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Anyone Voting For Obama?


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Absolutely, Ron Paul is a little kookey, but he's more republican than the rest of these ya-hoos running around.

I think Libertarianism is taking it too far, but fiscal conservatives are almost impossible to find nowadays, at least fiscal conservatives who won't shove the bible in my face too.

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I'm voting for him for several reasons. I don't like several aspects of Obama, but the world seems to. But, two of the reasons why I'm voting for him are as follows: (1), when he screws up and a scandal breaksout, I don't want the "oh, well, he's old, he's losing his mind" excuse to come into play, like it did with Reagan and the Iran Contra stuff. (2), I never want Hillary Clinton in the White House, period. Except for maybe the $10 tour, but with added security to make sure she stays within the velvet ropes. And you know she's hoping McCain wins, so she can run again in 4 years. It's so obvious to me that the Clintons are doing their standard two-faced routine. They're "stumpin" for Obama due to party obligations, but clearly want McCain to win, for pure selfish reasons. Those two "think" they're "deserved" to rule again. What arrogance.

But, I will say this about Bush, and I hope Obama realizes this. There will be a glowing chapter in history for Bush. That chapter will be about when America really did do something for Africa. Bush really stepped up to the plate when it comes to helping those people. He made sure the money got to where it needed to be. I haven't heard one bad comment ever said about his performance in that regard, not even from Bono "who even praised Bush for his efforts". I would very much like to see W' continue in that role, if possible. $2 trillion dollars spent on the global economy. Can you imagine what 20% of that would do for Africa, if properly placed with the proper infrastructure to make sure corruption didn't creep in? It would be amazing. W' really did well in that regard.

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How sad, Colin Powell turning his back on the very people that have supported him all of these years. I respect him for what he has done in the past, but sadly when he turns his back on us conservative folks, to support a socialist than we are seeing how bad these partys have stooped to gain power, but not represent the American people. Change is needed, but not the kind either candidate offers. We need a positive, people oriented person that believes in America and what we are capable of accomplishing. These two morons are nothing more than pacifist. Somebody Like Sarah Palin or Huckaby would be a refreshing change to the political make up. We Americans are tired of these same as usual politicians. John Kennedy or Reagan were men of much more stature than this bunch. We need to start over, and add some real ethics back to our political scene.

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How sad, Colin Powell turning his back on the very people that have supported him all of these years. I respect him for what he has done in the past, but sadly when he turns his back on us conservative folks, to support a socialist than we are seeing how bad these partys have stooped to gain power, but not represent the American people. Change is needed, but not the kind either candidate offers. We need a positive, people oriented person that believes in America and what we are capable of accomplishing. These two morons are nothing more than pacifist. Somebody Like Sarah Palin or Huckaby would be a refreshing change to the political make up. We Americans are tired of these same as usual politicians. John Kennedy or Reagan were men of much more stature than this bunch. We need to start over, and add some real ethics back to our political scene.

AMEN, That would be a breath of fresh air.

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How sad, Colin Powell turning his back on the very people that have supported him all of these years.

I don't think he's turned his back on anyone, but the folks who threw him under the bus 4 years ago by parading him infront of the UN Security Counsel with bogus intelligence to support the invasion of Iraq, and tarnished his reputation. W' and his crew really screwed the pooch when they tossed Colin Powell out with the trash. That was a huge mistake. I don't know what role McCain has played in that regard to Powell, but I can only imagine if McCain truly was the "Maverick", his actions during that time would of, and should of, clearly earned Powell's respect and endorsement. But I do agree with you Lenore regarding some fresh air. This election process has gone on for far too long. So long, the candidates have simply run out of things to say, and are repeating themselves over and over again. McCain just seems like a bitter angry old man, and Obama seems too happy and too timid to take off the gloves and fight. I like Obama's cool-calm-collected approach to things, but sometimes I wish he'd "W'-up" and bite back with a clear shot, instead of just smiling and moving on.

