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Everything posted by jzz30

  1. its possible its yoru MAF, but to be safe PULL THE CODE!!!
  2. it can be alot of things. your switch could be bad or your window components could be bad such as the guide or regulator as they call it. things that could prevent the window from moving freely.
  3. i think i forgot to plug in the MAF connector or something like that. you should pull the code or have it scanned.
  4. i dont know if any cleaner will quite down injectors. if its really noisy then i would worry but if its soft like you say then its normal
  5. i know the trans pan doesnt use a gasket except a silicone seal. the filter on the other hand should use a cork gasket. sorry cant help with your problem, sounds like a problem with the AT computer if it gets better after resetting.
  6. well if your clutch was siezed then your car would have a hard time running or would not run because the single belt that drives all the accessories are all connected. what you will have to do if you havent already done so is take the belt off first. spin the outer part (the side the belt touches) if that spins freely then ok, next spin the inside. see if that spins. if id doesnt most likely your compressor is dead. but if the outer side spins, and the inside spins (with some resistance of course) then its possible that its your clutch. or more likely your magnet which engauges the clutch. also check your ac fuse. if its blown then thats another sign that your magnet is shorting or somehow drawing too much current.
  7. if its a soft ticking most likely its your injectors making noise.
  8. sounds like you forgot to plug something in when you did your ignition stuff. i think i did this once and i got the same symptoms you had.
  9. i tried but upon inspection at 120k miles or so, the clearances were within spec so that all ended.
  10. well if it is written that its compatible then it should be ok.
  11. not necessarily, the pad backing metal may just be worn. i had the same problem an a GS400 and just changed pads and the noise was gone.
  12. some toyota trucks i think the tundra comes with a what looks like a stroked 1uz, night be called a 2uz...
  13. your pad could just be worn. look at the pads and see if they are worn
  14. is it clicking faster with all the lights working or sumthin?
  15. i had that happen once just but i thought i lost the key so i bought new locks and they installed for free..kinda different story i guess...do you have the card with the key number? you can get a replacement if you do. and 50 bucks to take lugs off is a rip off!!! they have the master key set. they dont bother looking for the key in your car where ever it may be!.
  16. check fluids, unless smoking presists nothing to be worried about.
  17. well it all depends on how cheap you can find the new trunk for. if a body shop quotes you so much to fix it you need to find one thats cheaper including cost of paint.
  18. what year is this? if its a 1st gen then your water pump is run by your t-belt so this would just be your fan bracket.
  19. oem shocks dont cost much...maybe 300 bucks for all 4 corners
  20. yes it is. i recently heard on the news that in america several million gallons of fuel is wasted through vaporization becasue gas caps are not properly tightened. so the fact that there is trapped pressure in your tank is a sign of a properly working fuel system
  21. yep sounds like your compressor is dead
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