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Speeding Tickets


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<_< Back country roads in the middle of nowhere are made for people who like to drive without the annoyance of other drivers causing a safety issue which in my opinion is the reason speed limits were put in effect in the first place. Oh, and the plus, no cops! Sitting in an empty field behind a hill, lights off and didn't clock me till I was right on them. (I waivered in my head the odds of escape, they were good, I had 15 miles of open road at 150mph, but I'd rather spend my Christmas season being seen then the chance of not). To make the story short, all they are out to do is get that last pay raise for their Christmas season. So just a heads up their out to get you whether they need to be there or not, so watch your speed. And you can all post back here if or when you get one this month ;) Oh, and why in the good world would you make a 5 mile isolated stretch with no houses or side roads 35mph? 72mph in a 35mph :censored:

The sad thing is a friend of mine said his mom got pulled over for running a red light even though it was yellow the entire time, and she made a statement to the cop that you know my kids won't be able to get presents this year because of this. Alas, his return reply was, "Well, at least mine will." Sad I know.

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Being a cop is tough man, get ragged on and called !Removed! for doing their jobs. If you don't like the speeding regulations then work to change them, its not the cop's fault they're just doing their jobs. If you're doing 72 in a 35 on a country road at night you deserve to be in jail, you got off easy. Thats inexcusably reckless.

and she made a statement to the cop that you know my kids won't be able to get presents this year because of this.

What an ignorant thing for her to say. What did that ticket cost? $150? That $150 isn't going to make a dent in her christmas budget, thats rediculous. If its true then shame on her for ruining christmas for her family by running the light, she should have been more careful. It is possible to run a yellow light, you know. If the cop sees that you go through the yellow when you could have easily stopped they can ticket you lawfully. Yellow means clear the intersection, not floor it and hope you make it through.

Alas, his return reply was, "Well, at least mine will." Sad I know.

An ignorant response to an ignorant comment...

Its a common misconception that police officers recieve kickbacks or pay raises based on the amount of tickets they write, they don't. Thats something made up by speeders to attempt to shift responsibility from where it belongs, on their shoulders. The only truth from that statement can possibly be that the local government set the speed limit where it is to generate revenue, which happens but the cops have nothing to do with it.

I speed, but when I get a ticket (and I rarely get tickets as I'm accomplished at reading the road to look for cops) I take my ticket like a man, I chose to speed and I got busted. Nobody's fault but mine.

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I've to back up SW03ES on this one. One of the major reasons for

accidents is speeding! Laws are made to be obeyed whether we like it or not.

I got a ticket for going through a yellow light, and I was polite as I could be about it, why? because I knew what I did when I did it. Without law enforcement, we would be a nation of chaos, so honestly speaking hats off to the cop for doing his/her job...believe it or not they are people too, with families, and bills to pay.

Law enforces put their lives on the line every day, all day. I have no grievances towards them when I speed and get caught...Man up! If you did the crime, pay the fine!

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I got to agree with SW03ES and Jasver! You knew the consequences of breaking the law so take it like a man and next time think twice about speeding and do not speed unless you are ready to pay. I could understand if it was your first time speeding but appearantly you like to drive fast; so pay up or take them to court:-(

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Agreed...cops are people with bills and what not, but the vast majority of them(around here) have chips on their shoulders, and quiet frankly, around here, they break road rules worse than most other motorists. I was pulled over earlier this year for my inspection sticker that was 8 months past due(wooh!!). I was perfectly fine with getting the ticket...well I wasn't, but I knew I was at fault; I deserved it 100%. The worst part though was the cops attitude. He was extremely rude and disrespectful. He asked who the LS is for and what I was doing in a Lexus in a snide tone. He was completely out of line. I did/said nothing whatsoever to deserve his attitude. I was extremely polite...handed over my license, registration, and insurance...and signed on the line.

....I got the last laugh though-I had a friend in the pd "fix" my ticket at no cost to me. :D I'm perfectly fine with them doing their job, but they don't have to treat everyone like scum.

Personally, I think police should be out to get people without insurance and driving drunk/hyped up on drugs rather than people going through yellow lights or going 10mph over the speed limits on interstates and rural hwy's. I thought I was going to get a speeding ticket the other day-good ole North Louisiana speed trap. I was going 65 in a 55, but then it drops to 45. Sure enough at the top of the hill, there was a cop. I canceled the crusie a little before the 45 zone, go past the cop, and he starts following me for about 10 miles. After he finally left me alone, I pulled over to put on some new pants. :lol: It was my lucky day!


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Agreed...cops are people with bills and what not, but the vast majority of them(around here) have chips on their shoulders, and quiet frankly, around here, they break road rules worse than most other motorists. I was pulled over earlier this year for my inspection sticker that was 8 months past due(wooh!!). I was perfectly fine with getting the ticket...well I wasn't, but I knew I was at fault; I deserved it 100%. The worst part though was the cops attitude. He was extremely rude and disrespectful. He asked who the LS is for and what I was doing in a Lexus in a snide tone. He was completely out of line. I did/said nothing whatsoever to deserve his attitude. I was extremely polite...handed over my license, registration, and insurance...and signed on the line.

....I got the last laugh though-I had a friend in the pd "fix" my ticket at no cost to me. :D  I'm perfectly fine with them doing their job, but they don't have to treat everyone like scum.

