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Dens' Prom Asking Disaster/girl Problems


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ok so here's my horrible story. I devised this plan because I wanted to be a little fancy this time. I know a lot of you might think that's it's an idiotic story, but I think it was kinda cute, and she thought it was kinda cute.:whistles:

I don't know how I thought about this, but I planned on this. I was going to get some flowers, a box of candy, and a sign on the flowers with "prom?" on it. Simple, right? Then I was going to get the Dean of Discipline at my high school to give me and the girl a detention slip each. Then when both of us are called out of class, the Dean would mention that "You (me) have been suspected of carrying drugs on campus. I need to check your (my 4Runner) car as a school measure and you (the girl) have been told by an annonymous person that you are part of this".

Now that would stir her up, right? But here's the next part...

So all three of us (me, the girl, and the Dean) would walk out to my car. The dean (or maybe me) would unlock the car, and I'd roll down the rear window (this is how I thought of including the car cuz of that roll down window!). Then me and the dean would look inside, and he's say "Come here and please explain to me what is this?"

Then the girl would go to the back, and to her surprise, there would be the stuffs I would give her!

I think it's somewhat a great idea, because the whole "being in trouble" part would definitely throw off her mind!

I missed it by a couple hours though. AT first, i planned on just asking her and give her the stuffs later on. Apparently, at about 2pm, I asked her if she still wanted to go. She said that she didn't quite feel like it. WHAT? So I knew I still had time to ask her. Apparently, the place we went to with her friends, another guy (not even from my school!) asked her! Then later that night, about 6pm, my best friend was forced to going, and I promised him that if he goes, then I will definitely ask the girl. Well that's when i made that emergency text to her, and she mentions that someone already asked her! :cries::cries::cries::cries:

But it's ok. She knows, and she said that w/o a doubt, even w/o this whole show, she would have gone with me.But she really really thought it was a genius, and cute idea. I was just talking to one of her friends on myspace, and I asked her if she had mentioned about me and my plan, and her friend said "yes she thought it was really cute but is sad to say that she couldn't go with you (me)".

Then yesterday, we both went out for lunch together with one of her friends. On the freeway back to school, I over took another classmate of mine, and she wanted to wave to him so i lowered the rear window (cuz they can't see thru the tint) and she waved out. She mentions that "Oh if Denny (my name lol) was quick enough before the other guy asked me, that window was suppose to be part of the plan he devised for asking me" and I almost cried just to listen to that, because she really liked the idea, wanted to go with me, but just didnt want to be rude to the other guy by flaking out on him. :chairshot::chairshot::chairshot:

Oh yea, and I never mentioned that I've only really known and been friends with her for about 3 weeks now. lol. Let's just say it was a quick "construction" for the building of the friendship. Usually people take time to establish a good friendship, but this one took, literally only one day! This all started really after taking a placement test for college, and she was in the same room i was in. Then after the test I decided to take her for lunch or something. Then (she doesnt drive yet cuz her parents wont let her, so she has to wait till 18 to get her license) I drove her home, and what really made me feel different about this friendship is that she introduced me to her family, and showed me around her house! Now I don't know how some of you lucky couples started out, but I don't think the first time you guys ever met, or went on a date, ever went INSIDE their house, meet their family, and get a thorough walk-through of the house, now did you?? :unsure: :unsure:

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DRUGS!?! lol, wow ;)

My idea was to totally throw the person offguard. Obviously getting in trouble, for something you really didnt do, will really scare the hell out of you! I mean, we were suppose to both get a detention slip and the whole class would be puzzled as to why I got a detention, when everyone knows that I have never gotten a detention (or referral, or suspension) throughout my whole high school life! So it will not only throw her off, but everyone else too when they see me get "my detention" lol. ;)

But plan's not pushing through. Moral of the story, no need to be fancy, but JUST DO IT!

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If she likes you

Now there's my next problem, I don't know the answer to that question! But I highly doubt it, but people do look at us two, as if there's something going on, aside from being friends. :whistles: :whistles:

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Hit her over the head with a club, and drag her to the prom. Much easier lol.

All kidding aside, you learned a very valuable lesson that will serve you well in the future. When you want something, go get it. She was probably waiting for you to ask her, and being a girl frightened of having no date to the prom she agreed when someone else asked her in case you never wound up doing it. I'm a perfectionist too, but you've gotta realize that while YOU may know somethings not perfect, other people really don't. Waiting until everything meets your standards is going to cause you to miss opportunities like this one.

