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Everything posted by LEX-SV

  1. I love sour candies including Smarties, sour worms, etc.
  2. My weakness is desserts too.
  3. Eeeewww, and baked in the sun for extra measure.
  4. Deer are biggest problem on local roads here too. Not counting the occasional flat squirrels, cats, raccoons that I see of course.... The vultures cleaning up the road kill always seem to fly away before getting hit by cars.
  5. Yes. Big mac->big belly-> and years later-> big heart attack. Crap doesn't even taste good enough to be worth it. No wonder McD's sales in the US are declining steadily.
  6. Is big mac and coke considered food, or just some processed by-products packaged and sold as edible?
  7. Do they bite? I remember renting a car in Baja Mexico, they told me to minimize driving at night. Since many pastures were unfenced, some cows like to wander onto the road which is one way to become hamburger (or dead meat) on a grill (Nissan compact car grill that is). Thankfully I didn't hit any cows on the road, because I did drive one night. Back at home, a cow did escape 2 blocks away from my neighborhood, but it was mellow and didn't wander far from home. I guess I live in a somewhat rural area too, even if I don't own a tractor, heck I don't even have a lawnmower.
  8. IMO, since it's "just a design concept", so I'm not too worried. In the world of ugly cars, sadly I've seen worse although that styling is awfully busy-busy. I hope that didn't come out of their studios in southern California....
  9. Yes, "just don't care" is kinda where I'm headed with my front plate opinion. Most of my cars have them these days for following reasons (my newest car has no plates, for 9 months btw): . Don't want the hassle of been pulled over for only that reason (which these days does happen in CA) . Don't want the hassle of getting fixit tickets signed off (even though I have a LEO in family that will sign it off, no questions asked, I'll use that favor in case I get a fixit ticket for illegal tint on 2 front windows) . Many newer cars have flat front section of bumper that looks naked without a plate. . Many newer cars have better integrated front plate holders, some (like Mercedes) are even curved to match contour of bumper.
  10. The CA fine is cheap because it's a "fix-it ticket", just a very small administrative fee which is no prob. But I'm seeing more people get pulled over for front plate violation alone, an inconvenience I'd rather not have. A lot of people don't mind that small risk and still run no front plates today.
  11. Okay, typical Toyota and not especially attractive.
  12. Yes, my friends with 5 and 7 series (and X5) BMW's and higher mileage (over 80K) have experienced expensive repairs and maintenance. The exceptions were the older 4 cylinder normally aspirated models, I've seen those run for well over 150K with minimal problems. I hope the latest BMWs will be better, but that still needs to be proven.
  13. In CA we have are supposed to run front plates, and currently 2 of 3 of my cars have them, so I'm becoming more compliant. For over a decade I ran no front plates with no problems. But lately I've become more accepting of front plates (although front plates on Porsches still bug me...), I don't want to be pulled over just for that which does happen today. In CA we have 2 small stickers on top corners of rear plate (month/year), the only government-mandated stickers required.
  14. My guess is it will not fit, but that's nothing but a guess. My preference would be to go with some kind of "lip spoiler", more typical of OEM offering.
  15. Anybody else got some non-government-required stickers on car?
  16. I just learned sushi is weird food, good to know, lol.
  17. LEX-SV

    My Vw Gti

    Yes, getting rid of a VW (or nearly all brands) at 40K miles will ensure no repair costs. Beyond 75K miles is another story.
  18. Both cars (new C-class Mercedes and Lexus IS) have had plenty of time to gain sales momentum without inventory shortages associated with new model ramp ups. I wonder how the month US sales are measuring up for each car. I suspect the C is outselling the IS by now. I'm sure the marketing experts at Lexus will study what makes the Mercedes C-class (and BMW 3 series) so successful. edit: Regarding my guess above, in February Mercedes C-class outsold Lexus IS 2 to 1 (7072 units versus 3383 units).
  19. I also have rules regarding no smoking (cigs or crack) in my car, so far and fortunately I haven't had to play enforcer of these rules.
  20. Unagi (broiled eel) is yummy too
  21. More like a sideshow.
  22. The 2nd tier of luxury brands (or wannabe lux) is interesting and very competitive too with Audi, Acura, Caddy and Lincoln fighting in that territory, but all of these 2nd tier players are way behind BMW, Mercedes and Lexus currently.
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