I hope, a new law is written about when campaigning can begin, and limit this stuff. It's been ongoing now for what, two years?

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How sad, Colin Powell turning his back on the very people that have supported him all of these years. I respect him for what he has done in the past, but sadly when he turns his back on us conservative folks, to support a socialist than we are seeing how bad these partys have stooped to gain power, but not represent the American people. Change is needed, but not the kind either candidate offers. We need a positive, people oriented person that believes in America and what we are capable of accomplishing. These two morons are nothing more than pacifist. Somebody Like Sarah Palin or Huckaby would be a refreshing change to the political make up. We Americans are tired of these same as usual politicians. John Kennedy or Reagan were men of much more stature than this bunch. We need to start over, and add some real ethics back to our political scene.

I honestly am not trying to flame here but I'm guessing that you didn't see the interview. Here is a snippet from the full interview :

We have two wars. We have economic problems. We have health problems. We have education problems. We have infrastructure problems. We have problems around the world with our allies. So those are the problems the American people wanted to hear about, not about Mr. Ayers, not about who's a Muslim or who's not a Muslim. Those kinds of images going out on Al-Jazeera are killing us around the world.

And we have got to say to the world, it doesn't make any difference who you are or what you are, if you're an American, you're an American. And this business, for example, of the congressman from Minnesota who's going around saying, "Let's examine all congressmen to see who is pro-America or not pro-America" -- we have got to stop this kind of nonsense, pull ourselves together and remember that our great strength is in our unity and in our diversity. And so, that really was driving me.

And to focus on people like Mr. Ayers and these trivial issues, for the purpose of suggesting that somehow Mr. Obama would have some kind of terrorist inclinations, I thought that was over the top. It was beyond just good political fighting back and forth. I think it went beyond. And to sort of throw in this little Muslim connection, you know, "He's a Muslim and, my goodness, he's a terrorist" -- it was taking root. And we can't judge our people and we can't hold our elections on that kind of basis.

So, yes, that kind of negativity troubled me, And the constant shifting of the argument. I was troubled a couple of weeks ago when in the middle of the crisis, the [McCain] campaign said, "We're going to go negative," and they announced it, "We're going to go negative and attack [Obama's] character through Bill Ayers." Now I guess the message this week is, "We're going to call him a socialist, Mr. Obama is now a socialist, because he dares to suggest that maybe we ought to look at the tax structure that we have."

Taxes are always a redistribution of money. Most of the taxes that are redistributed go back to those who paid them, in roads and airports and hospitals and schools. And taxes are necessary for the common good. And there is nothing wrong with examining what our tax structure is or who should be paying more, who should be paying less. And for us to say that that makes you a socialist, I think is an unfortunate characterization that isn't accurate.

I don't want my taxes raised. I don't want anybody else's taxes raised. But I also want to see our infrastructure fixed. I don't want to have a $12 trillion national debt, and I don't want to see an annual deficit that's over $500 billion heading toward a trillion. So, how do we deal with all of this?

