe you only need to use up about 1/2 a tank by now.
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