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Road Rage Getting Worse?


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Does anyone think that road rage - (especially the shouting) is getting worse? I think it is- but maybe because it happened to me tonight. :P My mom wanted me to drive her to one of the local Wal-Marts a little while ago. I started to turn into a parking slot, but she seen a closer spot she wanted me to park in, because she was not feeling well. I started to turn in, but she seen the other slot and I gradually turned back and someone in a 1996-99?, beat-up (looks like he had already had some crashes) 2dr Civic almost hit me- while he was on a CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I went ahead and pulled into the original parking slot and when the idiot passed he yelled - "why don't you learn how to "BLANK" drive?". :angry: Needless to say I was angry and my mother was scared (he was a short, heavy set middle aged man - about 5'7", 300 lbs)because she has heard some bad road rage stories from two of her brothers that live in very large cities. I started to get out and she did not want me to... :rolleyes: <_< I could not see him, due to a larger SUV on the upper side, but she only told me after we left that he was standing at his car with his hands on his hips, waiting for us to exit the car and walk by. :rolleyes: He went on in and we went to another parking place (to make her happy). When we came out he was gone and that is when she said he was standing there, waiting for us to get out of the car. I told her if I had of known that- I would have got out, or pulled out of the parking slot and pulled over there and told him to chill out. I wish I had of done something now, because now it is eating at me and I am getting madder and madder. :angry::rolleyes:

I am never the first one to get angry when driving, but when someone else starts something, it really upsets me. Last time was a couple of weeks ago, when old man was behind me at a traffic light. I was turning left (Left turn yield on green) and the old man was back there honking the horn for me to go, with traffic coming toward me. When it was clear, I heavily accelerated and left hime setting.

What is the matter with people these days, or am I just over-reacting?


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Your mom is probably wiser than you in matters like this. You have nothing to gain by confronting an idiot like that, they will drag you down to their level and then beat the crap out of you with experience. Ignore the idiots and keep a cool head.

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tell me bout the road rage, my gf got rearended on on my civic with 5 drunk punks in range rover. they hit her to hard that she smaeshed inthe lincoln in front and lincoln smashed into another car. car was 3 month old and insurance still didnt decide if its a total lost or they still will repair it.

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tell me bout the road rage, my gf got rearended on on my civic with 5 drunk punks in range rover. they hit her to hard that she smaeshed inthe lincoln in front and lincoln smashed into another car. car was 3 month old and insurance still didnt decide if its a total lost or they still will repair it.

Is she ok? did she get injured in any way? what happen to the drunk teen a$$holes that hit her?

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Road rage happens when people decide to disgregard laws and that the road is to be shared not owned.

It sounds like you also know you caused the situation by not making up your mind and following through.

Why you would want to get out of your car is beyond me, what could you possible tell the person that would not escalate into a brawl or an argument with you being wrong ?

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Road rage happens when people decide to disgregard laws and that the road is to be shared not owned.

It sounds like you also know you caused the situation by not making up your mind and following through.

Why you would want to get out of your car is beyond me, what could you possible tell the person that would not escalate into a brawl or an argument with you being wrong ?

I am now sure that I done the right thing by staying in the car and ignoring him. He may have been standing there to apologize :P . Or, he may have thought I was wanting to start something, since I had backed back up to originally go to another spot, but I pulled back forward.

True- I should not have changed my mind about the parking slot, but also if he had of not been such a hot head (shouting curse words), and following me so close, while talking on a cell phone- everything would have been fine. As mentioned- he must be the lousy driver, or why else would a 1996 model car have dents/dings all over, with missing wheel covers? He probably goes around and does this everywhere he goes. One day he may not be as lucky- as he may shout at the wrong person (someone like himself and someone being much bigger) and he may find himself in a brawl, as they may lash back out at him. I know someone that would have floored him if he had of done that to them. Who knows though- he may have been armed or something. Some people are crazy and who knows what they may do.

If the tables were turned - him changing his mind and turning back out- I would not have shouted at him like that. I may have been upset, and thought what a lousy driver he was, but I would not have made a big deal out of it like he did. There are too many other problems in the world today for anyone to worry about something like this. I have already cooled off about it and almost forgotten. I have decided that once I start into a parking space, then that is it.... no changing. ;)

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Always remember, half the people are below average......

And the first rule is, be safe.

And the second is, no matter how hard you try, you can't teach people to behave properly by punching them out.

Just quietly drive around them, moving gracefully and silently, like a shark among minnows (the Lexus among the lesser cars) and ignore the peons.