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Quite frankly neither candidate has addressed what is really important, prosecuting the elitist that are being bailed out and stopping illegal immigration which is destroying this country. Neither also wants to declare English as the national language, protect our borders, or protect the AMERICAN culture. Obama and McCain are just more of the same with McCain a pacifist, and Obama a socialist. Neither has any solutions that are spelled out than would bring this country back together and make us want to become a super power country. They are just new world order people without a clue. And China and Russia are laughing as they only get stronger. They only people that have any integrity are our military, and just as in Vietnam they are letting the politicians set them up for failure. They have made great strides in Iraq, but the media is the enemy within destroying any kind of American patriotism. I really feel for our military men and women to have to put up with the left wing military haters like Pelousi and others which should be trialed for tression. There is no honor left in the beltway, and Colin if he had any real class would have stayed out of this. Quite Frankly I would have voted for him in a minute four years ago. God has come back in the war in Iraq, but at home it isnt allowed in our schools, courts, public buildings. The new dollar doesnt even have In God We Trust.... How sad they pledge on the bible to take office and than slam religion or fail to allow what our founding fathers created this great experiment on (Christian freedom) Diversity is just another word to give more rights to one group over the rights of the majority. Marriage is being slammed and the only candidate that supports marriage between a man and women is Palin (God bless her) even though her partner will no speak out. Quite frankly both parties should go back to the drawing table and reestablish there values and realize that what made this country great were Americans, not them. Joe Plumber, whatever is what the real world is like. not some beltway pointy head that just screwed us out of almost a trillion dollars of bailouts to their buddies in the industry that they failed to regulate, which started with Clintons everyone deserves a home scam. I guess when it wasnt s*x, it meant that all integrety was left under the table on Monica's dress. What a fantastic bunch we have put in their little kingdoms. Great scam, serve a few years and get retirement and healthcare for life. Meanwhile my company which I retired from just sent a Dear John letter informing me they would no longer cover my medical in retirement. And that was after 32 years of busting my butt. Yep, Change is what you will get, The liberal courts will write our laws and the government will take over all of the industries just like Hitler did in the 1930's . Democracy to Socialism in a lightening moment with both parties lying to the idiots that vote them in. Just my two cents worth...Time to find that lot in the hills and hide for awhile, Hope Palin becomes the big winner next round when the idiots in Congress realize what real change is needed.

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I'm truly sorry about you losing your medical coverage, Tom. This seems to be the norm these days as companies do everything they can to lessen the cost burden of providing what they promised to their retirees. Again, I'm sorry.

But I couldn't disagree with you more about Sarah Palin. She simply is not qualified to be handed the keys to the country. No one can make a reasonable argument that she is. Have you taken the time to watch her interviews with Gibson and Couric? She's clueless. Yes, she's been kept under wraps in an intense Political Science 501 training course over the past six weeks, but that doesn't come close to getting her ready for the White House. The McCain campaign has acknowledged that she isn't even ready to hold press conferences. I really believe that McCain sold out big-time when he chose her as his running mate. If you truly believe in your mantra of "Country First", you don't stoop to that level by picking a virtual neophyte as your successor if you happen to keel over and die while slurping down your morning gruel....

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Yes I know That Palin doesnt have the background experience to hold such a powerful office, However I am not too sure OBAMA does either. What is refreshing is the down to earth common sense that comes With Palin, I wish there would be a new generation of politicians that rose up to fill the vacuum of what we have now which is party power and no real good for the nation. Sometimes the real people need to take back hold of the reins to guide us back to a more normal middle of the road posture. Like I said, Kennedy (John) and Reagan were fiscal conservatives, though both put great goals on this country, each with their own crisis. Kennedy put us on the moon and stood ground when the missile crisis existed. Reagon through his positive attitude forced the failure of the Soviet Union through strength. Both believed in strength. That is the only deterent to most nations in the world. These were men in two different parties with love for their country, and what we can accomplish. What I see now are two candidates that dont really believe in the American people, but feel government will fix everything. Just like they fixed our borders, our social security, our medical system that is so heavily controlled by the government that inflation within that industry is out of control. I personally am scared of what government control of everything will do. We just as well thow out the Constitution and let them be big brother. I am not a back woods, anti government guy, buy I dont want them telling me how to raise my children, grandchildren, or force the agendas of so many wacko groups on my children. environmentalist, !Removed! activist, lobbyist, ACLU, they are all about tearing down the building blocks of our nation. We are one of the greatest nations in the world, but are being eaten alive from within. Hey RXNC Hope you and your family are well. God Bless AMERICA.

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And McCain's campaign hasn't lied about Obama's history and positions?

