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Presidential? Obama


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And now unemployment is over 10% what happened to the "Stimulus" plan...thought for sure he said that the stimulus plan would keep unemployment from going over 8%. The only thing he seems to know how to do is spend money. We have to pass the health care now he said 800 billion, now it is over 1.2 trillion dollars. When is it going to stop. LIES, LIES, LIES. I bet everything that I have that if the election was held today he would be out of office. :chairshot:

ERRR>>>>NC! GOT ME FIRED UP! :censored:

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That quote in my post is from a local chat board where I live. Like in much of the country, these shots are being offered through county health departments (better get the shot if you're brave enough to go to a county health department in general, because you know you're gonna bring home something from there!). What bugs me about this is the fact that those who we need healthy (doctors) aren't the first to get it. What really chaps my hide is when it's a military doctor. This was my reply below:

Shore...he can have mine "once I get through". Our son is 18 months old. He comes from very strong genes. I'm fortunate to provide my family with the ability to not be saddled by healthcare insurance worries. You show me the way to get your son into that clinic, and I'll do everything I know to make it happen. In my eyes, MILITARY always comes first. I think it's a god damned shame and a national disgrace how we treat those who have the guts to answer the call. Moreover, the wives who sign up for it, and the families who suffer through it. I'd GLADLY step up to the line to make sure any of them get the first row seat to anything! You tell me how, and I'll do what I can. I might be new to the area, but I come with some ability. I'd gladly hand over the comforts of my world to those who I have to thank for giving me the opportunity to achieve under the beauty of our colors.

I want to like Obama, I really do. I want success and progress for anyone willing to try. But, I can't help this growing feeling inside of me that just doesn't buy him. I said I'd give him a year before making up my mind. Two month to go on that pledge, and sadly it's not looking good. Pelosi makes Celine Dion look like Mother Teresa in my eyes....and we all know how I feel about the forked-tongue she-devil from Canada!

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LMAO! Swine flu vaccinations wouldn't have been delayed under W? Oh please. He sent soldiers to war without body armor...got them into a war and killed for no reason. Hardly a friend to the military. Swine flu is not like the Bubonic plague...dispite what you hear on the news. I know several people who had it...with no vaccine...and are still alive.

I remain pretty satisfied. It takes time to get out of the hole we were in but things have definitely improved. Jobs come back last, you know that. Health care reform has to happen.

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At least it's your military that's getting the vaccine. Our Canadian gov't is giving the vaccine to Taliban prisoners the military's holding in Afghanistan, ahead of our own citizens at home! For that matter, hospital boards are getting it ahead of the frontline workers! NHL hockey players ahead of pregnant women who have to stand in line for hours! Priorities???? In the toilet!

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  • 2 months later...

$20 says Obama will somehow play the "Bush" card in regards to the fact that Massachusetts just elected a Republican to replace the late Ted Kennedy (one of the hardest nosed Democrats on the planet). Not knocking the dems here, or the late Lion of the Senate. Just making a prediction.... If he does, then my mind is made up. I gave him a year. Honestly though, I think Pelosi and all the snakeoil garbage going on in Congress is making Obama look bad. But, when you're the President, you own it, you don't keep tossing the last warm butt in the seat under the bus. B)

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Hahaha!! That's pretty good Steve! :lol: I'm surprised there wasn't a "recount" called!

I don't think this event is as detrimental to Obama as the reversal of the campaign finance rules yesterday from the Supreme Court. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, in short, the Supreme court said corporations can donate as much money as they want directly to any political candidate they so choose (aka special interests and attack ads). Given Obama's no-so friendly business stance, this opens the flood gates for those business sectors he is trying to control to back a competitor in a couple of years. And as we all know, he/she with the biggest war chest, usually wins the White House. I'd be willing to bet there will be a kinder and gentler approach to the financial sector now from Obama, if he wants their financial backing for re-election. I've heard time and time again from bankers in my little slice of the economy that they are either A: Glad they didn't take TARP money, or B: Wish they hadn't. All seem to agree the government is going way too far into the private sectors of the economy, which is hampering it's ability to function in a recovery fashion. Many are starting to think this is exactly what this administration wants to achieve, to make the private sector so dependant upon the government that there will be a "fear factor" to shift gears in 3 years.

Like I said in my opening comments of this thread: Things tend to get a little slippery when the Oval Office tries to become the Corner Office.

Interesting times are coming (not that we need anymore interesting times!)

PS: I heard the "Bush did it" excuse yesterday from Obama during his interview with ABC News. He said "Scott Brown was swept into office for the same reason I was swept into office. People were frustrated with the mess from the previous 8 years". Not arguing the basis for that statement, as many folks were very frustrated with Bush for several of his years in office (me included). However, I would like to just point out one thing.... Um, Mr. President, W' was a Republican, as is Scott Brown.

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Yeah but thats not exactly what he said. He didn't directly mention the prior 8 years. He said it was the same frustration with the current situation in the country, and were frustrated with the pace at which things have been improving. I can't find the specific quote but I will.

Still way too early to predict who will win in 2012. Even if the Dems loose control of the house and senate in the midterms its still too early to tell. Clinton lost the house and senate and went on to win re-election.

That said I am frustrated with the Democrats. That campaign in MA was a travesty of arrogance and entitlement and they got what they deserved.