Not to worry though, go to the prom and dance with her there. ;)

When I was in high school I had this friend who was a girl, we had the whole "will they won't they" thing going on. She apparently wanted me to ask her to the prom, being a guy I had absolutely no idea she wanted me to do this, and seeing that I didn't really want to go to the prom anyways I didn't ask. So, she asked my best friend right in front of me. At least your friend was nicer than that ;)

I did eventually get with that girl too, much to the dismay of my friend who wanted her for himself. As soon as I figure out I want something, I go get it and you need to do that too.

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Well Sw, at least she was kind enough to tell me how she felt and that she was terribly sorry about it. You did just remind of something though....

I was at her house, for a second time, the friday, two weeks before the tuesday I was asking her (was at her house, fri apr 13, bad date! I asked her tues apr 24). We had a little talk the other day, and she did say that she asked me if I was going to prom. I didnt remember what I said, but apparently I probably said no, or not really sure. I don't feel like going, but I thought about it for a good week, and decided that I totally want to go, just because of her! But then again i did explain to her why it took me awhile to ask her, because I've asked her more than once if she's going, and she too wasn't too sure either! She only asked me once, I asked her at least 2 times, probably 3-4 times just to be sure, and also if she wasn't taken yet.

The guy who asked her, IDK him very much. I even mentioned that he doesn't go to the same school we do (and I think he's one grade higher than us, probably a frosh in college). But at least I didn't really feel bad, because she said it in a nice way. AT first I thought her text message to me was bad! My phone, the Nokia E62 partially shows you your text message on the main home screen. Not until you open the message could you read the rest of it. The message started off "Oh I an (she even mispelled AM) sorry but...." and I was like, omg is she not going even if someone's asking her!?!?!? But when i openned the message, that's where she said that someone asked her. Messages and calls mean a lot. Any of you guys seen those Cingular commercials, with the drop calls and how they could supposidly ruin a relationship, businesss, or anything because of a drop call?!?!?! Well this one wasn't necesarily a drop call, but that feature of my phone makes the whole situation dramatic! lol.

Oh well. That's that. We're still friends, of course, and we'll catch up on other occasions. ;) ;) ;)

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Already finished, got my acceptance letter, and took the placement test at Fresno State, which is the local CSU. Hey she's going there, so I'll go there too, right??? :wub:

There's a bad part to this actually. This girl just broke up with her bf this last dec. They were together, for almost a year, just shy of 4 days. Long story about it, but it seems that her ex, who was going at first to the local city college, is now going to Fresno State too! You know what else, he's looking in the same possible courses, but then again business is a big course area. I hope she doesn't get any classes with him, as that would be a total disaster! But now I'm trying to be her "spy" and seeing of what her ex's plans really are (he doesnt know me and his ex are good friends now) so yea, monkey in the middle i guess?!?!?! :unsure:

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I think that being her "spy" would land you in the "friend" zone. I'd steer away from anything related to her ex and focus on being there for her.

I feel for you, though. I've been through a similar situation and got f'd up in the head pretty bad. haha

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I understand what you mean but I have technically nothing against the guy! Im not really close friends but we do "help" each other with a couple homeworks. Other than that I barely talk to the guy. Only problem is that the guy is friends with one of my longest friends I've known so I gotta be neutral here. Plus I do want to help her so this is one way I've helped her. Oh well let's just say I'm a little "lost" right now.:unsure:

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I would have just chartered a chopper (get her to come to you) & land in the parking lot of the school (wait for the blades to stop rotating before she gets out lol). :whistles: :blushing: That's called making a big entrance! :D


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Well it's all ok. We're still close friends, and no hard feelings about this whole disaster. But lookie at what I got today aside from a free sundae at a local ice cream shop.....


:blush: :blush: :blush: :whistles: :whistles: :whistles: :cheers:

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I would have just chartered a chopper (get her to come to you) & land in the parking lot of the school (wait for the blades to stop rotating before she gets out lol). :whistles: :blushing: That's called making a big entrance! :D


You know some guy last year was fantasizing to do that, come to prom in a helicopter over the roof or something, but apparently it's not going to "fly" with just a simple prom. lol. But then again, I only planned on the asking part, not the grand entrance so....... :unsure: :unsure:

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Ahhh, teenage love, so overly intense, it's simply to simple to simply be simple. Dens, my man, you're on the right track. The only part of your plan that is missing is the seasoning to the stew, which time will take care of for you. You want her to want you? Then you do what YOU do, and stay your course. Might I suggest though, don't spy on the ex, don't even aknowledge him, or let him into your relationship with her. Otherwise, you're tainting your chance to build good memories and good times with her, with bad memories and bad feelings she has with him. You follow me? Mark your lines in the sand, and make sure she understands where you start, and he ends, and don't let that line get blended. You be you, and let him be him. You defenetly don't want to be the "comparison guy". That's a no-win situation for you, and in the end, if you guys do end up together, will be a no-win situation for her too. Because what will happen is that she'll eventually get tired of her ex running around in her world and simply toss in the towel with him, and if you're mentally in that same boat, you run the risk of being tossed out with the bathwater too. I've been down both paths in my life. One was being tagged as the "buddy" who had to listen to all the crap, and never got up to the plate. And, I've been the comparison guy too, always being told "he use to do that too, and I hated it", or "you're so much funnier than he ever was", etc... Eventually "he" being the ex, made such a stink that she got sick of all of it, and out the door I went too.

