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Everything posted by blake918

  1. Monarch, please step away from Steve's computer?? LOL j/k True it is out of warranty, but a tranny that lasts 70k-100k miles?? That's absurd for any vehicle especially one that costs north of $40,000. How happy would you be to pay $4k+/- for a new tranny in your ES since it's in that mileage range? What properly maintained??? According to the dipstick, you don't have to change the fluid under normal conditions. They supplimented the schedule because of the failures. There are better things to do for fun. I've never heard anything bad about the first gen Explorers (I have friends/relatives that own them with many, many miles, and no major repairs to speak of. As for the V6 failures that's the owner's fault for not opting for the wonderful 5.0 or 4.6 liter V8s. LOL), but I'm not looking for a debate here on who makes the best transmission. My point is that no car manufacture makes a perfect vehicle, and with that in mind, no one with good conscience (But, I do realize that this good conscience for Americans is not going to be here in a Lexus club.) should make fun of other manufactures. I hate to quote the bible since I'm not religous, but it's along the lines of the whole "he who has not sinned can cast the first stone." One might say that you have a better chance with a Toyota? Maybe so, but a chance is still a chance. I grew up in Ford cars and SUVs as well, and they were very reliable vehicles. I'm proud to say that my next vehicle is going to be a Ford product (well, a Lincoln.)! :P Trucks and cars, especially Panther cars (Crown Vic/Grand Marquis/T Car.).
  2. I disagree. I'm a step or two away from being legally blind (I have presbyopia, bad myopia, and astigmatisms in both eyes.), but I can see just fine with tint--in fact, I prefer it. I had absolutely no problems at night with my former 10% and current 40% tint on the front windows. I'd really like to get the windshield done now to cut down on the bright lights from head on traffic, plus it'd look cool too! B) I know everyone's vision is different though! My. $.02.
  3. You have any better pictures? Like one that wasn't taken from the roof of your house?!?! I'd guess 40%; then again, it is so hard to tell from a picture!
  4. Here are a few more pics of LSs to add to the collection.... GenII with rear air/stereo: http://www.clublexus.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132904 High res pic of Gen I rear console: http://www.clublexus.com/forums/showthread...light=back+seat Is that shag carpeting in that '92 Crown? LOL
  5. The overwhelming consensus from the pros at Autopia.org (the car detailing forum) is that article is a complete joke. Here's what they had to say, read this before you go buy any of that junk: http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=...onsumer+reports
  6. Straight from the horse's mouth: http://lexus.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/lexus.cf...jJFM1MwMDIwNTQx
  7. LOL so true! If anyone is interested in buying the annual auto issue, I can save you the $5 since they have a very simple method by which they judge every car, and that is if it's a Honda or Toyota, it's going to be the best car you've ever had. American, German, English cars? You'd be better off with public transit. LOL If they are feeling gracious at the time, they might throw out an average reliability rating to some of them.I don't know how one could take that magazine seriously. I tried reading some of their tests, but they contridict themselves from sentence to sentence, and I had to stop reading because I was getting more stupid with each sentence I finished. LOL I got a good laugh when I was reading their comments on the VW Passat. In the summary of the high points of the car, they mention fit and finish. Well, you start reading the article, and they bash the car because some of the dash pieces don't line up properly. Either they need to learn what fit and finish is or find some writers and editors who have finished grade school. LOL
  8. I didn't know they recalled them; I read that they treat them on a case by case basis. I didn't see a recall on the NHTSA for the tranny, but there was one for airbags. That's beside the point, I get sick of hearing all of this crap about how many hundreds of times better Toyotas are than anything else with 4 wheels when they aren't as perfect as their repuataion holds. Let the folks at Ford make a bad tranny, and there would be a witch hunt.
  9. Hey Craig! ;) How was the legroom? Better or worse than your LS? I'm hoping that Lexus will build a car to accomidate us folks 6'1 on up one day (I'm 6'4). Are they still trying to figure out the problem with your car being too slow?
  10. The site admins are still working on getting the security issues squared away (shouldn't be much longer), and for the time being, attchments are disabled. However you can use image tags to link the pics. It looks like LRPs yahoo photos aren't linkable because they don't have a jpeg/gif/etc. extention. ;)
  11. How about those tranny problems on the '07 Camry?? If you get a bad one, your tranny will fail in the first 500 miles according to all of the reports I read. That's going to hurt the initial quality rating, but I'm sure this little tid bit will slip between the cracks at Consumer Reports since any Toyota is unfaultable in their tests. If Toyota ever gets to 0 problems per 100 vehicles, I'll gladly join in the bashing. Until then, I'll keep my mouth shut. :whistles:
  12. It really is worth it. The privacy (not that I'm doing anything secretive, I just don't like people looking at me!), lowered interior temps, amongst the other benefits of keeping sun out of the car are so valuable. Scofflaw....can't help but think of the Seinfeld episode where Newman has all of those parking tickets! LOLDen, here's my LS 10% all around (it's an overcast day, so it looks darker than it really is): Law enforcement never bothered me unless their was a check point or something. On a sunny day, it lightens up greatly: I recently had my front two windows put at 40% which is legal in LA, and I don't really care for it. I can't seem to find any pictures of the 40% at the moment, but I'll post some later. I think about changing it back all the time!
  13. Here are a few of the most common online Lexus parts stores (some of them you will have to call/email for a quote): http://www.newlexusparts.com http://www.irontoad.com http://www.lexus-parts.com http://www.lexuspartsonline.com Congrats on your new '99!! B)
  14. Sorry to hear about this. :( Your bumper doesn't look too bad, but that is wicked how the seat twisted. How did that happen? Was it when you bounced back from the impact? Knowing the way people drive in NOLA, I wouldn't be at all suprised if she just stopped in the intersection and caught you off gaurd. I have to take high blood pressure medication when I drive in the city, and I don't have high BP! LOL
  15. I've had someone interested contact me this afternoon, but if he backs out, it's all yours (shipping is on me.). ;) Did yours crack right in front of the window switch too?
  16. Moved to General Discussions....
  17. We were cleaning out the garage the other day, and I found this right rear armrest that I bought for my old '94 ES300 w/ tan interior. Looks like I ordered it almost 3 years ago. LOL It's a pretty odd part (in new/unused condition), but if anyone is interested, let me know and it's yours.
  18. What do the plugs look like? Pics? Any aftermarket equipment? My '95 has some extra wiring behind the ashtray as well. I think that they may be prewired for heated seats; their is some speculation of this on the "other Lexus forum" as well, but they don't have any definitive answers. Do they resemble these plugs at all?
  19. They're probably traction and seat heater plugs. Do you have the traction box in your engine bay?
  20. Congrats and post pics when you can!! B) I agree with you that there is something about German cars that is just not there in Japanese cars (I even think the same can be said for American cars. I love how you slide on to that big bench seat in the front, and it feels like it was custom taylored for you!).
  21. I just checked my Lexus manual (it's for a '95, but it shouldn't be too too different from the '99.), and I didn't see anything about the fuel filter. They mentioned checking these "trouble areas:" -IAC valve is stuck or closed -Open or short in the IAC valve circuit -A/C idle up VSV -Air intake (hose loose) I believe that VSC will be disabled any time the CEL comes on as a safety measure.
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