Check out www.factcheck.org

I'm not saying the Obama campaign hasn't engaged in dishonest campaigning, but the McCain campaign has too, and to a more significant degree by making claims like he "palls around with terrorists" which is ridiculous. As for Acorn, the Obama campaign paid Acorn for a get out the vote campaign which many other political candidates have done before. He did NOT pay them to register voters, which is where the issue is with Acorn at present.

The lines you're using are right out of the republican smearbook.

Obama has never come out with a stance against your 2nd amendment rights

He's not against offshore drilling, but offshore drilling isn't going to solve our problems anyways.

You should read his tax proposals as pertains to tax credits for companies that create new jobs.

As for experience, many very successful presidents have never had executive experience, any president pretty much who is a senator. Senator McCain has never been responsible for a budget and he actually would not be qualified for a job as a corporate CEO either. JFK...no executive experience.

Now lets look at Presidents who HAVE had executive experience...George W Bush...he did a great job managing the US budget and economy didn't he? Jimmy Carter.

I'm not faulting you for being a supporter of McCain, thats your right and he obviously has a lot of supporters, however I am faulting you for believing and spreading around information about him that is just not true...like he pals around with terrorists.

I posted here to the question "Anyone voting for Obama" and gave my reasons. I did'nt post to try and change or affect anyones decision. This is a free country, you can belive and vote for whoever you want. But it created the above response which has a few things in it that need to be attended to.

First, you are assuming that I am a supporter of McCain. You are wrong. I am neither Democratic or Republican. I'm a conservative that belives in small government and low taxes. That government is more of a hinderance than a help. McCain sucks as bad as Obama, only for other reasons.

Let's take the above responses from the top.

First, the phrase "Pals around with terrorists" is a bit ridiculous, but I said "tied to terrorists" which is a fact. According to factcheck.org, Obama did in fact work and spent time with William Ayers, who had been considered by the U.S. government as a terrorist. Wether he is reformed, only Bill Ayres and those close to him know for sure, and only he and Obama knows what they discussed and belived.

Let's be honest, if a Republican Presidental candidate had been accused of "palling around with terrorists", the media would have hounded him and his candidacy would be over.

Second, lets look at ACORN. I said that Obama's campaign gave $ 800,000 to a front group for ACORN, which factcheck.org shows as being Citizen Services, Inc. for a "get out the vote'' effort. Factcheck.org also shows that Obama did in fact work for ACORN and represented ACORN in a lawsuit against Illinois. This is the same ACORN that is now being investigated for voter fraud by the FBI. Acorn has been implicated in Missouri, Ohio and at least 12 other states. Wether you belive ACORN is involved with voter fraud to help Obama is up to you. The readers can draw their own conclusions.

Third, Obama has never come out with a stance against 2nd amendment rights. This is true, he never came right out and said it. But you can look at his voting record and his own statements.

Here are just a few. Illinois senate vote 219 7/29/05- Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to put the firearms industry out of business. Illinois senate 3/25/04 - Obama voted to allow he prosecution of CITIZENS who use a firearm for self defense in the home. There are so many other instances that show that he has always been very anti-2nd amendment, way too many to list here. Sure, he may say now that he will protect your rights, But once he gets into the White House, will he succumb to those anti-gun groups that have donated large sums of money to his campaign, or will he keep his promise to the American people.

Fourth, He's not against offshore drilling. Well not now! But he was until his campaign discovered it was very unpopular with the American public. In fact, the left and the enviros just about had a stroke when he flip-flopped on the subject. Wether offshore drilling will solve our problems is a useless debate. The fact is this world runs on oil and we will need oil until alternatives can be economically and feasibly created. And the truth is that Obama was against drilling as late as August 2008.

As for giving tax credits for companies that create jobs, it looks good on paper, but in the real world it does'nt work. What company would take on an employee and pay them anywhere from $12,000 and up for a $3000 tax credit? And please remember, anything that Obama proposes are just that, proposes. He will have to deal with congress on any tax cuts or credits, and there are those in congress who feel the taxpayers don't pay enough.