You be you Dens, stay the course, do your own thing, and she'll follow. You seem like a great guy who has a lot going for you. You don't seem like the guy who lets "drama" fester around you, which is a huge attraction for the ladies. The biggest turn on for a girl, is the curiousity of wondering if she can fit into someone's life that isn't the typical life she sees from everyone else.

You be you man, and it'll all work out in your favor. Might take a little seasoning "time" for the recipe to come to maturity, but it will. Being you, means you are driving the situation. Being someone else's spy means you're riding in the passenger seat.

PS: Almost forgot, under no circumstances should you start comparing stories of your ex, with her and her ex! Otherwise, you're definetly on the path of being one of the girls, and you're marking your spot in the dugout. You can share stories, but god sakes, don't start comparing. When she starts barking about her ex, simply say "whatever, wanna go take a walk around the lake, or the beach, or get some icecream?" Change the subject, tactfully, and quickly.

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NC211, I think you are totally correct. I've come to realize that being urself is the only way to be. I hope she doesn't get *BLEEP*ed at me and my obsession with cars though (hey I'm not even including the GX in the picture AT ALL here ;) )

Also, I never said I had an ex! lol. Never did, never will. The only reason why I'm "spying" on her is because she was curious about him (they're totally over, took her awhile but it's all over) ONLY for the issue of which school's he's going to next year. Otherwise, I don't even talk to the guy (other than saying "hey *******) so he's outta the picture. I hope she isn't reading all this, cuz i'd think she'd freak out! lol. But no, I think it's safe cuz she rarely goes on the internet.

Anywho, RX330driver, she bought me the sundae! lol. Well long story short, she feels like she owes me a lot (good sign, right?!!?!?) and I've helped her quite a bit throughout these past 3 weeks that we've been friends. So she bought a sundae, and she had her Entertainment booklet, so I got mine for free technically. You know what really kills me, after I dropped her off at her house, she even offered to pay for some of my gas! But I know I shouldn't take it, so I told her it's ok, anyways I'll be in this part of town anyways (even though I wasn't lol).

But don't kill me for this, as I've said that she didn't have her license yet, she wanted to drive! So I took the plunge, let her drive, but luckily she decided to take a neighborhood street (instead of the main street) that lead to her house (whew!) . :) She, like my best friend told me, thinks that the brakes of the 4Runner are too touchy! Now does every new car have very sensitive brakes?!!?!? I don't quite remember that with the GX, because for one thing I didn't have my license when the GX was brand new, and the car is so big that it gobbles through those pads up very quickly! lol.

But I know for a fact, that she's kinda close "friends" with another guy, a guy who helped her through the months after her break-up, so I'm still kinda feeling my way in. But then again, she is also like that with me, so don't blame me for this, but I don't know how to read these "signal" I guess u call them, of what they're trying to "say", get what I mean?? :blink: :blink: :blink:

It's funny, I posted that picture in the 4Runner forum, and I get this one guy that's lecturing me on what to do with my 4Runner! (like get a ball for the hitch, remove the "cancer" sticker on the driver window, get a hitch lock, etc etc...) Totally different! :lol:

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just curious, who was there to take the picture?

oh she bought you the sunday, i thought it was some sort of free promotion, cause then i would have to drive down there. I think im going to go get my wife now and have her treat me to a sunday...havent had one of those in a while.

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Drive a good 180 miles just for a free sundae! Id rather spend that gas money on like 50 sundaes at your local ice cream shop! lol.

She technically didnt pay for mine, but just for hers. She loves that Entertainment booklet, so that's probably why she's offering to go out for a lunch or dinner at a restaurant on a weekend because she can get a discount. lol. Who took the picture?? Well I still had my tripod in my 4Runner after I took some offroad (whimpy ones) shots of my 4R from the other weekend so it came in handy for this short notice trip. So the tripod took the photo. lol. At first I wanted a front car shot, but the situation with the parking didn't work because the drive-thru was right there, and so I didn't want anyone to run over my camera/tripod so we decided to just take a back end shot.


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