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Everything posted by Lexls

  1. Expect less than you think you'll get. There are always rare cases out there but I typically see cars sell for less or much less than KBB value :whistles:, just my experience around here in MN.
  2. Great to hear it's back to normal :)
  3. Brian, there's nothing in the chronolgoy about stoplight wiring harnesses....it states that there were complaints of a stoplight housing distortion...and they only had one complaint of the cruise control.... Your lighting situation is tricky. I don't think anything in the engine compartment would cause your malfunction though. So I don't think the cleaning had anything to do with this but I don't know what they did exactly. What it sounds like is that you have a loose wire somewhere. You'll have to get your repair manual and inspect the electrical loop for the tails. If the wiring harnesses were burned then this would make me think there was some sort of short in the chain. You're going to have to do a close inspection. The cluster only gives you readings, that's all. It doesn't affect your lights. The car functions without the cluster.
  4. I will confirm that the unit you bought won't fit.
  5. Did you take the throttle body completely off? When I did my throttle body cleaning it looked fine....until I took it off...let's just say it was slightly dirty! I had to take a screwdriver to get all the crust off, the cleaner was no use when it's that built up. Here's the side you can see when the throttle body is still on the engine... And here's the other side of that...that build up is about 1-2mm thick! More info on that here: http://www.lexls.com/throttlebody.html Blake, it's sounds like you need to adjust your TP sensor as 92Lex pointed out. Your idle is really low and it can easily be adjusted back to normal.
  6. Just make sure to give me credit and link each tutorial to the original version on my site. That's what I'm doing for tutorials LOC members give me permission to use on my site. It's only fair.
  7. I'd be happy to share, just let me know what I need to do.
  8. Exactly. My site gets a lot of traffic from search engines. There are tons of people that just need info and don't have time to search forums or don't know about them. However, they are probably used to searching for things on Google or Yahoo (just redesigned BTW). When they search there's a good chance of them hitting my site, more so than LOC. Don't get me wrong I'm not dissing the forum, I love it, but the nature of the code determines these things. To make a long story short, my site will be more prominent in the search engines as time goes on. Anyway, searching brings a lot of new people in.
  9. monarch, good point. Some of you guys that write up tutorials are pros or have been doing auto stuff for years so it's second nature. I'm not a pro, but I love to learn! Denny and anyone else who wants to submit a tutorial...just email me: info@lexls.com It's ok to send large pictures too, just try to keep each message less than 5MB or else the server might time out. If you have more pictures just break the files up into separate emails.
  10. I just wasn't sure what you meant silvermate. Thanks for explaining a little more, we're all good and on the same page B). Also, thanks for the kind words .
  11. I'm only trying to improve things and help the community. I agree that the tutorials posted here should reside here, and they will unless someone deletes them. But what's wrong with adding them to my site and improving them? Some of the tutorials I have seen here are lacking important steps! This can be quite confusing for people. Maybe you haven't checked out the article jzz30 contributed. I gave him full credit on my site and posted a link to the original article here. In addition I found out that the pumps are not the same and noted the differences in the tutorial. This could have caused many problems for people if they did not know this small piece of info. I worked on that tutorial for about 12-16 hours pulling together as much info as I could, and personally, I think it has improved. I'm only trying to help the community. I thought you liked my site silvermate...but from that post it sounds like you don't want it to grow . I want it to grow and I know others do too. In order for this to happen I need help.
  12. Here in MN I paid $49.95 for my alignment at my local Tires Plus, and then $19.95 for a wheel balancing...had coupons, alignment & balancing was perfect. $150 is robbery.
  13. Believe me when I say I know how much work it is to create tutorials!!! So 92Lex and others who have taken the extra time to take pictures, thank you :D. If you guys only knew how much time and money I have put into my site. Some of my tutorials take days of work to be able to put online. I like to pull information from as many sources as I can so the tutorial is as thorough as possible. I'll shut up now about my work, I'm not trying to steal your thunder 92Lex ;). Anyway, my main point. You guys should submit any tutorials you have to me so I can format them for Lexls.com!!!! Mr. jzz30 has already contributed a wonderful article on the PS pump. Someone said they have tutorials for second gens...send 'em to me! I don't have any second gen tutorials yet. I can only do so much, but with the help of others, that's YOU reading this, the site will improve and improve. 92Lex, I would love to include some or all of your tutorials if you give me permission. Are your pictures by any chance larger than the ones you posted? What I really want is all 640x480 pics. My point here is that if we unify we can create a gigantic source of information which will be beneficial to everyone. If you have something email me, PM me, or just post.