Ya that punk cop was totally out of line, especially when you were fully cooperating. Ehh I personally really don't care for cops. Have to admit they are needed though. <_<

Personally, I think police should be out to get people without insurance and driving drunk/hyped up on drugs rather than people going through yellow lights or going 10mph over the speed limits on interstates and rural hwy's. I thought I was going to get a speeding ticket the other day-good ole North Louisiana speed trap. I was going 65 in a 55, but then it drops to 45. Sure enough at the top of the hill, there was a cop. I canceled the crusie a little before the 45 zone, go past the cop, and he starts following me for about 10 miles. After he finally left me alone, I pulled over to put on some new pants. :lol:  It was my lucky day!


Yep I totally agree with you.

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Involved an SC400, but General Discussion will do. As for taking it like a man I did , kid on a 4 wheeler at 1 am in the morning were I was at "right!", and if I can't avoid a 2 ton cow out of the 6 years of perfect non-fault wreckless driving then I think I deserve to hit the cow. If you think your protecting me, then tell that to all the people that I delightedly do the speed limit for in the city because of my concern for their safety. You can't always predict anothers movement, but you can yours, thats if your that inclined. I'm simply saying that his approach was like sitting on a racetrac giving people tickets because he knows that they will be speeding through there even though its not an issue because of the given location, simple as that. I also agree with vcv10guy's advantage point, although I gladly wave to cops/sheriffs/hp because I respect them. I pay almost $300 a month insurance on a perfect record which is ridiculous but, because I love this car I take it like a man. Thanks for all your Bias & Non-Bias opinions.

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I despise speeding tickets and speed traps as much as anyone else, but there is no excuse whatsoever for doing 72 mph in a 35 mph zone. None. You made a stupid decision and you got blasted for it. Now learn from it and don't repeat the lunacy - make certain that if you die behind the wheel, you don't take anyone else with you....

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I'm not protecting you at all, I'm calling you a moron for doing 72mph in a 35 and complaining about getting a ticket. You got nailed, get over it and be glad you're not in jail and still have a drivers license. If it were around here you'd be in the slammer and licenceless for at least 6 months. The speed limit isn't meant to be followed when there are "people around". For all he knew you were some drunk looney. You didn't take it like a man, you're whining about it.

6 years of driving experience? HA. You are aware that its commonly accepted that it takes 5-7 years of driving for a person to reach AVERAGE competence level with the majority of the driving public right? Thats why you pay $300 a month for insurance until you're 25. I pay it too. I've taken advanced driving courses that lower mine somewhat though. Your SC400 doesn't make you a race car driver, niether does your 6 years of driving experience. You've never wondered why you pay more than older people? You're a higher risk because people our age have almost half the accidents when we make up only about 20% of the driving public. Did you think that was the insurance company out to get you, just like the cop?

A perfect driving record doesn't mean you drive lawfully or safely, it just means you haven't been caught. Stay perfect for 25 years then come talk to me.

Go to court with that explanation, make the judge's day.

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Sorry SirSam, I don't think you'll get much empathy with me. I'm VERY biased when it comes to speeding...I can't lie.

Again having to agree with SW03ES! all I can say is 6 years of driving is not enough time for you to be experianced. If you were, you would drive with a bit more caution, whether you are on a back road, or major thoroughfare. I won't preach to you, just try to be careful. Driving is a priviledge, not your right!

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What about flying :P

"SW03ES", Going to court with that statement is stupid in the American Judiciary System. Also Mr. John Kerry you completley flip flopped your perfect driving view with that statement you made on it. I don't need to justify myself to you or listen to your insults. Theres no need to fubar the subject or speak jargon, so good day.

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What about flying :P

"SW03ES", Going to court with that statement is stupid in the American Judiciary System. Also Mr. John Kerry you completley flip flopped your perfect driving view with that statement you made on it. I don't need to justify myself to you or listen to your insults. Theres no need to fubar the subject or speak jargon, so good day.

You know you're wrong, so you're right not to press the issue.

I am interested in how I flip flopped my perfect driving record view with my statement, I don't see how I did that.

The truth hurts, the fact of the matter is you were severely breaking the law and you got caught. Nobody wronged you, the cop wasn't out to get you, the American judicial system isn't out to get you, you got yourself. Maybe the fine and the 50-75% hike in your already $300 a month insurance premiums will teach you a lesson. If you're gonna break the law, don't get caught. If you get caught, its your fault because you chose to break the law. Thats called responsibility.

Sorry, I have no sympathy for people who do crap and then try to blame it on other people. You'll have to get that somewhere else.

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Hehe...I heard that word the other day.

Nice comic strips guys, pretty funny and I remember the top 101 things to say to a cop. That was a good laugh as well.


I couldn't help but notice (seen it in other posts) that when you feel strongly about something, you let it be known and you reinforce it. The idea that you stand up for you believe in. A very good quality of yours. Just thought I throw that out.

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Sorry SirSam, I don't think you'll get much empathy with me. I'm VERY biased when it comes to speeding...I can't lie.

Again having to agree with SW03ES! all I can say is 6 years of driving is not enough time for you to be experianced. If you were, you would drive with a bit more caution, whether you are on a back road, or major thoroughfare. I won't preach to you, just try to be careful. Driving is a priviledge, not your right!

thats why i love texas! sped limits on those kinds of roads are almost alwyas 75.

I speed, but when I get a ticket (and I rarely get tickets as I'm accomplished at reading the road to look for cops) I take my ticket like a man, I chose to speed and I got busted. Nobody's fault but mine.

props to SW03ES. i agree with you 100%. when i was first sriving, i got a rediculous ticket for doing a rediculous (almost double) speed and i spent a night in the slammer for it. the ONLY reason i didnt lose my liscense was becaus my MOTHER was standing behind me in the courtroom, saying that i was a resopnsible driver and it was a 1 time thing. i also needed my liscense for my job at the time. but that still didnt stop the $654 dollar fine and 25 hours of community service!

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