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What Is The Worst Car You Ever Owned?


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1992 Dodge Caravan with Anti-lock brakes

I figured Chrysler had invented the minivan so what could go wrong, man was I ever wrong. Multiple transmission failures and intermittent brake failure with the new anti-lock brake system had me dumping a brand new car as fast as I could.

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American made mini vans are a nightmare in general...From my dealership days I can tell most american made mini vans are in the shop more then on the road... Tranny and engines are hard to get to, A/C were always trouble, etc...

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I think it may be safe to say that 1980-1995 were the worst American made car years. I think back to those days and it was all just crap then. There may have been a few bright spots along the way, but car quality has definatley gotten alot better since then. Even now, American made cars seem to be behind, but better than that period. Am I asking for trouble with this post? :huh:

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Yeah, as I stated earlier in this threads the older V12 jags are one of the most unreliable cars you can possibly ever own... Like I said in my humble opinion it is "pure British garbage"... Even the 90's British built Land Rover Discoveries trucks have constant electrical and leaking problems..

Sometimes you need to know when to cut your losses short and sell....It sounded like you hung on to that heap for a little longer then you needed to... Live and learn I guess, I have a simular stories as well....I can't believe the new crate 350ci GM motor blew on you, now that is suprising to hear...

Yes owning a british car is like standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and kicking your money over the edge, and still never get it to run right. They are money pits.......owned and driven a lot of them, (hard headed) But the Jaguar XKE was the final candle on my cake....never again.

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Yea, that is why I was so hard headed, Loved racing my Triumph TR250 over in Spain.... those big 15 inch wheels and the top down, oh those were the days. Lets not talk about every weekend under it though. And the Jag was suppurb at 150 mph, never felt or drove anything like it. No............I cant own another. Just remember, Lucas, overheating, Stromburg carbs, brake seals going, clutches, and the list goes on.....

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Yea, that is why I was so hard headed, Loved racing my Triumph TR250 over in Spain.... those big 15 inch wheels and the top down, oh those were the days. Lets not talk about every weekend under it though. And the Jag was suppurb at 150 mph, never felt or drove anything like it. No............I cant own another. Just remember, Lucas, overheating, Stromburg carbs, brake seals going, clutches, and the list goes on.....

I was single when I owned mine and one day realized I was chasing more 'grounds' than extracurricular 'tail'. One !Removed! had to go and one !Removed! had to stay HistericalSmiley.gif.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am curious as to what you guys think the worst car is that you have ever owned... From my past experiences and as a former owner of a used car dealership, I would have to rate these cars as the worst heeps on the planet...

1991 Ford Taurus - Just a peice....Tranny's are a joke and will slip with the best of them..

1986 Ford Escort GT - Used more oil then gas and broke down more then a crowd of people at a funeral...:cries:

1995 (I think) Isuzu Rodeo - The electrical components, engine and suspension last about as long as a full tank of gas...

Those are my top three lemons of all time :chairshot:

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By far the car I hated the most was my Fiat x19!!! It was fun to drive, but not much pickup. The worst part was when you were going 70mph or more, the exhaust would come over the top of the car and into the interior!!! What makes this even worse is I traded a numbers matching black on black 1964 Impala SS straight up!!!!! As the country song goes, what was I thinking!!!!

FIAT = Fix It Again Tony

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96 Audi A4! It caught on fire :lol:

Man I just sold a 98 A4. I couldn't beleive how cheap the plastic is on the interior of that car!!! Painted plastic. wears of and you have this creamy white underneath. Sucked!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The worst car I ever owned (and I have owned a bunch) was a 1964 1/2 Mustang. It was a nice looking car and would really smoke the tires with a 289/2v but everything else broke. First the suspension was horrible. The tires squeeled going around a normal corner, it was all over the road, brakes were terrible, electrical system had issues and finally the oil pressure started dropping. It dies with about 78,000 miles on it after the body and fram rusted away. Junk for the junkyard. My next worst car was a 1970 Torino with mega-electrical issues which caused the car to just die while you were driving it. Jump it and it ran again great like it never had a problem until it did it again. Finally the transmission started not going in reverse, then I sold it.