  14. What about draining the coolant? I would think you would have a massive mess if you didn't do that first...
  15. Opps, sorry I meant lowrider :whistles:
  16. The one thing I forgot to put in that tutorial is to add brake anti-squeal lube on the shims. Otherwise just follow it and you'll be good. It only takes me about 15 minutes per axle now. One tool you may want to invest in is a brake piston compressor. I just bought this tool because I needed to do brake pads on some other cars and I couldn't get the leverage I needed. It worked soooo good! A very good addition to my tool chest: http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?...gcemgdffmdggj.0
  17. The previous owner of my LS was driving when the timing belt broke. He said it just stopped, this was around 130 or 135K...I'd have to look at my records. That was the original timing belt. There was no damage when it broke. So 92Lex, I can only recommend checking yours and just replacing it. But.....I can see how you would want to see how long it can go. Remember that Seinfeld where Kramer and a car salesman see how far below the red E on the gas gauge they can go? Hahahah , same thing here, how far can it go?!?
  18. I'm 24 and self-employed. I graduated from UW-Madison in 2002 with a degree in economics. I never really wanted to be an economist and never really liked being told what to do, so after thinking about starting my own business for a while I decided to do it. Mid 2003 I started my digital imaging business, Carl Pearson Imaging, so technically I'm a digital imaging professional. I do everything though, so I could give myself just about any title...customer service rep, salesman, CEO, shipping & receiving man, janitor..haha, technician, computer specialist, web designer.....you get my point. What I primarilily offer and do is high resolution film scanning. You can learn more about what I do on my website. I really enjoy being self-employed and am doing pretty well for only being in business for a little over a year. I work from home and must say it's wonderful. My commute is only 2 minutes, I can work in my pajamas, and I can listen to music all day. That brings me to my next sort of business venture, music. I am also a musician. I have been involved in music for most of my life. I play bass for an artist by the name of Mr. Biggins. We started playing music together in high school and currently have recorded 2 albums. You can listen to samples from those on the Biggins website which I just got up and running again a few days ago. Also, if you want to see pictures of me there are tons to see ;). The third thing I "do" is Lexls.com. Many of you already know about that. I am currently trying to think of how I could turn that into a business. If you're wondering how much I work, the answer is nearly all the time. amf1932, I would be interested to hear more about what you used to do. You should shoot me a PM or email. dcfish, I'm in Miniapp too. You and any other fellow Minnesotans should join our Minnesota Lexus Club (MNLC). Right now we've got about 6 members, including myself. We meet at Lake Calhoun, but probably won't meet again until after winter.
  19. Good call Bob, TIS is the way to go. I have recommended this site to many many people, it's the best bang for your buck: http://www.lexls.com/repairmanual.html
  20. Was the antenna working before? I know mine wasn't! When I turn off my car and then listen near the antenna I can hear the motor working though.
  21. Yeah, Nextnet WiMax is very new technology and so it's probably not available in most areas of the USA...yet. I think they have deployments in Minnesota, Iowa, and Arizona...I think. I'm just giving you guys a heads up for this new technology because I think it's going to be great for many people. Having wireless internet service can bring the internet to people who otherwise could not get service. The main problem in the US is that there are tons of frequency spectrum restrictions or something like that...since there are so many restrictions it takes longer to get these things going. Anyway, I can't talk about it too much more, I just want people to know it exists and will hopefully be an option throughout the USA in the very near future.
  22. Man this thread is certainly misleading. It says wireless internet company but you're all talking about wired services. Here's the new wave of internet service, it's called WiMax. My father works one of the leading companies developing this new technology, http://www.nextnetwireless.com/, it's broadband wireless internet service. They are bringing internet service to people all over the world. This is very cool technology, true wireless internet service.
  23. It might be the No.1 or No.2 speed sensor. These are located under the car in the tranny. I know if one of those goes out the speedo doesn't work at all...this is nearly the same. There is a test for these in the repair manual.
  24. Hmmmm, it sounds like you're going to have to do a little more trial and error. I'm a little confused...are you tapping the throttle body? If you are the TPS is connected to it. Yours may look slightly different than mine if your LS has TRAC, then it would have two sensors connected to the throttle body. If tapping this does something the TPS may have been damaged when the throttle body was cleaned.
  25. Was the throttle body fully cleaned, meaning did you take the thottle body off? I'm not sure about the EGR valve, my guess is that it's not that. What I think you need to do is adjust your TPS. From the tune-up things have changed, especially the thottle body, part of the tune-up is adjusting the idle speed. This should help ya: http://www.lexls.com/tps.html You can try making adjustments on the TPS before buying any new parts. Let us know if it works out.
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