I'm too tired to continue with this. Each of us have to decide who to vote for with the information we have, wether it's truth or lies. I need some peace and quiet away from the TV and radio. I'm gonna' go out and sit in my LS.

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What I think is funny...

My father is a small business owner. Some employees being poor white trash (not trying to be rude, they just are) of course are raging liberals, (love and take advantage of free government money, ie: food stamps, unemployment, L&I) and see Obama as the Messiah to "bring change". More free money to them "robin hood'ed" from the wealthy!

The thing they don't understand is that, the taxes that are raised on my father's business could very well, and most likely will cause one of these Raging Obama supporters to lose their jobs.

So what's funny? They love Obama, but don't really understand that if some of his ideals do take effect, it DOES has a big impact on business. The taxes raised very well could be the income of an employee.

I am a registered republican, but am undecided. I have no idea who to vote for. McCain is not the conservative I would have liked on the ballot, and worst case scenario, Palin I don't think can do the job IF something unfortunate were to happen to John McCain.

I don't agree with a lot of Obama. To me he and McCain are on the same level right now. They both seem to equally have their positives and negatives, BUT Obama has the ability to get people excited about America.. . .even though he doesn't salute the flag...and crap like that.... and that's what I think America needs right now after Bush.

Just pure excitement. I'm kind of leaning toward Obama, maybe 50.5% Obama to 49.5% McCain. but put a ballot in my face and I couldn't make a decision right now.

I might have to hold onto my ballot until the last second to decide this one...

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I posted here to the question "Anyone voting for Obama" and gave my reasons. I did'nt post to try and change or affect anyones decision. This is a free country, you can belive and vote for whoever you want.

If you don't want to read comments about your viewpoints...don't post them to a discussion thread on a discussion forum.

As for Colin Powell and Lenore's post. What you fail to realize Lenore is that many republicans and conservatives feel as Powell does about the current state of the party. All throughout his interview I found myself astonished that he believes and arrived at his decision exactly how I have.

Turned his back on his friends? Come on. You'd have more respect for him if he pretended to support someone and something he doesn't because they're his "friends"? Thats not courage, thats cowardice.

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You know, I agree with the Colin thing, but am saddened, because I think the Republicans didnt think they could win in the first place and are using McCain as a scapegoat looser. The Party is so sick that I am convinced that they believe they will only gain back their power after Obama screws the nation up. Heck they wont even investigate the possibility that Obama is not a naturalized AMerican. How come the documents have not been submitted? There is just to much crap going on between both parties and the cool-aid drinking has begun. Heck the independents arent even allowed to vote in the primaries for either party. This is a sad state of affairs, we as Americans are being led to the dark side. I heard on the news that a bunch of couties in Alabama have more registered voters than population. This is going to be a very nasty election. God Bless America, we need it.

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You know, I agree with the Colin thing, but am saddened, because I think the Republicans didnt think they could win in the first place and are using McCain as a scapegoat looser.

Yes, it is shades of the 1996 election when the Republican party put up my fellow Kansan Bob Dole as their candidate.

The Party is so sick that I am convinced that they believe they will only gain back their power after Obama screws the nation up.

I haven't seen Democratic presidents screw up the economy during my lifetime. I have, however, seen three Republican presidents -- notably Nixon, Reagan and GW Bush -- leave significant economic damage in their wake. I'm an economic conservative and have long regretted voting for Nixon and Reagan.

Demographic trends are thoroughly against the Republican Party. I suspect their best hope is to have the far right split off into a separate political party.

Heck they wont even investigate the possibility that Obama is not a naturalized AMerican.

Obama was born in Hawaii to a U.S. citizen mother as one of the conspiracy theorists recently found to his dismay when he located birth notices for Obama in Honolulu newspaper archives. Obama did not have to be "naturalized". He was a citizen at birth.

