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Hyundai Going Luxury In 2008


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Cool, I can't wait to see what they bring us. After having a great experience with a late model Sonata rental, I'm sure this lux model will be even more impressive! I'm sure the car is going to be great, but I wonder about the styling. Hopefully, it doesn't look like the Azera!!

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I'm a little unclear as to whether or not the car will come out as a new nameplate. Under the Hyundai brand it will never be real competition for Lexus or any other luxury brand.

Hyundai has been making extremely good cars, no doubt they can make an extremely good luxury sedan they just need to understand the American buyer first.

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All I know is that another Korean company, namely Samsung started out as a low end electronics company a few years ago, and now their reputation and quality products are tops!

The same thing is happening with Hyundai, and with their marketing strategy I'm sure they'll make a big killing in the luxury automobile market.

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they have tackled the reliability issue

they will have tackled the luxury

however, the prestige has a long long way to go...long long

That's what Mercedes and BMW were saying about Toyota back in 1989 if I remember???? :whistles: :)

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lol i still dont like samsung products. Im a big panasonic and sony guy.

Me too. Bought a Samsung monitor and threw it out 6 months later with light use.........p.o.s.

I totally disagree!!!

My graphic arts studio uses Samsung LCD monitors exclusively to do high quality photo editing in Photoshop, and after using them for over 4 years the image quality hasn't deteriorated in the very least, and not 1 dead pixel in any of them. At the time we bought these monitors they were considered the best LCD monitors available.

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lol i still dont like samsung products. Im a big panasonic and sony guy.

Me too. Bought a Samsung monitor and threw it out 6 months later with light use.........p.o.s.

Not to digress and hop on the bandwagon, but...

I bought a Samsung plasma TV back in November 06. 3 1/2 Weeks later it developed a line of dead pixels about 3 inches off the bottom. Fortunately I was lucky enough to be within Best Buy's 30 day return policy. Traded it in for a Panasonic and it's a much better TV.

I think that the !Removed! are still better in terms of cars and electronics.

Now back to the topic at hand:

I agree w/ SW03ES in that as long as they call it a Hyundai it won't be respected. Look at the VW Phaeton. A very nice car that comes near the A8, but as long as it has the VW badge, very few people are willing to pay $80K for it.

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I bought a Samsung plasma TV back in November 06. 3 1/2 Weeks later it developed a line of dead pixels about 3 inches off the bottom.

That was unfortunate, but as you should be well aware, ALL electronic components can fail, regardless of who manufactured it!! This is a fact of life.

Though rare, plasma display panels do suffer from occasional dead pixels. Dead pixels are pixels that malfunction and that show up as either a colored speck of light in case of a damaged sub-pixel, a black spot i.e. a pixel that remains always off, or a permanent always on white spot of light. Dead pixels are most easily seen when an area of the screen is all one bright color, or white. A single dead pixel is not terribly noticeable; but as the set ages, more pixels may die.
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That was unfortunate, but as you should be well aware, ALL electronic components can fail, regardless of who the maufactured it!! This is a fact of life.

you're right. i think its time to change to mercedes...lol

i still dont like the name "samsung". doesnt sound very prestigious at all. They shoulda chose something else. whose this sam sung guy anyways? i agree that the japanese are way ahead in technology.

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The prestige and appearance of things matters a lot to you doesn't it?

Not to be insulting, but I find it very strange that someone would look for a prestigious name when buying a television...

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really? i take that into account with most things. Theres a time to be "not shallow" but sometimes i think that if i were to buy a product, i woudlnt want to just buy something like a regular TV. If i buy something, i want that thing to be the best possible, even if it costs a little more. The thing is that to build prestige, that company has to have been building great products, which is why i follow the prestigiousness of products to base their quality.

if someone gave you a choice to buy a Sony TV or a Visio TV for the same price, which one would you choose?

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What you have to realize is oftentimes things that are percieved as being the "best possible" really aren't.

Some examples:

1. Bose audio equipment (they have hugely expensive systems, but better audio quality can almost always be had for less)

2. Mercedes cars

3. iPods (read the reviews, plenty of mp3 players with more features and better interfaces for less)

4. Starbucks coffee (looses a lot in taste tests)

5. Coke (Pepsi often wins in taste tests, but Coke has always been held to be superior)

PLENTY others.

As for somebody giving me the choice to buy a Sony TV or a Vizio TV for the same price, I would research which TV has better features, quality, and performance and choose that. As a matter of fact, I think the Vizio unit scores very high on a lot of picture ratings, higher than many other "name brands". Sony is another manufacturer who everyone assumes always has the best stuff...and often doesn't.

