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Virginia Tech


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I know this is not is the proper catagory but since most of my friends are on this one I thought I would everyone know that my daughter who is an engineering student at Virginia Tech is okay. She was in an adjacent building and was able to get safely off campus. The incident has her (and us) freaked out since one of here best friends was shot. Thank God for the swift medical care by the first responders and another student who save his life. The latest word is that he will fully recover, at least physically. We are very lucky people

I would appreciate it if you would leave this thread here for a couple of days.


PS, the LS is running great.

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So............. glad to hear you daughter is okay and her friend also............. A time for mourning and a time for relief..My prayers offer only what I have to give in a time of such sorrow. Almost speechless as to this sad, sad situation.

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Man I hope there is more post about that topic! It had us going at my BMW board. Wsa really hitting guys hard. One of my guys there was making maroon/orange ribbons and passing them out at his school in CO.

Thats great news man! Its so sad what happened there. I was watching Fox News all day following events and Im about to turn on Hannity and Colmes to get more info. Just horrible. Im in college myself (well STL Community College) and something like that happening would seem so surreal. Im praying for all the familes and students affected by this.

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VB, I was washing my windows tonight and was thinking about you. I wasnt' sure if you were a student, fan, or parent of the "Hokies." I am quite happy to see this thread, and that everything is ok in your world! My best wishes for you, your family and especially your daughter, as I'm sure some painful feelings, questions and emotions are probably coming to the surface.

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Thanks everyone. Her friend is doing fine. My daughter said he looks much better and is in pretty good spirits. Blake, I can't thank you enough and nc, good to hear from you. You all be cool and watch Denny Hamlin win in Phonix this weekend. Blake, if you would kindly move this thread to General discussions now, I would appreciate it. I leave more messages there only anything I hear.


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Wow Denny, I'm glad to hear she was okay. I was out of town when all of this happened, but it hit close to home for me too. I had a friend that went to VT, and there are a lot of people from my company who have kids that go there. Scary stuff.

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  • 5 years later...

...and 5 1/2 years later...sadly here we are again. Places of teaching, learning, experiencing, from Engineering 401 to Show & Tell, have become becons of sadness in the most horrific manner possible.

I dug up this thread to remind folks that Newtown isn't just a random episode. I dug up this thread to show that it has happened before, and unless if we really do something big about our love for guns in this country....it'll happen again, and again, and again.

Many of those who posted on here, aren't around this board anymore. But some of us are. I remember making a statement back then, from my room over the garage in our NC home, that when I had found out that Bush was the one who allowed the assault gun ban to expire in 2004, that I had finally given up as a supporter of his.

I really hope Obama takes the same kind of energy and focus that he has shown in the past on such issues as health care, to this gun situation. If he does, then there will be absolutley no doubt in my mind whatsoever that he truly is the right man for this job. If he and the democrats can put something together that is really meaningful and can "stick" to get as many guns off the streets, then I'm in their corner for a long long time going forward. I can adjust to the democrats platform for business, and would consider it an honor, if it meant my vote would continue to support such a cause as gun control.

Since this original thread back in 2007, I have welcomed two of the most beautiful children I have ever seen in my life to this world. My son, who is 4 1/2, and my daughter who is now 2. I would gladly lay my own life down at a moment's notice if it meant that they, and all of the other beautiful children in this country and in this world, could grow up in a world void of guns.

My heart aches.... :cries:

PS: Mods - it's been so long on this thread, that it appears in the wrong section now. Should be in the General Discussion section I believe.

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Unfortunately the provision for assault weapons did not decrease the violence...(note I do not feel these weapons are necessary for any other than military or police) the real problem is the lack of responsibility in this society. We have multitudes of reasons, but the lack of real one on one and understanding between parents, kids, others is the tragic of our society. So many zone out of their responsiblility to their kids, setting no limits, and not having the ability to say no. Hey we arent best friends, we are their to provide guidance. This man took these lives in with no feelings whatsoever. The more that is known is that he was against any normal acceptance of affection, love, etc. He was in all sense a mental time bomb and it exploded. We have taken any assemblance of love and religion out of our institutions and are breeding a whole generation of people that feel abandoned, and alone. Until we as a society grasp that it is not just about us, but about our fellow human being whether that be our children, our neighbors, and yes the strangers that we daily pass in life we are doomed to more of this. We have so many laws now that are ignored, why does anybody think more is going to fix a problem that nobody wants to address, mental illness, abandoned children ( yes tv and video games are not quality time), and bringing the ten commandments or at least the discussion and proper behavior and what would be the reward/punishment for right and wrong. Yes we all want our children to be able to grow, and become useful, productive, loving adults. These 26 people are a reminder of the evil that lurks in the decisions that we as a society have allowed, whether it be such distastful games (video) or allowing no correction of bad behavior. Somehow I wish my grandchildren could have experienced the more innocent days of my childhood. But the onslaught of technology both good and bad, and the pressures we all feel in day to day activity has made us forget the importance of sitting at dinner and having family talk, and not allowing outside media to interupt those periods when we can truely understand the pressures of the day...Shut that TV, cell phone, and music off (unless it is bethoven) and reconnect to the values you are missing. Hug your babies and realize that their is nothing more precious than life.

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