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Honestly, that's not what I heard him say on the radio. He clearly said Brown was swept into office for the same reason he was swept into office, because people were frustrated with the previous 8 years. Not sure if it's in print, but it was an excerpt from his interview with Stephonopholis (sp? like I'm gonna know how to spell his name!)

Eitherway, no big deal really. I just thought it was funny, as he (and several others) do tend to play that card when the "todays" get a little tought. I think some folks are getting a little tired of hearing it actually, regardless of their own personal opinions about the Bush years. I agree about the manner in which the campaign was run in Mass. That lady really dropped the ball. I can say this too, because my state produced the baby-daddy former "cheat on your cancer wife" candidate. I'm so embarrassed by John Edwards. What a loser.

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John Edwards is totally a loser. I don't know how he expected to be President and not have something like that come out...

I read the transcript that included that line and it definately didn't say "the past 8 years"...

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I swear I heard it though! I heard him say Brown was swept into office for the same reason he was swept into office, because people were frustrated with the previous 8 years. Honestly man, that is exactly what I heard him say. It was probably one of those "things" that when it came time to piece the final product of the interview together, someone said "that doesn't sound very good". But I promise Steve, I wasn't drunk, and I heard him say that. Guess I picked the wrong day to quit sniffin' glue!! :lol:

Check out this one, it's pretty funny too! Some the responses are hillarious!


You know me pretty well. And even though I've got W' as my avatar, you know I'm not a stuck-in-the-mud kind of guy with my thinking. I'm pretty open to just about everything. I'm not saying Obama is a bad President. I'm just saying there are some (to me) interesting moves and steps going on with him and his side of the ring. Not all bad, just quite interesting!

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I FOUND IT!! Whew, thought I was losing my mind there for a second. Good timing on our conversation...


In the first presidential postmortem on the Massachusetts race last week, Obama invoked Bush right away in an interview with ABC News.

"The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office," Obama said. "People are angry, and they're frustrated. Not just because of what's happened in the last year or two years, but what's happened over the last eight years."

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I don't see how what I said from what I heard in a news blip on the radio is all that much different from what he actually said in print? The basis is the same (the past 8 years). However, I will say this, the guy sure can give one heck of a speech! Last night's state of the union was one of the best i've heard in many many years. I thought his views and goals were balanced and fair for all. Did anyone catch the looks on the faces of the Supreme Court Judges when Obama took his swipe at their decision to reverse the corporate donation limits? That was great! The speach was made. Now, it's time to produce.

In fact, about the only other speech that I though was on that same level was Bush's speach on 9/20/01, when he laid it all out on the international table on what we're going to do in response to the second only attack on American soil in modern times. That one, was one for the history books!

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No kidding!! :cries:

Nobody wants to talk to me anymore since I moved on from my "bomb Iran" rants! Thankfully SWO still talks to me! :blushing:

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In fact, about the only other speech that I though was on that same level was Bush's speach on 9/20/01, when he laid it all out on the international table on what we're going to do in response to the second only attack on American soil in modern times. That one, was one for the history books!

But it took an event like 9/11 for Bush to make a speech with actual content that people would actually listen to, by the way, I think Obama would have given a much better speech in that situation. If you take away that Bush speech and compare the state of the union address between Bush and Obama, one can easily see the difference in mental capacity between the two.

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In fact, about the only other speech that I though was on that same level was Bush's speach on 9/20/01, when he laid it all out on the international table on what we're going to do in response to the second only attack on American soil in modern times. That one, was one for the history books!

But it took an event like 9/11 for Bush to make a speech with actual content that people would actually listen to, by the way, I think Obama would have given a much better speech in that situation. If you take away that Bush speech and compare the state of the union address between Bush and Obama, one can easily see the difference in mental capacity between the two.

Mental capacity or oratory capacity. Off-the-cuff remarks versus teleprompter stimulation of words written by staff.

Reagan was a master at communication even as he struggled with Alzheimer's.

Don't be fooled by sweet talk.

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Great speech is one thing, action is another....Now every man, woman, and child in the US is $176000 in debt with the unprecedented spending going on now under this administration.....And If only 50% of all of the population pays taxes that means you are in debt to the tune of $340k per tax payer....Yep great speech for the state of the union under a complete democrat rule. Time for a third party (TEA Party???)

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I am not saying I agree with Obama's spending, I also do not agree with government running big cooperation, but this mess was started by Bush W and Obama is certainly making it worst. Clinton had the national deficit under control and the next two president spend enough money to make sure we are not debt free anymore. You must admit, they both had good intentions, Bush spend the money on a war against terrorism and lower taxes, Obama spend the money trying to stop the bleeding in the US economy. Just remember, any stupid man can start a war, but it take a smart man to avoid one.

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Just remember, any stupid man can start a war, but it take a smart man to avoid one.

How soon one forgets 9/11/01. That sneak attack had the same gravity as the attack on Pearl Harbor. Surely you wouldn't expect FDR or Bush to simply ignore the events. Neither of those presidents "started" a war.

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Just remember, any stupid man can start a war, but it take a smart man to avoid one.

How soon one forgets 9/11/01. That sneak attack had the same gravity as the attack on Pearl Harbor. Surely you wouldn't expect FDR or Bush to simply ignore the events. Neither of those presidents "started" a war.

Why would you say I forgot about 9/11, I just mention it on my last post. As far as I know Iraq is not responsible for 9/11. Bush W start a war, Obama is now trying to shift the attention back to Afghanistan to revenge 9/11.

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