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everyone is different in handling a situation just as many people are crazy,seriously.

I have an airhorn installed in my civic for those situations like today some stupid girl sat in the fast lane for 10 minutes doing 60 in an 80 zone completly daft to the fact of driving and signs like other drivers hinking and flashing her.

I passed he and let my horn spool, she then proceded to pass me as i was turning and honk at me ??????????????

I like to drive and my saftey is as important as anothers on the road but too many so called drivers are so truly clueless as to what to do on the road

btw my civc cost more than most early LS's with all its real performance mods but you would never guess it is my winter car and as to what lies asleep in my garage , so never underestimate........

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ahh guys my driving style, when im not sleeping at the wheel is, drive like everyone is an A-hole, who will try and hit/ram/cut off/whatever else thats bad to your car


you guys hear about the old man while back who was hella Pis*ed off at some punk kids and pulled out a harron gun and just *BLEEP*ing shot the kids

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i dont remember the story exactly... but i guess these kids were blaring their music loud driving bad, and being all around stupid, and the old man was fed up, so he reach in his back seat pulled out his harrpon gun and shot the driver im pretty sure.... unless he had multiple harrpons in his car and attempted to reload and shot the rest of the kids.....

i heard of this story way before i started driving and i started driving at 14, so its been a while i'll see if someone still has records of it online...

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Ahhhhh road rage!!!!!!!

U live in the San Fernando Valley, Southern Cali.....road rage seems to be the thing to do, some lady try to go off on my gf when it was the ladies fault, my gf jst parked the car and got off then i got off and the ladies husband then 2 of my homies got off my car and them ppl jst walked away.

Its like i always say;

"F@%# with the Best, Go down like the Rest"

Or if they really push you, pull out the 45 frm under the seat an they'll jst walk away.HAHAHAHAHA

They've followed my around an they get scared when u tailgate there a$$

Jst My 2cents!!!

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tell me bout the road rage, my gf got rearended on on my civic with 5 drunk punks in range rover. they hit her to hard that she smaeshed inthe lincoln in front and lincoln smashed into another car. car was 3 month old and insurance still didnt decide if its a total lost or they still will repair it.

Is she ok? did she get injured in any way? what happen to the drunk teen a$$holes that hit her?

yeah she is ok, i came to the scene even b4 the police and ambulance got there :)and since i'm red cross certified first aid i checked for neck and back injuries and told her not to move, they took her to the hospital while my bro took care of the civic and i drove to the hospital behind the ambulance, it was a cool drive ignoring all the lights and stuff:) over there i made the doctors made a cat scan and this week we gonna do mri to make sure evertyihg is fine. those guys in the range rover i dont really know what happend to them i took their insurance info and called their company right away and they gonna fix. esitmate is 4500$ just for the body work, they didnt get into details yet. GF is ok now but kinda afraid to drive. thanx for asking. its really crazy on the streets here in brooklyn. ALOT of roadrage and crazy ppl. especially those bikers..........

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you guys hear about the old man while back who was hella Pis*ed off at some punk kids and pulled out a harron gun and just *BLEEP*ing shot the kids

Ahh!, no, but I'd stay away from that loser. :unsure:


Road Rage happens quite often over here, but the guys over here follow you into DC, and take shoot you in the head.

I think it's a good practice to avoid a bad situation. I know I've seen slow drivers in the left lane, driving just above the speed limit. It's :censored: me off, and yes I've cut them off, passing on the right. Unfortunately, they're nothing I can do, but accepting the flaws of people, and moving on with my life.

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1) If you're alone, just move on, don't even waste your time/energy over low-life

losers. Why make their problem your problem?

2) If you got some eager, willing pals in your Lexus, young guys that look like

Eminem or 50 Cent, pull right front of them, slam on your brakes, jump out of

the car like Russians in movie Training Day and F**k'em!!!

Always have a story ready that you and your thugs could instantly

corrobrate on, such as "he threw a rock at my car causing damage"

"I thought I saw a gun"

3) Please becareful that you are not messing with an off-duty cop. Most of the

time they are exemplary citizens and keep low-profile while off duty, but not

always. In my town, several people have been shot and killed by off-duty

Five-O over road rage. None of those cops were ever charged. In LA I knew

someone that got killed and his passenger suffers from brain damage

after being shot at 30+ times by a off duty cop.

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In LA I knew someone that got killed and his passenger suffers from brain damage after being shot at 30+ times by a off duty cop.

no offense. i don't mean to make a joke out of this but.....'overkill'.....

pun very much intended

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