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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Oh don't worry You'll get used to it! seriously though I am just guessing. I honestly don't even pay attention to the beeps at all...other than the seatbelt beep that drives me nuts. I always wear my seat belt but wow that could drive you crazy for sure.
  2. Right Paul but you opened a door and closed it with the key still near the car so it "could" have been left in the car? That is the same thing with the trunk too.
  3. I am going to take a stab at this one. I think it is a reminder tone...kind of like when you leave your keys in the ignition...(old fashioned have to use the key to start the car) :) Anyway...I don't think that the car can determine if the keys are still in the car or not so it beeps to remind you that they are still in there? Once you are out of the car or clear of the distance that would allow you to unlock lock the car or start it then you are good! This is my best guess from what mine does? It may be or may not be right but it kind of makes sense? By the way...let me just tell you how dam...n annoying keys are! Jesh...who would have thought how inconvenient it is to have to put keys in a car. Our X5 is used for most family outings! It is a 06 and you have to hit the lock/unlock and use the key to start the car...I am just spoiled by the keyless technology it is so much of a PIA to have to get the keys out. Gosh I am getting LAZY! :)
  4. How much DC? My grass needs some greening up! :)
  5. What did you say? I don't remember you saying anything about the NAV lockout? :)
  6. Interesting read Paul! Thanks for sharing...
  7. Hope your bunny treats you well!
  8. Very cool stuff! You mentioned Social Security numbers.....ahhh......there was that little piece of time between 01' and 04' ...well..I meant to file a 1040 return, but there was a small problem with my funds in the Caymans and one thing lead to another.....and...well...ah...you probably know all this. And we can activate your webcam to see what you are doing! Paul...the pink panties have scarred me for life... :) :)
  9. Don't think so CD, they are different? Just a TROLL...
  10. Cool...let me know how you like it. My grill is due for replacement. I can get one more year out of it...maybe.
  11. He keeps it up he will be banned just like Bwilliams too. And smooth your right he's a troll for sure!
  12. Are you kidding. Do you know anyone with a GM? Ask them about their recalls...lady that works for me has a CTS she has gotten recall after recall. My mother in law's brand new CTS would not shut off they have had it back to the dealer a few times. Keep the money and jobs here...sure! Man you might not be drinking the Lexus Kool-aid but you are sure drinking some Kool-aid and it may have something in it. Buy a ford or a GM and join one of their forums. They may be interested in hearing your opinions.
  13. :) ok I have a BMW too. Had a Benz before but here is my BMW joke. What is the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? (think hard) BMW's have all of their pricks on the inside! :)
  14. Paul. There is quite a bit of farm land around here. It gets quite cold in the winter and I know what you are saying about the little critters trying to find a warm spot. We had a claim a few years a go where a possoum chewed up all kinds of stuff under the hood of a Pontiac. Claim was over $4,000. I guess I am going to get some mouse traps for my gx... :) What is your deal? Everyone of you post so far is bashing Lexus. Do you even have a Lexus and why did you join LOC to say our cars are a joke.
  15. I am a little confused too...you are saying mice are chewing up your wires?
  16. You will be getting the boot if you keep it up...you have been warned. Watch calling members names like the one I had to edit.
  17. I don't think it is a huge deal that I would have gotten that upset and left I would have just said fine put the tires where ever. But I see the point that Lenore is making it's my car my money put the tires where I want them...if you don't I'll take my business elsewhere. So guys tell me something let's say I have tires that are a different set on front and back like my Mercedes c class that I had. When I need new tires and I buy a new set for the front they aren't going to install them? They can't put them on the rear it is a different size wheel...so in that case would I have to buy all 4 or would they put them on the front and let me leave? I know that is different but there is a situation that they would let me leave with the new tires on the front of the car? Anyway Paul I also agree not all attorneys are bad...got some great clients and friends that are attorneys but this class action society, and sue sue society that we live in is out of control.
  18. I don't know if it wasn't wasn't for the lawsuits they would put the tires anywhere you wanted. I agree it is great if the business was doing it on principle but I am sure it is just corporate policy. I also turn away business when I know someone is doing something that is a bad idea or if they want to waive a coverage that I recommend. It's not worth the chance of an E and O claim. And even with the signed paper poor mrs jones didn't know what she was signing. But if didn't think I could get sued go ahead have a 60k car and you just want state minimum coverage...sure.
  19. Tom that is the whole point. What are the chances that you will have a total loss vs. have a $5k or $6k accident? Of course there is a chance it will be a total loss. As far as thefts it is getting harder and harder to steal newer cars http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-10-18-vehicle-thefts_N.htm
  20. I know both my parents just retired...feel sorry for you guys with nothing to do all day! :whistles: And as far as the car just don't like it at all...Paul...you know what they say different strokes for different folks. The wheels look like someone got it and went on pimp my ride! Kind of spaceship looking to me...maybe for the jetsons or something. Does it fly?
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