Heck the independents arent even allowed to vote in the primaries for either party.

In most states "independents" are not allowed to vote in primary elections. For example, one must show his voter registration card in order to vote in the primary election in Kansas so that poll workers know which ballot to give to the voter. I do not have to show my voter registration card when I vote in the general election.

I heard on the news that a bunch of couties in Alabama have more registered voters than population.

The last U.S. census was in 2000 and population has grown dramatically in many areas of the U.S. since then. Also, the census misses many people. My wife and I have not been counted in two U.S. censuses in the 32 years we have been together -- both times were due to moving.

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I posted here to the question "Anyone voting for Obama" and gave my reasons. I did'nt post to try and change or affect anyones decision. This is a free country, you can belive and vote for whoever you want.

If you don't want to read comments about your viewpoints...don't post them to a discussion thread on a discussion forum.

I have no problem with readers posting comments. That is what discussion forums are for. I wanted to to present information to show that my information wasn't from the "Republican smearbook" as had been suggested.

But after reconsidering, perhaps Obama would be a better choice. He wants to raise taxes on those with household incomes over $250,000. I say let him. Those people make too much money as it is. All the pro football, basketball and baseball players with all their multi-million dollar contracts, all those movie and TV stars in hollywood that make millions, they all are pulling for Obama. It's their patriotic duty to pay taxes, just like Joe Biden said. All those corporate owners with their big salaries, it's about time they start paying so we can get some tax breaks. I hope we can go to a national health care system just like Obama had suggested in the past, I'm sick of paying for my own health care. I say let the rich folk pay for it, it's only fair. I've worked hard all my life and the government keeps taking more and more taxes. The only time they ever went down was when Bush instituted his tax cuts. Now hopefully with Obama, I wont have to pay taxes at all.

Obama is also correct about Iraq. He should pull all the troops out and let those people go back to fighting among themselves. They've done so for centuries and will continue to do so long after we're all dead. His plans to cut the military is a good idea too, they just suck too much tax money. As far as Isreal is concerned, it's none of our business. If Iran nukes them off the planet, well that will be a shame, but what can we do about it.

There are alot of Dems in congress that would be happy to have full gun control laws. Obama now says that he's for the 2nd amendment, but I think his mind could be changed. He was always anti- gun while he was in Illinois. A complete gun ban would probably be best. Nobody needs guns for protection or hunting. Thats what the police and grocery stores are for.

I have also read Obama is for ending manditory sentencing for certain crimes. If thats true, it will take the pressure off judges. They will be able to let criminals go much easier, with either a slap on the wrist or probation and get them back to their loving families and on the street.

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No need to be bashfull about it. Let us know how you really feel! ;)

Anyone remember Carter. The formula went something like this:

Complicated man with intricately detailed analysis of simple situations.

We are now faced with the exact opposite:

Intricately complex situations (world economy, healthcare reform, Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, Israel, Palestine, world oil, world climate/pollution, third world competition in manufacturing and finance, world free trade disparities, unlimited immigration) in the hands of simple politicians incapable of the requisite detailed analysis to formulate real world solutions. This is where the special interests disguised as advisors enter the room to wave their magic wands and fill their piggy pockets.

A few questions: Who will be running in 4 years? Will Barak or John be returned to office then? How much of each platform can be realistically accomplished? What will the world's economy look like then? Where will we be with oil? And lastly, will Palin have a talk show?

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What if . . . .

Obama/Biden vs McCain/Palin, what if things were switched around?.....think about it.

Would the country's collective point of view be different?

Ponder the following:

· What if the Obamas had paraded five children across the stage, including a three month old infant and an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter?

· What if John McCain was a former president of the Harvard Law Review?

· What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?

· What if McCain had only married once, and Obama was a divorcee?

· What if Obama was the candidate who left his first wife after a severe disfiguring car accident, when she no longer measured up to his standards?

