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Everything posted by steviej

  1. Exactly. Don't use acetone as it will cloud clear rigid plastics. Try Mequiar's Mirror Glaze, plastic polish. steviej
  2. That's like saying "I have to wonder if Toyota/Lexus doesn't trust their 60k mile platinum spark plug, then why are they shooting for a longer life spark plug (iridium)?" or "I have to wonder if Toyota/Lexus doesn't trust their 60k mile timing belt, then why are they shooting for a longer life 90K belt?" or "I have to wonder if Toyota/Lexus doesn't trust their 60k mile Type T-IV transmission fluid, then why are they shooting for a longer life fluid (the World Standard fluid used in the 2004 on up LS430)? ← actually monarch/saber.......I was quoting the service manager of my Lexus dealership from when I had my 30k mile service done. And if you look at the post, that was almost a year ago. In all actuallity, it is not the fluid itself that he didn't trust, it was the time/mileage interval of 60 months/5 years. If you would like his phone number I could give it to you so you could take it up with him. so is the long life coolant going to be the bee in your bonet this year just as Toyota genuine oil and filters were the for the past two? steviej
  3. exactly! The car is under warranty so it won't cost you a thing. You may want to leave the car overnight (hopefully a very cold night) so that they start it cold. If you drive to the dealership and have them look at it warm, it may not make the sound you hear initially. steviej PS. I changed the title of this thread to better represent the content.
  4. in addition to the headlight buckets you would need to install the ballasts and the associated wiring harnesses with them. I do not know if you would need a different amperage fuse or if the existing would be sufficient. I haven't heard/read of anyone doing this type of upgrade but that doesn't mean it can't be done. steviej
  5. your dilemna is similar to another member, nicksan. 1. have your battery and alternator load tested at Autozone. 2. if those check out ok, then start looking for items that will drain you battery overnight. For example, trunk light, visor lights, interior lights, pubble lights, etc. one or more of these may stay on when you walk away from the car and retire for the evening. Check each out. you say the battery keeps dieing....how many times and how long ago did it start. didn't you just install a navi system or am i thinking of a different member or a different car? steviej
  6. yeah, I was thrown by that too. does your ES have traction control? Some RWD cars are equiped with it. steviej
  7. An old one. Dell Dimension 4500, 1.8 GHz, 768 MB RAM, 40 gig HD 19" Flat Screen All that and dial up too. steviej
  8. I did both the calipers and rotors (not where the pads make contact) with the G2 kit. steviej
  9. bgut1, if you do not notice anything, then you should just sit back, relax and enjoy the hell out of your new ride. Welcome to the club. The last hesitation scenario that you type of with the tach going very high before your speed changes is the major hesitation that we speak of. Try this when you are cruising in 5th gear and you are traveling at over 40mph. See how long it takes you to downshift and get moving faster. Now picture changing lanes and a big semi coming down on your butt. That is where the hesitation scares some people and for good reason. steviej
  10. By getting a second opinion you are double checking the equipment by another technician and you are also checking the dealership's honesty. They may be trying to avoid the altenator if it is even suspect. If a battery gives them several months then that is several months that your warranty doesn't have to cover an alternator. But then again, it may have been just a bad replacement battery. That happens too. steviej
  11. chris, why did you buy a key that wasn't cut for your car??? :chairshot: stay off of ebay :whistles: steviej
  12. if the belts shifted, then the tire will be hard to balance as they will shift again. The dealer should replace it or Dunlop should replace it. Nylon belted and rayon belted tires do get flat spots when left overnight or for longer periods of time, but they spin true within a couple minutes of rotation. You can also have the tires balanced again under road force. Find a garage that has the Hunter RoadForce balancing machine. This applies pressure to the tire while spin balancing and this will help mimic actual road conditions when the tire is remounted. Awesome piece of equipment. steviej
  13. if you blew the fuse for the LH low headlight then the fog lights would be out too as this fuse is for both. Fuse #32, 15 AMP. It is in the engine compartment fuse holder, last in the row of little fuses closest to the back. If the fog lights still light up, then it aint the fuse. Swap the left bulb for the right bulb and see if it lights. If the right one is now out....it's the bulb. you got HIDs on your 03 ES? I don't know what the green bar is but I would put it back where I found it and see if that corrects your problem. steviej
  14. welcome to toyota/lexus hubs. the surface oxidation on the rotors comes off with the first application of the brake pads. the hubs can be painted. I did mine in the garage but it takes 24 hours (2 hours of work and 22 hours to dry solid). But the rust is gone. before: after: FINISHED PRODUCT: steviej give me a shout if you want more info.
  15. just for shats and giggles, get the alternator and the new battery tested at Autozone for free. It only takes a couple minutes. steviej
  16. have them replace the battery and leave. If it fails a third time, demand that they change the alternator and get it done with. steviej
  17. welcome to my world. It is the power steering belt and it needs to have the tension tightened as Alan said. My 2002 ES does this. Common noise, goes away in a few minutes after the car warms up. Same here, only in the cold (less than 30°). My dealer replaced both belts at 30,000 miles because of it. It came right back when it got cold. It doesn't do it anymore since I had them correct the tension. Only when the car is standing still and the wheel is turned can a get a hint of the sound. steviej
  18. by wing mirror, do you mean the outside door mounted mirrors? used: www.car-parts.com new: www.newlexusparts.com steviej
  19. white eyebrows, a roof spoiler and a small trunk lip spoiler would really fill out the picture on the Altezza. other than that, they both look swweeeeet. steviej
  20. when you leave the Lexus dealer, go to Autozone and get a second opinion for FREE. It can't hurt and can only confirm the Lexus dealer or refute them. Autozone will load test you battery and test your charging system for free. If it comes up clean then you got a additional load on your battery. Could be the wires, could be a ground, could be the remote starter system. This is were the detective work comes in. steviej
  21. I forgot, what was the final outcome with all your tranny problems on that one. or am I confusing your ES with someone else's. steviej ps...you can never keep your first love. Time to move on.
  22. I would seriously consider it. Will they let you take it too an independent mechanic of your choice to give it the once over. If that mechanic finds anything, will they fix it at no cost before the sale is made or lower the price? ie. brake job, leaky valve cover, etc. steviej
  23. many people "try" to reset the codes by either disconnecting the negative cable to the battery for 30 minutes and then reconnecting. This will also remove all presets in your radio and memory seat settings (if equipped). another way is to remove the ECU fuse for a few minutes. This will supposedly reset the ECU and the codes should be gone. Now, this is treating the symptom(s) and not the cause(s). If the perpetrating event or problem is still present the codes will only come back. Interesting you say this happened in damp weather. One way mechanics find bad spark plug wires and coils is to spray with a fine mist of water while the engine is running and see if there is any malfunction or misfire. This may be what you have on cylinder #2. I would not be suprised if you are successful in removing the codes, it will only be temporary until the next damp spell. steviej
  24. just a word of note to remember tdibook, TSBs are not to be confused with recalls. They are two different animals. bartkat's link to the alldata site will explain the differences. steviej
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