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Everything posted by bartkat

  1. Please stop typing in all caps. Don't try to sell your car in the IS forum. Thanks.
  2. It's considered rude, shouting, and makes things harder to read.
  3. Please don't post in all caps.
  4. Congrats. You're probably the first here to have a ISF.
  5. That's exactly why you can't drive balls to the wall all the time cause sooner or later something unexpected like that gravel is gonna come up and then you're SOL. Don't worry about those "upscale" cars around there, just take pride in what you have and take pride in being a responsible driver.
  6. Lots of glass installers will waive the $100. Many will come to your house or workplace and install the windshield. It's really not a big deal.
  7. Look up. Look at the threads that are at the top of this page.
  8. They probably are aimed low. I had the dealer adjust mine to spec with no problem.
  9. Turn the wheel to the right to turn right. Thurn the wheel left to turn left. Push the part with the horn icon to blow the horn.
  10. I've never heard of anyone doing that or wanting to do it. :(
  11. There needs to be full disclosure.
  12. Ill make you a good deal on one...if you can make it Ky. low miles,brand new inside,moon roof, auto 5 speed,suade seats,etc.... Did you get the front end damag fixed?
  13. i have a bunch of buddies that are ex-military in the sport....skydiving has literally changed/saved my life! it's given me an escape from all the Monday-Friday crap, and literally gives you a new perspective on life with regards to what is important and why you should let the little stuff slide! I know that sounds like another cheesy zen-crap-like philosophy but it is true....I started jumping 7 years ago, have made 1000+ jumps, have an instructor rating (and will be getting a second this year), have been hospitalized twice from injuries, and lost 3 good friends to the sport....and I will jump until the day I die! what is your buddy's name? the skydiving world is fairly small, maybe I have met him before.... This was in the early 1960's. His name was Gene Hamilton. I saw that he died last November. He was 69 years old.
  14. It's better to buy a 2002 or later model. They added a few things and fixed some problems. Otherwise it's like any other car, like try to get low mileage, no body work and dealer service records. They're fun cars already and lots of possibilities for mods. The stock engines are virtually bullet proof provided they're maintained.
  15. My old carpool buddy was in the 82nd Airborne in the late '50's. When he came home he taught his brother to jump and they were one of the first skydiving exhibition teams in the southern Ohio area.
  16. Here are some oil change tips. http://my.is/forums/f87/oil-change-diy-lot...ttached-264598/ Some people say it's easier to remove the filter if you pull out the trans dip stick and move the filter back that way. Some even remove the trans dip stick holder to make it easier.
  17. you da man Bart....also, i changed my oil for the first time this weekend, could that have done it??? maybe i just beat the 5000 mile mark for the oil change by 50 miles or so.....btw, that was probably the most painful and frustrating oil change i have ever done in my life....my wife was actually scared at the obsenities that were flying from the garage on Sunday afternoon.... just ran out and reset the light, worked like a charm...thanks again Bart That reminded me to reset mine. I change oil every 3000 miles and never think about it.
  18. I downloaded it, but haven't tried to upload. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=44847
  19. If a problem repeats it sure is a pain, but that's the only way unless one is able to do it themselves. I'm just not up to taking the dash apart and am fortunate not to have had any of those problems.
  20. That's just the light that comes on xxxx miles since the last time it was reset after routine maintenance. Here's how to reset. http://my.is/forums/f90/hot-turn-off-your-...d-light-260560/
  21. Why did you try to shave yours?
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