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Why Are People Such Cocks On The Road?


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So Im driving on the interstate right (I-81 SB Between Watertown NY and Syracuse) and I am in the fast lane, im doing about 80. Behind me from out of nowhere comes this silver Nissan Murano...he is right on my bumper. i moved over after about 30 seconds (passing a semi) and he pulled up next to me...then he does the unthinkable...

he SWERVES at my drivers side with his SUV. I swerve right onto the shoulder to avoid him hitting me and My tires catch the edge of the pavement. It all happens so fast, i compensate to get back on the road and the force (by this time, im not sure how fast im going, but i know i have slowed down) spins me in a circle across the freeway (right shoulder to center median). I end up nose first in the grass, which is a marsh from the rain, in a ditch.


I called the police and filed a report, and a nice motorist with an F150 pulled me out of the mud with my tow rope. so far the only damage is my shattered nerves and an alignment. the grass turned to mud when my tires hit it, i guess it was fortunate it wasnt any deeper than my ankles.

I have the worst luck...but in a way, i have the best luck, cause that could have been a WHOLE lot worse...

i was doing 80, he came up on my !Removed! doing at least 100...i would hate to be in his shoes when he gets pulled over some day. i know if i was a cop and i pulled someone over in an SUV doing 100+ for no apparent reason...

sorry, just had to rant.

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Thankfully you're just shaken, but ok, as it could have turned out a lot worse. Karma is a b*tch, what goes around comes around. Hopefully, you'll hear about when he gets what he deserves.

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Wow! That is just absurd. I can't believe what people think these days. One time I was driving the shuttle, and i was on the on-ramp for the freeway. There's 2 lanes for the on-ramp and it curves into a half circle. Anyways so there's this raised Dodge Ram right next to me (im on the right lane) so I decide to speed up to get in front of him when the two lanes merge into one lane to get on the freeway. You know what he did? He thought I was racing him! Before I knew it, I was about to swerve to the left to get on the freeway, his big damn tire was right next to my driver's door! :censored:

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I don't know about where you guys live....

But it seems like 75% of Prius owners up here are "!Removed!" too. They try and race cars on the highway, they pass recklessly, they pace cars in the passing lane, they go 10mph over OR under the speedlimit, drive while on their cell phones.. let me change that percentage to 90. 90% of Prius owners up here. Think they're all high and mighty!

Other than them, lots of road rage opportunities up here due to the overwhelming population of WT (white trash) that go insane when you change lanes 3-4 car lengths in front of them!

I think we can all take pride in knowing how to drive :) I don't think I've ever seen a Lexus driver being a chode on the road.

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Well the topic being jerks on the road, I was just making an observation of mine around my area. Not saying ALL of them, just most of them around here! :cheers:

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I see this happen all the time. Usually i'm the one driving faster than everyone else having to wait for them to get out of the way. I find that if people see someone flying down the road in their rear-view mirror they get out of the way right away before they reach them. It's when they slow down on PURPOSE to force you to slow down, when this stuff happens.

Everyone chooses to drive at a different rate. If you're content with driving 65, that's fine- just don't prevent someone else from going 85 if they choose to. Just get out of their way!

I know many feel speeding is bad, but it's everyone's prerogatived. Don't be the hero and try to get them to slow down, because it won't happen. All you'll do is *BLEEP* them off and get them agitated.

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Hmm... I'f i'm doing 60mph on the highway in a 55mph zone and someone flies up on me going +80mph right on my !Removed! I WILL slow down to the speed limit (55mph) and if they continue to ride my !Removed! I will slow down accordingly.

Now if I'm doing 60mph and I notice someone flying up behind me, but they slow down to speed a decent distant behind me (NOT on my !Removed!) then proceeds to pass me in a passing zone. I could care less!

It's the people that fly though traffic +20mph over the speed limit that pose a hazzard to themselves and others. There are traffic laws for a reason.

I do however agree that if EVERYONE would just go with the flow (be it 60mph or 90mph, and not think the commute to work is the Grand Prix, there would be little to no problems. but as long as there are idiots on the road there will be trouble!

I would also like to point out I would not go out of my way to stop someone from doing +80mph. I have had multiple people purposefully change lanes in front of me, for no reason, just to block me. That really grinds my gears!!!!

Ps. on a side note, anyone speeding needs to be ready to accept the consequences if they run into any kind of law enforcement B)

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You want crazy, I'll give you crazy! Recently in Toronto this girl (about 20 or so) was coming up to an intersection at the same time as a firetruck with their flashers and siren going. She got confused (her explanation to the cops) and instead of pulling over to stop, she tried to make a turn but didn't quite make it. She went up onto the curb, took out a part of a transit shelter then hit and dragged a pedestrian for over 40 feet before stopping in someone's front yard. An eyewitness said that when she stopped, she was still talking on her cell phone! WTF is going on? How do these drivers get on the road? What does the law provide for people like this? You can call me paranoid if you like, but when I see someone on a cell beside me, I back off, change lanes, do whatever I can to get as far away from them as I can. When I used to race, I would get more nervous driving home on a public road than when I was on the track. It seems that every year there are more bad drivers out there who are just accidents waiting to happen. I do notice that lately, I'm more often heading out of town than downtown. Maybe if I go far enough, it'll just be me and the road and I'll be eatingup mile after mile of beautifull empty blacktop. Wait a minute, time to wake up, I'm almost downtown, have to change lanes for my exit, better pay attention!

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