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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Welcome to LOC! Where are the PICS??? Follow your owners manual it should have a schedule what needs to be serviced.
  2. Glad to hear you are back! Site changes look great don't they...
  3. Maybe SW or Steve can jump in and answer about the eBay window. I honestly don't remember the eBay window? Where was it exactly?
  4. I hope I didn't come across wrong...I absolutely understand and would just as be frustrated as you are. I have a hard time believing a dealership will loose your business over $250? I would not call but go in to the dealership.
  5. No personally I wouldn't. My time is far more valuable than that...I have already said I would GO IN the dealership and sit and wait until the GM came out and saw me and show him exactly what was wrong and let him tell me to my face that he would not fix it. It could be that the reason that they are not going to cover it is because to them it appears to be caused by the owner...if so ask them. I had a situation with my RX330 where the sunroof actually came off of the tracks and bent the tracks up. At first they told me it wouldn't be covered...when I said are you kidding me let me talk to you supervisor they said we are going to take care of it for you. Had they not fixed it under warranty I would have been extremely *BLEEP*ed. I can't believe a dealer that you bought your car from is not willing to work with you at all. If they are willing to go 50/50 with you they must not be convinced that you did the damage to it. I still think the best bet is to talk to the GM.
  6. Small claims courts must operate differently and more efficiently in Des Moines. People who seek redress in small claims courts are often so poor that they have few other options that don't involve firearms. A Lexus owner suing in small claims court? - An interesting concept and one that will likely NOT amuse a judge. Who cares if it amuses the judge? They aren't there to be amused. Take them to small claims court, file a complaint with the better business bureau or go into the dealership and ask for the GM and explain that this is in not acceptable...if his/her dealership is not willing to make the repairs under good faith you will simply never buy another car from them and you will make sure anyone you know is aware of how you have been treated. Now I am going to ask why is Lexus saying these are scratches? If they are cracks then I would have a problem with them pushing it off as scratches. Maybe call back and speak to a supervisor.
  7. That is beautiful... I would show it off too! Welcome to LOC!
  8. Is it under warranty? Welcome to LOC!
  9. Why? I haven't seen anything on here that we should close it for?
  10. Man...kind of unrelated but I got my freakin propane bill mind you I have a pellet stove and a HE heat pump with gas backup downstairs, upstairs heat is rarely ever on that is gas and gas hot water heater and the bill was damn near $400.00! I just paid over $900 late Oct... I was charged over $3.00 per gallon...what a bunch of BS! Other parts of the country pay 1.90 or less. I talked to my fathers in law and he has a farm rate and uses less propane than I use over a year and he pays 2.20! That makes a bunch of sense right? I have called around the past two years and can never beat the provider that I have now...just don't get it. The gas prices at the pump drive me nuts but the home heating prices are out of control...
  11. Welcome to LOC! Happy new year! I would take the car and have the code scanned. It may be the gas cap or not? Brakes my first thought would be when was the last time pads had been replaced?
  12. You know I re read my post and I wasn't trying to come across as "uptight" or a jerk or gang up on you here so I hope I didn't. All I was trying to say was if you are just cruising in the left lane...move over and get out of the way. When the guy had to go to the right lane to pass you and then you decided to floor your car so he couldn't pass you...that is immature. And CD I have done plenty of stupid *BLEEP*. I have done some things on motorcycles and in cars that are far worse than what you posted but that doesn’t make it right. I have also learned from some of the stupid mistakes that I have made that it can be expensive. When I was 18 I had a ninja and ended up with 6 points on my license...Insurance went from 400 a year with full coverage to 3000 a year with full coverage. I have also seen first hand what can happen to people who are involved in serious car accidents. I was involved in a car accident that my best friend in high school had. I was in the passenger seat of his truck and it flipped 3 times. I broke my jaw in two places…had a steel plate put in, jaw wired shut, fractured my skull, had nerve damage and had spinal fluid coming out of my ear! I was the lucky one…he was in a coma for 6 months and still cannot walk or talk today. That has been 15 years ago. Not trying to preach or anything but seriously think about it in reverse. Here you are traveling 75-80 in the left "passing lane" you come up behind a car that will not move over and when you move to the right lane to pass since they will not get out of your way then they try to take off and race you? It might tick you off a little too…
  13. I think that you can get uncut keys off of Ebay but you will still need the dealer to program it.
  14. The Gman said it... It is a expensive WAX!
  15. CD...I have honestly had someone come up on me so fast and get on my asz end to the point that it *BLEEP*es me off too! But if I can move over to the right I always do. Normally if this happens to me I am either passing a car or there is another car in the left lane that will not move over to pass the slower moving traffic in the right lane so that I can get over and out of there way. I always think “and where would you like me to go…” I rarely ever pass anyone in the right lane and if someone will not move over immediately to the right lane it ticks me off a little too. Coming up on them and ridding there asz isn't the answer but when he had to move over because you WOULDN’T move over so he could pass you and then you decided to then speed up that makes you a "jerk" The thing is you don't know what the other car is going to do...it isn't a race track and the other traffic may or may not anticipate you actually being there or speeding up. Start ridding a motorcycle and see how inconsiderate other drivers are... The thing is that it isn't up to you to decide how fast others should drive or decide what the acceptable speed that is fast enough. The LEFT LANE is not meant to cruise in...No matter how fast you are going or if there is traffic or not. And SW is correct what if that car turned off and the driver had a gun and decided to show you what he thought of your little stunt. In my opinion I also don't think the driver of the E class was actually trying to get by you...but probably thinking WHAT A F___ing A__HOLE! I know that is what I would have thought. I think everyone has made some valid points with what they have posted and I am sure that I have just wasted my time typing this anyway…
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