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Presidential Election?


Who would you vote for?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • John Kerry/Edwards
    • George Bush/Cheney

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Sometimes I wonder if Bush attacked Iraq for personal reasons. The more they anger the Middle Eastern countries, the less oil is allowed into the states, which in turn boosts oil prices that causes his own oil company to profit. I forget the name of commission that allows how much oil is sent to the states, but I know when the Iraqi prison video came out, they quickly lowered how much oil was sent to the states.

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Sometimes I wonder if Bush attacked Iraq for personal reasons.

OMG, you watch waaaay too much CNN! lol Almost all, entertainers/actors (Barbra Streisand disgusts me) are on the left coast(Pun intended! lol).

Lexusfreak, I'm glad you brought up Bill! Everyone likes to glorify his tenure, but I'm glad that you also see that he wasn't as great as everyone likes to think he was. Your(and dcfish!) posts are my exact thoughts! ;)

Who am I voting for????? :D This poll is actually pretty suprising to me; I thought there would be a lot more support for the right side since Lexus targets a pretty conservative crowd. I'm voting for GW Bush because I think he is doing a fine job running our country(and don't even give me all of this crap about the economy and it's recessions after a TERRORIST ATTACK because that is the biggest load of sh_t I'll ever hear). This is all I'm saying; I hate arguing politics with people because it's usually a waste of time!



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blake918 , You are soooo!!!!!!!!!! right to vote for BUSH / CHENEY , After all why switch horses in mid stream ? kerry would just invite more terror into this and other countries with his LACK OF BACKBONE AND LIBERALISM , I can see him hiding under a table at the HEINZ factory when he hears there might be another terror attack . kerry- :cries: why did I do this ?????? [ my wife told me to do it !!!!!!!!!!!!! ] :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Actually sk, I was NOT knocking out troops who put their lives on the line to defend our freedom's.......if you read my comments carefully, I was taking shot's at our government! NOT the troops! It's sad that not enough money is spent on proper military equipment (although a whole pile of Mercedes G wagons were purchased by the Canadian military no too long ago so it's a start). I have had family that died for our country as well........my point was our boys & girls in uniform are not properly equipped to handle an attack should it ever happen because our illustrious leaders in Ottawa don't think national defense is a very high priority (we have green combat uniforms in Afganistan for god sakes not the desert outfits we should have!.....is that the troops fault? No! the poor guy's & girls must look like walking trees! :rolleyes: ) I take my hat off to those who decide to put themselves in harm's way........but if I ever went, they had better have proper equipment in order to fight the enemy & give me the best chance of coming home alive. I agree with you about our elete forces that are right up there with the green beret's.....however it's such a small amount of troops compared to the rest of the military. Finally, no I never expected Moore to respond to my e-mail, even if he didn't get tens of thousands of responses he still wouldn't have replied....how does one argue with the truth? The point was it would have went ignored anyways. :blink:


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2 old rich white guys who graduated from yale. bush is a terrible public speaker who does not follow through with alot of of his political promises, Kerry comes out and tells you he doesnt know what hes doing. but im voting for kerry anyway just because i dont like bush.. the president

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm almost afraid to weigh in on this. Just like the rest of the country, we are polarized. Each side now even has their own news channels. Right wingers watch Fox News (fair and balanced if you consider the far right balanced) and CNN (very liberal, the opposite of Fox).

I guess I will vote for John Kerry. To much BS from Bush. He lied to us about Iraq, he covered up the nations energy policy when Cheney met secretly with oil executives, and that deer in the headlight look after 9/11 really worried me. And all that religious stuff with stem cells and stuff?? While Kerry is rather liberal, I doubt he can outspend Bush who seems to be going for a new world record. He has spent ourt grandchilden into poverty.

Finnaly, the negative ads with the attempt to slam Kerry's service record and all that "solumn duty" crap? I respect our veterans far too much to listen to someone who didn't serve, slam someone who did.

We gave Bush a chance and things look a lot worse now. He has proven himself to be either stupid or a liar, and I suspect that latter. I hated Clinton for that, but that wasn't with my money. I admit I made a mistake in 2000.

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blake, you & I think alike!  :D  Not to mention we drive the same color ES's to boot  ;)  Mail me one of those Bush/Cheney stickers!  I'll put it on my wall!  B)


Cashmere is the best Lexus made!!! B) I'd paint my black LS cashmere anyday!!!! There's something luxurious and elegant about beige, and it's easy to care for! What's your address(so I can mail them stickers! They're static clinging so you don't have to worry about any residue on the windows out back.) ?


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My vote will go to Kerry. I can't stand Bush, he's an outright liar and doesn't seem to be very good at thinking for himself. For example, he did NOTHING for nearly 10 minutes after being informed out nation was under attack. That right there is enough for me. There's PLENTY more too. Take a look at our economy :(; money doesn't grow on trees.

Just for reference, a documentary (ie. Fahrenheit 9/11) typically presents the makers point of view...of course documentaries are baised, they're supposed to be! I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 and it presents the facts. Moore does also present his opinions but that is to be expected, it's his documentary.

Oh, and one of my best friends was sent to Iraq and served there for over a year...he almost died too....he's not a big Bush supporter if you haven't guessed.

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As usual, most of these polls leave little room for dissent from the big 2. My vote will be for Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian candidate. Most of y'all appear to be choosing the "lesser of 2 evils" rather than positively voting for your true beliefs. I triple dog dare you to take the World's Smallest Political Quiz ( http://www.self-gov.org/quiz.html ), you might be surprised at your true political position. Most of us outside the Washington Beltway hold predominantly libertarian opinions.

Throughout our country's history, alternative candidates have mightily influenced the positions and party platforms of the "Demoplicans" and "Republicrats". And, historically, the 2 major parties have not been significantly different. And obviously, most of you respondents disagree, not agree, with the positions of both "George and John". And the best way to tell them is to vote your true beliefs; not choosing between the lesser of the two evils.

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I just took HRP's quiz. I must say it's quite accurate because it labled me as a "right, Rush Limbaugh listening conservative!" lol Ok...it didn't put the Limbaugh part, but it fitted nicely! lol You brought up an excellent point of voting for who you think the better man for the job is rather than the lesser of two evils. It seems like a lot of people have that mentality since they don't really like Kerry or Bush. Rest assured that I'm voting on my own accord and not the lesser of two evils. :)

WOW the deciding vote...that'd be something!! :D


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