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Stimulus Refund


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Mine is going to pay for resodding the front lawn, and the rest is going into the bank.

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I'm buying beer and cheetos :lol: Actually I am using it so I can go lay on a beach B)

Mine is going towards 1st class airfare to dcfish's house! :cheers:

Honestly though, mine is all in the money market savings account, to be nibbled on here and there when needed. Nothing I really want to buy these days, except diapers...if my son would EVER give up his free rent and make his grand entrance into this world! Already one week over due....wife's 4+ cm dilated, but no labor yet... He's already grounded for missing curfew.

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I'm buying beer and cheetos :lol: Actually I am using it so I can go lay on a beach B)

Mine is going towards 1st class airfare to dcfish's house! :cheers:

Honestly though, mine is all in the money market savings account, to be nibbled on here and there when needed. Nothing I really want to buy these days, except diapers...if my son would EVER give up his free rent and make his grand entrance into this world! Already one week over due....wife's 4+ cm dilated, but no labor yet... He's already grounded for missing curfew.

Maybe he saw you on the other end of the U/S probe.... :lol: hope all is well and he makes a grand (EXIT) soon :cheers:

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Glad to learn that you've initiated a strict child discipline process before the placenta has even popped. Nothing beats starting off your childraising years in complete control....

Tell your wife that you've requested Celine Dion playing in the delivery room. That should send her into immediate convulsions and the baby should follow shortly thereafter....

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I don't get one :(

Carla got hers and promptly squandered it. Good American! I told her to spend it on me but she didn't see the value in that. I reminded her that if I'd made an honest woman out of her she wouldn't have gotten one either...but she still didn't see the value in spending it on me haha

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Just for your information and not meant to cause any ill feelings but to inform some of you. I hold a 20% interest in 500 hundred acres of Mallard Bay Oil and Gas Field. My late grandfather left it to me and my siblings. We have gone from lease to lease for some 20 years. They decided in 2005 to start drilling and as of date we have 3 rigs and the Office of Conservation has approved another Rig. Now I know one more Rig is not a huge step forward but, believe me, it is an open door for more domestic oil recovery. Why not before, we all have our own assumptions and we probably have a good idea. So we are shut off from offshore drilling and the Polar Bear regions but, we are actively, albeit slow, pursuing our own resources in the U.S. and it will become more of a dire issue as we approach $8-10 a gallon. In essence my property was not worth $50 a barrel due to its accessibility (google it at Mallard Bay Oil and Gas Field) and now it is more than feasible. My point is that domestic oil has become more lucrative as the prices from overseas suppliers like OPEC put a crunch on us. We have learned that we are dealing with higher prices from OPEC but I believe we will become self sufficient in the near future and we, as Americans, will find a solution to the blackmail from overseas. We, the U.S., knew this was coming and held our guns due to the costs of domestic drilling. We are oil rich. We always had it and now it has become profitably acceptable by the U.S oil market to drill domestically. $100 a barrel was our Que. Hope this helps.

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HE'S HERE! I'm home now cleaning up a bit, getting the house ready for bringing him home tomorrow. I'll post more later, but all went increadibly well! We were cleaning windows yesterday, sat down to have pizza around 8:00 pm, two slices in, her water broke....and my son, weighing 8 pounds, 20 inches long, and perfectly healty, was born just 2 hours later! JUST TWO HOURS! When we got there at 9:00, the nurse checked her out, said "honey, you don't have a cervix, you're having this baby NOW!" No time for any medication, not even an i-v drip.... My wife, the southern belle she is, bit down on sheer grit, and delivered him the old fashion way. At 9:59 pm, Owen made his entrance into the world. And Father was right there the whole time, even cut the cord. There is a score they do at 1 minute and 5 minutes to determine health. 10 is the best, most score 6.5...he scored 8 at 1 minute, and 9 at the 5 minute!

Dad had a VERY tough time keeping his tears out of his scrambled eggs this morning at the hospital cafateria, around 6:00 am, when the reality of what just happened, finally hit him! I'm one Blessed man, no question about it! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!


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HE'S HERE! I'm home now cleaning up a bit, getting the house ready for bringing him home tomorrow. I'll post more later, but all went increadibly well! We were cleaning windows yesterday, sat down to have pizza around 8:00 pm, two slices in, her water broke....and my son, weighing 8 pounds, 20 inches long, and perfectly healty, was born just 2 hours later! JUST TWO HOURS! When we got there at 9:00, the nurse checked her out, said "honey, you don't have a cervix, you're having this baby NOW!" No time for any medication, not even an i-v drip.... My wife, the southern belle she is, bit down on sheer grit, and delivered him the old fashion way. At 9:59 pm, Owen made his entrance into the world. And Father was right there the whole time, even cut the cord. There is a score they do at 1 minute and 5 minutes to determine health. 10 is the best, most score 6.5...he scored 8 at 1 minute, and 9 at the 5 minute!

Dad had a VERY tough time keeping his tears out of his scrambled eggs this morning at the hospital cafateria, around 6:00 am, when the reality of what just happened, finally hit him! I'm one Blessed man, no question about it! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!

Congratulations Father Nc :cheers::cheers: And Mother Nc :cheers::cheers: Welcome to the world Owen :D Print this and put it in Owens hope chest. What a wonderful world..............

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Now, let's hope that all three of you can grab some much-needed sleep. You'll have to learn to get it whenever you can. I'm betting that you'll be doing a lot less posting and a lot more napping for awhile. A very wise decision indeed....

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Thanks everyone for the kind words! It's an exciting time around my house these days. Baby is sleeping very well, so it's not too much of a strain on the ole' system. But, nevertheless, I'm exhausted! More exhausted than when i use to work on movies, and we would make those 2 hour USA movies in 18 days...also known as 18 day wonders...aka...wonder how in the heck it got made in 18 days..no sleep. Mentally, I'm ok, not tired, but physically, I'm whipped, but recovering. The strain is from only 6 hours of sleep over the weekend until I got everyone home last Monday. Mom and baby are doing great, and dad is doing great.

Here are some more photos of the little guy! He's in perfect health, and at only 5 days old, has the strength to lift his own head already. He's a strong little man, I tell ya'. Changing his diaper "A LOT", requires both of us, because he locks his legs and they're tough to straighten out. He's not calicie (sp?), so he sleeps great. Here are a few photos....





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Congrats NC.:cheers: Nice pics. Words of advice if I may ... absorb

every minute of this special time that you can. They are fleeting these moments.

Before you know it, you'll be sending Owen off to college and remembering

this sweet time that moved on far too soon.:cheers:

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