Best cars I have owned are my Lexus. I had a couple small issues but nothing major. Then, my 1977 Cadillac Sedan de Ville. Drove that 310,000 miles until a idiot in a Maxima ran a red light and got me in the side. They loaded her in the meatwagon and carried her to the hospital. I could still drive the car but it racked the front end. SOld it for $300 after here insurance company gave me the bendover.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1998 infiniti q45.

she was helluva car...v8 engine...fast..


lotta repairs...knock sensors to jus abt everything.

And her end was horrible....slipped on the expressway after rain and hit a 18wheeler...front end..then a 360 and rear end...

surprised i made it out alive...the airbags didnt even go off....

but i still miss that car..my first car..lotta memories... :-(

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I've always heard the Q45 infinity were great rides..Atleast I know the motors are probably one of the best for it's size... I would prefer the Q45 motor in my SC400 then what I have in it now, that's what I think of those motors...Very solid motors with alot of potential..

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I've always heard the Q45 infinity were great rides..Atleast I know the motors are probably one of the best for it's size... I would prefer the Q45 motor in my SC400 then what I have in it now, that's what I think of those motors...Very solid motors with alot of potential..

yeah, the car was great...but its hard to get into the hoood..



it will not move in the snow..at alll!!!!

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2003 Pontiac Grand AM.... the wheel bearing blew while driving down they highway (big smoky explosion- of sorts) and because of this I had no brakes, car was about 2 years old.

Then while in a Coffee shop drive thru one saturday morning the fuel pump quit. People were honking and yelling at me, until they realized I was stuck with a **BEEP** car, so they helped me push it out foregoing any coffee! car 3 years old

The security feature would enable randomly all the time, which cuts off the fuel supply making you wait with the key on for 10 minutes before restarting. This went from happing every time you were in a hurry to every time you tried to start the car period! Fixing it was $$$$$$$$$ - car 3 years old

The car also has a recall for the gas pedal sticking to the floor!

When I drive the car in the rain or snow it makes a loud muffler noise!

When the A/C is on I cannot accelerate enough to merge on to the highway. The A/C also makes my steering wheel shake violently at traffic lights.

The radio screen lights are burnt out and the cd player doesn't like playing cds, and quite often adds a strange scramble sound or fuzzy noise to the song.

I have been fighting rust on it since day 1

For a while the signal light would tick constantly even when your signal wasn't on. But really fast and in different patterns, like a message from outer space! Only remedy was a loud radio to block out some of the sound, too bad the cds didn't work!

Brake jobs out the ying yang, and lots of tires!!!

its a real lemon... would anyone like to buy it?? :rolleyes:

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Good question! Like many of us I believe I owned the worst of the worst. I got a great deal on a shiny black used 1962 Pontiac Tempest that had been owned by a priest. It was rear wheel drive with a 4 cylinder engine described as half of a Pontiac v8 (not the better half) and it had a transaxle mounted at the rear. The engine sounded like a threshing machine due to an impossible timing chain design, and the chassis felt like it was going to explode at highway speed due to the driveshaft spinning at the same speed as the engine. Among the numerous problems with this car I replaced the starter several times and I understand GM was having a problem designing a proper starter for this wreck. I'll never forget the bitter cold night driving from New Jersey to Connecticut with my wife and newborn in the car with a couple of stuck valves. The flames were literally sweeping the top of the hood as I stood on the throttle and rode the clutch through the toll booths to keep the engine from stalling. It was an exciting ride and I must say the only time we ever got any heat in the god damned thing. I saved up enough money to get a valve job and put it up for sale the day I got it back from the repair shop. Reflecting back, I'm curious that the priest didn't have this thing exorcised.

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