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Calling Everyone! A Great Idea!


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Hey guys (got a message for ya'll, please read),

I realized today that I really do love Lexus (as a company) and my 1991 LS 400. Some of you have probably read my consistent posts about concerning problems on my 1991 LS 400 which has 241K and still going. Many problems are just things that happen over time with ANYTHING that gets old. I went to a Lexus dealership today and talked with a salesperson about purchasing a newer Lexus. This individual has so much experience with Lexus and actually took the time to show me many articles over the past several years that actually prove Lexus to be the ultimate driving machine. I read articles from various car magazine companies including something from J.D. Power & Associates showing that Lexus had the most reliable vehicles around since it's 14 year spree. Among the first 90 days of ownership Lexus had the LEAST amount of problems compared to Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porshe, and various other foreign and domestic cars. Every brand of vehicles out there had 100 or more problems the first 90 days of ownership but Lexus only had 76 problems the first 90 days and had the highest rating for mechanical reliability over a period of three years.

Most of you probably already know someone out there has one of the first line of LS 400's ever made (in the year 1989) and has 500K and still running! This proves reliability! I know people who have not had a transmission service for over 10 years and they're LS 400's are still cranking out power and the transmission has not failed. Now, I'm not stating that this is a good thing to do to your transmission, but of course, if you keep up with EVERYTHING on your Lexus it will last an even longer time versus a mistreated Lexus.

My point of this post was to tell you all that I have realized my calling and have been pushed into a great idea by the Lexus salesperson I spoke with today. She made me realize that many people would love to take their Lexus vehicle to a shop where the mechanics/technicians were Toyota/Lexus certified or at least have proven exceptional hands-on experience with this line of vehicles and can get their vehicles fixed when problems occur, or to do oil changes, new tires, etc. for cheaper than any Lexus dealership out there. She told me about a young entrepreneur in San Antonio, Texas who is around my age (younger to mid 20's) and has his very own Lexus Repair Shop that specializes in everything the Lexus dealership offers including more and he's filthy rich.

Something is telling me this is where it's at. Starting the first Houston-based Lexus Owners Club/Repair Shop/Parts/Museum. Think about it. Many people want to trade-in or sell their old models of LS 400's and any other Lexus vehicles they may own, BUT, Lexus has ONLY been around for 14 years. My LS 400 is 13 years old. That means the second line of LS 400's ever made. This will be a car worth something in the near future especially if I get it back into the condition it was when it was first bought. If you all have money then FIX your LS 400's. Something is telling me these vehicles will be worth something.

I really want to start the first Houston-based Lexus/Toyota Shop/Store/Parts & Accessories/Museum. I just want to see if anyone else here at Lexus Owners Club has any ideas, knows investors, maybe live in Texas or want to get in on this with me. I know I'm young, but damn, in this day and age anything is possible. Imagine a "pimped out" Lexus museum that has a shop and store like the Lexus dealerships we see but gives even BETTER service with GREAT prices. What do you all think? Some feedback, please.

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lexus and walmart don't go together.

a museum ,sure

but start by saving the cars and restoring them

if you want to own a shop then sure direct it at lexus

ask JPI he may have ideas if it doesn;t conflict with his buisness in TEXAS

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if you want to own a shop then sure direct it at lexus

ask JPI he may have ideas if it doesn;t conflict with his buisness in TEXAS

what did you mean by directing it at Lexus? And who is JPI and what business does he have in TEXAS? Thanks.

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This is JPI, he run's his own indepentent repair shop specifically for Lexus & Toyota. You can send him a PM to talk with him if you like. Click the link or do a search in the members area for JPI. B) Good luck!



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A nice idea and if you can do it right, it will be sure to cement your name in the automotive history book.

SO...........what are you going to call it? If you use the Lexus name I imagine you might need approval. Do your research, and see where the money to sustain a place like this will come from. Will it come from the repair part of the shop, from donations, or somplace else? Heck, will they even be both the same place or will they be seperate?

What about the noise level? I have yet to hear a museum -- which is to say these places are usually quiet places where the upper class hob-nob in some semi-serene environment. Can you provide this kind of atmosphere with a repair shop next door? I can hear it now...whirrrrr, bam, bam, bammmm and so on.

You are on to something my friend, but it is going to demand a lot more of you (your time, your money, etc) thank I think you might be aware of.

I say go for it though... don't rush it -- take your time and do it right.

best to you :-D

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I love lexus...but i have one problem with all these studies....are they even THINKING of taking into account the number of electronics in a car...its like comparing a civic to a rolls royce...by an electronics stand point.

The bmw has SOOO many electronics and options and in you kearn how to use it you can customize it to your own preferance and touch. they have things like tap the indicator and itll be on for 3 tiks for a quick lane change..and so so so many other things..

Now i agree you hardly need all those things and why have them if they fail...but they should rather than says Oh bmw's electronics failed 100 times...and lexus did 35...but lexus did 35 out of 50..and bmw did 100 out of a thousand..

Im sorry i dont mean to offend any one at all and i love lexus..ive had a GS400 for a long time and love it., But i just hate the bias of these studies.

Thank you and sorry for any offense taken.

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I honestly don't know of the name of the shop in San Antonio. If someone finds out, get back to me. Some young white kid owns a Lexus repair shop in San Antonio. The only one in SA...I believe.

And LinuxFan, thank you so much for your belief in this future ambition of mine.

P.S. Did this forum board need to ask Lexus for permission to use the name "Lexus" in "Lexus Owners Club?"

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I appreciate your enthusiam and don't want to rain on your parade.

I do like my 1990 LS400, but it is just a car.

I can't speak for all LOC members but my impression of them is that they like Lexus cars because they are well made and can be bought for a fraction of the original price. They like DIY because they can't bear to pay big $$ to a dealer or indie when they can do it themselves. That is because we live in a disposable society and good thing too. I'll never be able to spend $50,000+ for a car.

As in any business, keep in mind "can't see the forest for the trees". You and I and like minded LOC members are a very small universe. A successful business requires a WHOLE LOT of other people to see things as you see them.

My 2 cents.


1990 LS400

1991 MBZ 300CE

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14 years is not a lot. when lexus is going to be the same age as MB for example then it would be a good time to open up a museum. i'm pretty sure lexus has this idea in mind and once the time will they will oipen up a musem and only special cars would be there (e.g Bill Gates LS400).

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About Bill Gates, who knew his idea of a new computer software would blow up to produce so much money? Sure, you can say well that is a VERY innovative idea and he should have made money, but, back then you may have thought different about him and his ideas. And there were people that did.

Because of the doubts I'm receiving, it's only feeding me fuel for the fire. Lexus is only 14 years old but it takes 25 years for a car to become a classic. The last of the LS 400's were made in 2000. So they will become fresh new classic cars very soon.

Thanks to everyone who gave me (+) feedback.

I've already formed a team of enthusiasts over the past two days and have recruited quite a few finance/marketing majors to aid me in my endeavors. All I can do is see where this takes me. I will keep you all informed.

P.S. I will start that shop.

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Also in Dallas (North) is another LEXUS only shop. Check out this link for them. http://www.davenportmotorco.com/

It is a family owned business that I personally know for a fact is very successful. You might check them out for market stategies, business scope, and customer/supplier requirements.

Good luck on your endeavor.

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I get your point, but with that said -- you could probably tell us how something negative will come out of our fellow member here do a museum?

trying to engage constructive comments here... that's all

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