· What if Obama had met his second wife in a bar and had a long affair while he was still married?

· What if Michelle Obama was the wife who not only became addicted to pain killers but also acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?

· What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?

· What if Obama had been a member of the Keating Five? (The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s.)

· What if McCain was a charismatic, eloquent speaker?

· What if Obama couldn't read from a teleprompter?

· What if Obama was a war hero, but who also had military experience that included discipline problems and a record of crashing three planes besides the one in which he was shot down?

· What if Obama was the one who was known to display publicly, on many occasions, a serious anger management problem?

· What if Michelle Obama's family had made their money from beer distribution?

· What if the Obamas had adopted a white child?

You could easily add to this list. If the questions above reflected reality, do you really believe the election numbers would be as close as they are?

That is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is a color difference.

Educational Background:

Barack Obama:

· Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations. Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna !Removed! Laude

Joseph Biden:

· University of Delaware - B.A. in History and B.A. in Political Science. Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


John McCain:

· United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899

Sarah Palin:

· Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester, North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study, University of Idaho - 2 semesters – journalism, Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester, University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism

Education isn't everything, but this is about the two highest offices in the land as well as our standing in the world. You make the call.

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Obama: Most Secretive Democratic Candidate Ever

Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign says his campaign will bring a new level of honesty and transparency to the White House. Obama proudly touts that he and Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla, passed a law requiring more transparency via a public database of all federal spending.

But when it comes to offering the public documents about his own public and private activities, Obama’s record for openness gets an "F" grade.

During the heated Democratic primary, Obama complained of the Bush White House being “one of the most secretive administrations in our history” and chided Sen. Hillary Clinton for not releasing her White House schedules.

Ironically, Obama, just days away from possibly being elected president, continues to stonewall a growing chorus of information requests for documents about his legislative, personal health, education, financing, and background -- leaving many voters to cast ballots based on incomplete information.

And serious questions about his past continue to swirl as Election Day looms, fueled in part by his own campaign’s refusal to make relevant documents available.

And the press, usually banging at the door for candidates to make “full disclosure” is strangely quiet about Obama’s stonewalling.

A Newsmax survey of key Obama aspects of Obama’s public and private life continued to be shielded from the public.

Among the examples:

Obama has released just one brief document detailing his personal health. McCain, on the other hands, released what he said was his complete medical file totaling more than 1500 pages. After criticism on the matter, last week the Obama campaign also released some routine lab-test results and electrocardiograms for Obama. All test results appeared normal, but many details about his health remain a mystery.

Obama has refused to offer his official papers as a state legislator in Illinois, and has been unable to produce correspondence, such as letters from lobbyists and other correspondence from his days in the Illinois state senate. There are also no appointment calendars available of his official activities. “It could have been thrown out,” Obama said while on the campaign trail during the Democratic primary. “I haven’t been in the state Senate now for quite some time.”

Obama has not released his client list as an attorney or his billing records. Obama has maintained that he only performed a few hours of legal work for a nonprofit organization with ties to Tony Rezko, the Chicago businessman convicted of fraud in June. But he has not released billing records that would prove this assertion.

Obama won’t release his college records from Occidental College where he studied for two years before transferring to Columbia.

Obama’s campaign refuses to give Columbia University, where he earned an undergraduate degree in political science, permission to release his transcripts. Such transcripts would list the courses Obama took, and his grades. President George W. Bush, and presidential contenders Al Gore and John Kerry, all released their college transcripts. (McCain has refused to release his Naval Academy transcript.)

Obama’s college dissertation has simply disappeared from Columbia Universities archives. In July, in response to a flurry of requests to review Obama’s senior thesis at the Ivy League school, reportedly titled “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament,” Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt told NBC News “We do not have a copy of the course paper you requested and neither does Columbia University.”

The senator has not agreed to the release of his application to the Illinois state bar, which would clear up intermittent allegations that his application to the bar may have been inaccurate.