Do you really care if people walk in your house and are impressed by the brand stuff is? You're buying stuff because it costs a lot, not because its the best. Thats dumb. By limiting yourself only to the effectiveness and the quality of a company's branding efforts to make purchasing decisions you are robbing yourself of a lot of really great products, often at great savings.

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What you have to realize is oftentimes things that are percieved as being the "best possible" really aren't.

Some examples:

1. Bose audio equipment (they have hugely expensive systems, but better audio quality can almost always be had for less)

2. Mercedes cars

3. iPods (read the reviews, plenty of mp3 players with more features and better interfaces for less)

4. Starbucks coffee (looses a lot in taste tests)

5. Coke (Pepsi often wins in taste tests, but Coke has always been held to be superior)

PLENTY others.

As for somebody giving me the choice to buy a Sony TV or a Vizio TV for the same price, I would research which TV has better features, quality, and performance and choose that. As a matter of fact, I think the Vizio unit scores very high on a lot of picture ratings, higher than many other "name brands". Sony is another manufacturer who everyone assumes always has the best stuff...and often doesn't.

Do you really care if people walk in your house and are impressed by the brand stuff is? You're buying stuff because it costs a lot, not because its the best. Thats dumb. By limiting yourself only to the effectiveness and the quality of a company's branding efforts to make purchasing decisions you are robbing yourself of a lot of really great products, often at great savings.

Spoken like a true Philips TV owner. LOL :P

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Indeed! Philips gets zero respect in the plasma business, but I love mine. The picture is great, has all the features of more expensive units from Panasonic and Pioneer, and has the added feature of the ambilight which I've grown to like.

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well i dont say that everything in my house is name brand.

i currently have a dell plasma in my room, but thats because i love dell products. i guess it was how i was raised. my dad wont watch anything thats not sony. lol

i think somebody would judge me if i had a visio tv in my living room as a matter a fact. There would be no point to buy name brands anymore if everybody judged by the benefits of each product. Im starting to sound really shallow when i dont think i normally am. lol so im gonna stop typing now.

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If you're looking for quality and not concerned about status, then just do the research and make your best choice.

Last April I began looking for a pair of outdoor deck speakers to replace my 1989 vintage Bose pair that I've already had re-coned once and were starting to sound a bit fuzzy again. Naturally I started with Bose because that's what I've had for so long (in 1989 there were only a handful of companies building outdoor hi-fi quality speakers and Bose was the most prevalent).

The $300-per-pair Bose units sounded good, but the $150-per-pair Yamaha units sounded better, were more compact, and came with the exact mounting hardware that I would need in my particular application. The warranties were comparable. So I went back home, got on-line, and checked out the many outfits who sell discounted stereo equipment over the net. The best discounted price I found for the Bose units was $275 per pair. But I found the better-sounding Yamaha units for $115 per pair at one site, then $85 per pair at another site, and then I finally found them for $65 per pair at etronics.com out of Brooklyn, NY. And their DHL ground shipping was free! I jumped on this deal and have been delighted with the quality and performance of these outdoor speakers. During the spring, summer, and autumn months, they are on almost every evening.

If you're looking for new outdoor speakers for your deck, I highly recommend the Yamaha NS-AW150. I also recommend etronics.com - they had the best price and delivered on every single promise they made. Even my friends who are Bose owners have admitted that these Yamahas deliver a better sound for far less money. A classic case of a company (Bose) selling on reputation, not product quality or value....

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One difference between Lexus and Hyundai would be their view on keeping old cars on the road. As far as I know, Lexus still delivers all spare parts for all cars; no obsolete parts? On the other hand, Hyundai seems to think their cars can last for 7-8 years, tops. In a swedish board one professional body repair guy said that he could not buy a door to a seven year old Hyundai - it was no longer sold. :censored:

That is a brand i will NOT buy.


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i think somebody would judge me if i had a visio tv in my living room as a matter a fact. There would be no point to buy name brands anymore if everybody judged by the benefits of each product. Im starting to sound really shallow when i dont think i normally am. lol so im gonna stop typing now.

Who the hell cares if anybody judges you? And a life lesson you should learn, if anybody DOES judge you because something you own is not a brand with "prestige" then you should eject them from your life.

You hit exactly on the point I'm trying to make though, there is no point to buy something just because its a "name brand".

Case in point, Alan razzed on me about owning a Philips TV. What did I do? I laughed! In part because he's my buddy and I know he's just picking on me but also because...I don't care what he thinks about the brand of my television. I didn't buy it so people would say "Wow, look at that TV he has, he's awesome!", I bought it for us to enjoy watching, and we enjoy watching it immensely.

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