Jim Geraghty of the National Review has written extensively about Obama’s unwillingness to release records related to clients he represented while he was an attorney with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill, and Gallard. Obama was required to list his clients during his years in the Illinois senate. “Obama listed every client of the firm,” Geraghty reported, making it impossible to discern which clients he represented.

Obama has never released records from his time at Harvard Law School.

Obama also has not disclosed the names of small donors giving $200 or less to his campaign. An exception to the finance-reporting laws exempts the campaign from reporting those who donate less than $200, but that law never envisioned the more than $300 million that has been raised by Obama in small amounts. The Republican National Committee has released its small donors, as well as McCain’s, on a public database.

On several occasions, the Obama campaign has offered to provide additional information to reporters if they have specific questions or issues. And in some cases, it has done so.

When Internet rumors began to fly that perhaps Obama was born outside the United States, for example, the campaign released images of a birth certificate that verified his birthplace as Honolulu, Hawaii. When that led to suggestions the birth certificate had been altered, the campaign again responded, allowing reporters to examine the actual birth certificate, complete with raised seal. (In late July, according to FactCheck.org, a researcher uncovered an announcement of Obama’s birth in the August 13, 1961 edition of the Honolulu Advertiser).

Such instances of cooperation pale, however, compared to the many unanswered questions surrounding Obama, such as the financing of his education, and requests for the complete release of all donors to his campaign.

Of course, candidates are often reticent to disclose any information that opposition researchers could use against them.

But Politico.com notes that the Obama’s failure to share documents is “part of his campaign’s broader pattern of rarely volunteering information or documents about the candidate, even when relatively innocuous.”

The hue and cry from the media for disclosure usually forces candidates to release sought after documents. But the press has largely acquiesced to Obama’s stonewalling.

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Obama: Give Social Security, Healthcare to Illegals

There are Millions of illegal aliens in the U.S.

Barack Obama’s plan gives a driver’s license to any illegal who wants one.

But that’s not all.

Obama’s plan gives illegals social security benefits and raises taxes for his health care plan to cover them.

Who pays? You do.

Driver’s licenses and government benefits for illegals.

Higher taxes for us. That’s Obama’s plan.

Obama. Too radical. Too risky. :censored:

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I have to agree with you DCfish, funney how the media complex disects the history of every living and dead political figure in our history to the point of re-writing history, but Obama has a do not touch or tell moto. I hope we are not the only Americans that are a little scared of the unknown. If change is what they want, than the downfall of our representation may well be what they get. I am not happy with either candidate, but questions should be answered, not mowed over like a lawn mower set for 6 inch grass. So sad that Americans, according to the media polls are supporting the matra that government is going to fix everything...just like they did when they didnt support the existing regulations that got us in this mess. And the companies are bailing out faster than rats on a ship, knowing that they no longer have to give what they promised, because they feel the socialism coming on. Study your history folks, see what happened in the past, and remember that statement that history repeats to those that fail to recognize it. Mussonlini, Hitler, great examples of failed socialism and what it did to the people. Sweden yep old Sweden the utopia society were there is no incentive to work hard to succeed, and also the country with one of the highest suicide rates. Taxes over 70%, yep great experiment.....This and more coming to your next corner, brought to you by folks that will tell you anything. And believe me they will still not live at the same level as you and I, but you wont have the opportunity to work hard and reap the rewards. They will take your earnings and give it to someone that deserves it more, because they want to sit at home and watch Jerry Springer and eat bom boms. Enjoy your suicide to free speech and control of raising your family, let your babies learn about !Removed! marriage, have abortions without your consent, but god help you if you touch that child, they will pick you up and straighten your beliefs up. Big brother knows better, and we will do as they require. The constitution is just a old piece of paper that needs interpreting, so that we really can find out what they meant. Oh I think I am sick....God Bless this country, and lets see what happens in the next couple of weeks.

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